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DIANITA_1988live sex stripping with hd cam


89 thoughts on “DIANITA_1988live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I really hope that's his last boys' weekend away. Now for you to have a girls' weekend away. Find your own Magic, Mike! ?

  2. you can feel bad about anything. especially this, this seems shitty of him. i would tell him explicitly that it seems like he doesnt want to commit to you or be a part of your family. there could be other reasons, such as if his kids have behavioural issues and hes worried they would act out toward you, but leaving you out to dry like this is shitty. if he doesnt give you a reasonable explaination or affirm your feelings then i think he is probably not very serious about you and not worth your time

  3. Stick with your timeline. I have this nasty feeling green card is the main reason for quick marriage, not you being the one.

  4. And you drive for a living?! That's terrifying. You owe it to yourself and your passengers or fellow drivers to sleep somewhere else where you can get a good night's rest! This is really beyond mere inconvenience now.

  5. But what do you guys plan to do if you decide to have children? Christian or aethiest? For me it’s a dealbreaker for me. I absolutely don’t want to raise my children with any religion. They can learn and try going to different churches but it’s an absolute no. I’m not aethiest but it’s important that my children are not raised with religion

    I’m sorry, but religion is nonnegotiable for many people and can be a big fight if things get serious and children are involved. OP needs to think naked and long about it

  6. Religion is a huge foundation when used to build a relationship with your partner. There's nothing wrong with having different religions in your R, respect in each other's religion is the factor here. There should be a good talk between the two of you and to express the feelings regarding his thoughts to other religions. If he cannot come to an understanding that there is no one true religion and cannot respect yourd then there will be an issue.

    I am not a counselor.

  7. I’ve know many situations now where women have lied about SA. I’m not saying it happens a lot, but it does happen. I personally hate the “listen to the individual” mindset. You need evidence and proof in situations like this. You can’t just say “they raped me” and have absolutely no proof for it. Yes, she could be very traumatized but this is a very serious situation that needs to be dealt with. If the man doesn’t suffer consequences then he may continue this behavior. Or, if she is lying, then rumors could spread and that man could look like a rapist when he is actually innocent. It could ruin his life.

    I made a mistake with not telling anyone and not reporting the crime. Many other women have and now rapists are living their lives guilt and consequence free. If anything, knowing that has brought me more trauma then anything.

    Get a rape kit, report the crime, and then get therapy and self-care. You cannot just say something and expect everyone to believe you with 0 evidence or proof. That’s not how law works and not how the world works.

  8. That’s fair and I think it’s incredibly mature that you’ve realized that being in a relationship isn’t going to suddenly make you happy. My point was more around the lines of being single means that you may end up at some point wanting to go on dates occasionally and that being up front that you may end up going on dates with someone other than him may make him realize that he shouldn’t wait for you.

  9. This sounds completely normal. Lots of people talk in their sleep, and it often makes no sense. According to my wife, I do this kind of thing all the time. (I also used to sleepwalk sometimes back in my late teens / early twenties.) If there are no other causes for concern I’d just forget about it.

  10. Girl, Know your worth!! You might be his second choice but you are someone’s first. This man would leave you & the kids in a second if this woman would reciprocate. If it would be me, I would rather be alone and put me first than be with someone and be their second.

  11. I thought nothing could ever top the absolute entitlement and narcissism that was the time my mother sent my ABSOLUTELY DEAD BROKE, living in a drafty studio apartment with an ant infestation, a page from a jewelry catalog saying “all she wanted for Xmas” was…..

    ……. a $2k mother's ring

    And yet here we are.

    Because the mother's ring wasn't disguised as a gift for me.

    Honestly OP? I'd sell the sewing machine AND the jeans to a pawn shop or consignment store.

  12. You don't need to find an excuse to break things off with someone. If you're not into them, and don't want it to go anywhere, just end it. It's only been a couple of weeks.

  13. I was thinking that it wasn’t just run of the mill anxiety which is what I have.

    I don’t know what way to approach her with this though. Would you act the same way in the relationship with low mood OCD?

  14. Because there’s a reason for it, that OP seems to have magically forgotten. Which is straight up horse shit.

    It must be weird living in a fantasy world

  15. Your boyfriend is more attracted to you than anyone else, that’s all that matters. Even if a woman with his “ideal body” showed up, he’d pick you over her in a heartbeat. He’d want you a thousand times more than her without needing a second thought.

