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Date: September 23, 2022

33 thoughts on “DAPHNE

  1. Well this is up to you. You could just smile and nod and be their friend if you want to. But I think your reading is spot on- a lot of their friends disapprove of what they did and thus told them to fuck off, so he's now trying to make and keep friendships wherever he can.

    If you want to say something, I'd go with this:

    'Achilles, I've known you for a long time. I've also known Penelope for a long time, and Odysseus too. I understand that the heart wants what the heart wants. But the brain is supposed to be in charge, and uphold honor and trust. From where I sit, it doesn't seem like you or Penelope did either. You both had Odysseus's trust, and you both violated his trust. Then you pushed him out of your lives as quickly and efficiently as possible so you and Penelope could get together. There's an honorable way to do that. That would be FIRST Penelope breaks up with Odysseus, THEN he moves out, THEN you and Penelope start a relationship. But that's not what you did. You fucked Odysseus over to speed the whole thing up. I know you want someone to tell you that it's okay, that you did what you had to do, that love is love, or whatever. But I'm not that person. You will get no approval from me, because I think what you and Penelope did to Odysseus, was shameful and dishonorable. For what it's worth, I hope you and Penelope are happy together. I really do. But I also want Odysseus to be happy, and from where I sit, your happiness comes at the expense of his. I'm not saying I won't talk to you or I refuse to be friendly with you. But I think it's important for us to be clear where we stand.'

  2. Have you discussed sick leave? You both deserve sick leave, but if it's not prearranged and he's having to cover for you every month with no give-and-take, that's going to breed discontent. If you get 2 weeks a year if sick time, he should have that, too. He can do a mental health day if he doesn't get sick often, or save it for when he has a bad cold or something. But he needs to know he has those days in the bank, too, otherwise he's going to resent you.

  3. Thank you for taking the time to write. I think I should definitely book an appointment with my counsellor. And thank you for the reminder to tell him how much I love and appreciate him

  4. You are just being like her family. You sound like her studies are more important then her. You need to help her – helping herself – not just being dominant.

  5. Hello /u/akajzhzmslsne,

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  7. Well you know his moves. He used them on you effectively and you’re watching him use them on her. They work. I would never do a pick me dance for anyone. I would rather be single.

  8. This is not a drill, this isn’t a hypothetical or reading yea leaves, this dude is a walking talking red flag. He is 100% an abuser, not a potential one, and you are right on the traditional track these relationships go in where he begins wresting control of your entire life from you one small piece at a time.

    Get the fuck out yesterday. Please. Your only winning play is getting out of this “relationship”, and that gets harder the longer you wait. Save yourself half a lifetime of misery (assuming he doesn’t become physically abusive at some point, which wouldn’t be surprising in the least).


  9. Honestly I was on his side until I found out that she didn't know you existed and was taking hikes with him. That is shady as fuck that she thought he was still single.

  10. That’s fair. But he did know on the day and was radio silent all day so I knew he was off but he wouldn’t say anything so I found out randomly when his sister posted. He comes to me for 99% of things and wants held, soothed and loved but major things are funky to deal with

  11. I get why you would support that because they have a pretty good discourse, however the way they practice those things are indeed harming woman's rights because they blame feminism for those issues when most of them come from the patriarchy system. Maybe you should research better those organizations

  12. Your ability to describe things is actually god tier and now certain images are just seared in my mind so thanks for that…

    I mean, sounds like a pretty normal petty argument.

    However, much like with all petty arguments that blow up, I would guess that you're not arguing over the thing you think you're arguing about.

    Usually there's is something sitting beneath the surface which has manifested itself into the real world bearing the guise of 'petty'. Maybe your husband wants more control? Or maybe he feels another way?

    Best thing to do, is talk and if you can't find a civil way of doing that go for professional help.

    Anyway that's just my take, hope you figure it out.

  13. maybe meet him first? seems pretty clear he was looking for a hookup, and that was eight months ago. taking a trip together is definitely a “we've been dating for a few months” at least kinda thing.

  14. Are you that desperate to want to keep a man who you “llllllooovvveee” who cant keep his dick where it belongs? Throw in verbal abuse, and manipulation and we can all see why you dont want to lose him…ugh

    Wake up, open your eyes, have some self respect, and be thrilled that you can get out of this now.

  15. I don’t know if it’s a red flag that someone won’t change their personality as much as it’s a sign of incompatibility

  16. Um. It’s casual? And considering I told him I’d be pretty busy and I’ll try to squeeze him in. I asked if he wanted to meet up.

  17. He sexuality assaulted you. His behavior and laughter would be disturbing enough if he didn't know it reenacted a precious assault; the fact that he knew that and did ut anyway makes it even worse. You aren't safe with him; leave and never look back..

  18. Do you know where she lives? Who she lives with?

    Could many things going on.

    Maybe she's ashamed of her house/apartment.

    If she lives with family (like parents, siblings) maybe perhaps they are toxic and she doesn't want that to ruin your relationship.

    Or she could be hiding something bigger.

    In general it's best not to assume

  19. Make your husband take a stand. If he will not then maybe this is not the man you should marry. You don’t want to spend your life dealing with these shenanigans.

  20. You probably need to apologise for your