    Comparing yourself to women he wouldn’t want (because he wants you!) is pointless.

  16. Please look up machiavellian tendencies. It may explain a lot of his behaviour to you and if it does…RUN!!!!!!

  17. Ok, but changing your name or personality live doesn’t make what you do online any less real. If a girl changes her name live and posts nudes, she is still a real person who posted nudes live!. If a man reaches out to her and pays her for more pictures of her body, he is reaching out to a real person in real time. It’s not that difficult to understand.

  18. I don't think you're being paranoid but you might be over reacting in my opinion. It's normal for your SO to grieve and feel a certain way about a past lover that she used to love and plan life together.

    I believe that relationships are built on how much you're willing to compromise in order to reach a middle-ground.

    But if you can't see yourself with her, then you definitely should walk away, and if you stay then it will only bring you more pain and stress.

  19. I imagine that your own emotional responses to things are exaggerated at the moment because of the heightened emotions with your mother's illness. Try to think logically. She is in a hotel. She's not stranded on the streets, or stuck in the middle of nowhere without power. She's simply in a hotel. She is not right to block you – that's ridiculous and shows poor emotional maturity on her behalf. You are not 'the absolute worst'. She could have stayed at home, spent it with friends or done anything really. All she is doing is in a hotel. She really needs to get some perspective as do you.

    Put her out of your mind and spend time with your mother and don't let your childish girlfriend make this precious weekend about her

  20. I can totally appreciate not wanting to pass on genetic conditions to offspring.

    I cannot totally appreciate that your anxiety is affecting you this way. Counseling should help. Also, happy people in relationships don’t cheat, and don’t consider bringing on a third.

    Your husband has needs too. Marriage is about compromise. Maybe he will be willing to get a vasectomy, and then you’ll let him not wear a condom? The feel is different with and without. Your irrational fear doesn’t always get to win over his needs.

  21. Hello /u/Icelsalation,

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  22. Still, they shouldn't be getting a more expensive house when the interest rates are so high and there's a recession.

  23. Hello /u/throwawaythemix3005,

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  25. Harsh, but correct. He should have at least screenshotted her location away from the theater with the time stamp.

  26. Hello /u/zachred22,

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  27. I am sorry but it’s time to get out. He either doesn’t want to marry you or doesn’t want to get married at all. You are not going to get what you want from this guy. Do yourself a favor and don’t waste any more time on him.

  28. 2nding this. You don't just spontaeneously get an sti. Also he knows he did it. If your pregnant wife tested positive for chlamydia and you hadn't been sleeping around, how would you react? He knows he's busted.

  29. Stay over like sleep over? Do what ya gotta do to feel safe but may cause some issues with the husband. It would bother me but I would rather you be safe orrrr Call the police and tell them you want an increased patrol they’ll do drive bys and watch your place is another better option.

  30. I noticed this as well. The age gap is telling. As is his tik tok habits.

    It's not tik toks fault or the fault of the young women dancing on tik tok. But it is really telling as to whom he is attracted too. Sounds like OP is aging out of his ideal and he's just a creep.

    It doesn't sound like OP is the problem, but the bf is. He has unrealistic expectations and sounds like he only likes very young women.

    I feel bad for OP because she's had kids with this man. But this isn't a good situation. I'm not sure it will change. She can try talking to her bf/husband but not sure if it will change. He seems to not care what she thinks as he's so blatant about it.

  31. Leave him. You deserve so much better than someone who doesn’t really care about you. You literally wanted one simple thing and he couldn’t do that. Wtf ever I’d be gone lol

  32. Armpit checks are totally normal in relationships. I usually sniff my significant other about three times a day. I check his butt too.

    Nah, dude is weird af. Even if he wasn't controlling you by telling you how to groom yourself, I'd still be beyond put off by this. Time to give him the ?

  33. Based on you calling me antagonistic downthread I'm assuming you thought my question (in the other reply to this comment I'm now replying on) was intended sarcastically.

    It wasn't. I'm being literal. I'm offering my opinion too, but I'm still literally asking you to describe how you think that conversation should have gone, as an example, and to answer the question of whether you think it would have nipped the relationship in the bud or if there was still a way forward or not.

    What was 'the right way' for this to happen, in your opinion? Please spell that out, especially if you can do so in a similar script form of what he should have said and what her actual likely reaction would have been.

  34. If she is happy to have a lying cheater , let her have him , you get a good lawyer and sur the fucking shirt off his back …

  35. Hindsight is always 20/20 and when you’re in love sometimes it’s easier to only see what you want to see. But when things like this happen, how you proceed sets the standard for how the other person knows you’ll accept being treated. If you keep forgiving bad behaviours, your partner will learn they can walk all over you because you’ll give them another chance. Sounds like he has a nasty habit of blaming you for everything. That’s super disrespectful and already says a lot about how much he thinks he can get away with. I know the hurt it massive initially, but I think if you even have a little space away from him, you’ll see how much better off you are and hopefully how much more respect you deserve from a loving partner.

  36. He is trying to get you pregnant. He is 13 years older than you. One year and he is already withholding sex or emotional support because you don't want to do what he wants? And you still call him a boyfriend?

  37. I think we agree enough here, and I see and respect your perspective. You seem cool, I hope you have a good one!

  38. Live your life to please yourself, you only get one. I say this to you confidently because of your age. This truly may be your last chance. I’m not so sure your husband cheated because you were separated, but he’s a douche for hopping in the sack with a mutual friend. Seriously WTF! Really shit behavior from them both. Take care of your health either way. Good luck to you. Sometimes our destiny changes from what we expected, the folks that successfully navigate life are the ones that adapt and roll with it. You have apparently wanted a child for a long time, the universe finally said yes.

  39. You’re right I agree…it reminds me of Miley Cyrus’ lyrics in her song “flowers “ …i just don’t know who I am anymore. Thank you ?

  40. oh my bad. i was just trying to say that even if i was single, i would date an 18 year old fresh out of high school or even try and approach one. that’s the point i’m trying to get across to boyfriend but he doesn’t seem to understand that i’m not going to cheat nor do i want to cheat nor do i have bad intentions. he thinks i’m up to no goo

  41. oh my bad. i was just trying to say that even if i was single, i would date an 18 year old fresh out of high school or even try and approach one. that’s the point i’m trying to get across to boyfriend but he doesn’t seem to understand that i’m not going to cheat nor do i want to cheat nor do i have bad intentions. he thinks i’m up to no goo

  42. He wants to keep it so he can give it to whoever he has over during the week and it won’t be left in your car while you’re back home.

  43. Thank you!! I try my hardest even on the shitty days to do everything around here. There are days where the pain from the pcos gets too much to bend down so I only ask for help with that. Like getting the cat dishes when I’m doing dishes or the litter. Other than that, I do it all around here (besides the cooking problem) because he works so much. I’m just not his mom who wait on him hand and foot. I’m not a maid, I’m a wife.

  44. While I do t really understand the second quote due to Grammer and me being generally a git, I think, from what I read, you are fine! you let him know your plans and stated your desire to meet up if/when you can find time around the wedding, and he responded in the positive. sounds all kosher to me.

    on a side note though. your last statement and title. why do you not think you have a chance? how do you know there is a chance in the first place? you two may end up friends, friendly acquaintances, more than friends, etc. I think you could cut yourself some slack and just be you. if you can be your genuine self and see where the chips lie. he could be attractive externally and internally, or may have some big ol red flags. who knows at this point right?

    so breathe, make a valid attempt to find some time and coordinate with him, and see where it goes! I'm hoping you have a fantastic time at the wedding, making great memories and maybe some bonus memories/experience with the guy!

  45. Thank you SunnyTraveller. I do appreciate your comment and I am truly mindful of crossing any boundaries.

    I have been so close to sharing to my husband but I know it will hurt him. I just haven't felt emotionally safe and secure to share to him.

  46. well if he breaks up with you it would mean that you deserve better than a distant boyfriend that doesn’t give you any reassurance

  47. you’re not being immature, it’s your boyfriends role to talk to them about the fact that it makes you uncomfortable, if he doesn’t then he doesn’t respect you and you should move on

  48. I love this girl with all of my heart,

    You are in love with the idea of her and incredibly scared of being single. You don't love yourself if you put up with this type of treatment. There is no coming back. Your wife wants to live a single barfly life with hookups and also of course have stability with you. You deserve better and I can guarantee you that there are a lot of women who will appreciate what you bring to the table.

    I had a GF who started to act the way that your wife was going out and being generally disruptive and evasive. No cheating tho. (Or at least I'm pretty sure no cheating but who ever knows for sure.) I ended things after a long relationship. Best decision I have ever made.

  49. True. My wife was in bed with another man under covers when I returned home. Is she cheating?? And we are childless.


  50. Escape the delusions m8. She is cheating on you.

    Google maps doesn’t make a mistake that places coordinates exactly on her work husbands house. He’s ducking her down all day while you try to convince yourself you are seeing things.

  51. What would he think of the mixed children you may have? Would he mock you in front of them? Would he mock them?

  52. Maybe make use of the phrase “friend, you have to learn to take better care of yourself” and just recycle it each time she does this. You can still tell her how you feel, but put the effort back on to her. This is good because it pushes some of the emotional labor off of you, and it hopefully will help her reflect on her behavior in a way that ends up being helpful to her.

  53. If I where you, I would stay well away from this situation. I would not take mom in or provide any financial help at all. She had the means to help herself. It's not your problem if she refuses to use them.

  54. Mmm no I'm not. He finds her attractive and likes her personality. You are not required to date anyone but if that's what is stopping him it's literally the definition of transphobia. Don't bother replying I know you won't agree.

  55. This isn’t her fault but it is her responsibility. You can only be there for as long as you can be there. There’s no reason to stay with anyone if you aren’t happy, that’s what dating is. This is a serious issue and it’s going to require a lot of naked work from her. Why are you expected to work harder than her?

  56. I doubt you will feel like this forever. You dont have to start talking to women so soon, take your time. Enjoy being single for a bit. There was once a girl when I was in high school that I was infatuated with. There was some quality about here that I was just crazy for her. I got to know her and built up the courage to ask her out, she said no. After that I cut all ties with her(as one does), and for the rest of that year I was utterly heart broken. But time moved on and so did I. I am now married with kids and never think about her. Time moves ever forward.

    The reason I gave the lecture on what love is, is because you are very young. I dont doubt your feelings, but going forward in your next relationship you should ask yourself how much are you willing to suffer for your partner. What are you willing to give up for them. You will be heart broken again, you will love again. I wish you nothing but the best.

  57. He sounds insane. He will accuse her of cheating without a reason in the next update. His reaction is unhinged.

  58. “Closure” I'm sorry , but to me, that is a fantasy . He dropped you like a naked rock . You don't owe him jack shit . No explanation , no update , no NOTHING . Why would you put yourself in the position to be hurt even further ? The best way to handle people that treat you like he treated you is with silence . They should no longer exist to you . Respect yourself more than that . I'm sorry about your miscarriage. That's terrible.

  59. “Closure” I'm sorry , but to me, that is a fantasy . He dropped you like a naked rock . You don't owe him jack shit . No explanation , no update , no NOTHING . Why would you put yourself in the position to be hurt even further ? The best way to handle people that treat you like he treated you is with silence . They should no longer exist to you . Respect yourself more than that . I'm sorry about your miscarriage. That's terrible.

  60. I thought people used the rhythm method to get pregnant, not to avoid it? Like you're trying to find when you ovulate to be able to fertilize the egg. I guess that means you can just reverse the calendar to find the days furthest from ovulation but that is not the context I've ever seen it used in. This is giving me weird vibes.

    You have every right to decide what safe sex means for you and to cut off sexual activity with her if your individual views on that don't mesh. If she doesn't respect your right to feel safe, she's not as wonderful as she seems.

  61. A couple of options here:

    1) Arguably the worst, he's cheating on you and projecting so when you catch him he can go “aha! But you cheated too!” to weasel his way out of feeling guilty.

    1.5) Also arguably worst, he's gaslighting you to keep you isolated and easier to manipulate, run.

  62. If he makes that much then OP could retire very comfortably and take on house chores and that would be way more than fair.

    100% relevance.

  63. Incorporating a few superhero elements into wearing a suit is very different from wearing a superhero costume. Is he going to wear the full Superman costume or a regular suit with a Superman tie and maybe cuff links with the “S” logo?

  64. Okay, I didn't expect that you wanted the relationship to work based on your post.

    My suggestion, then, is perhaps some couple counselling. You definitely don't deserve to get snapped at, so you should sit down with him and tell him this is a big issue for you and you don't want to have to be on-edge around him.

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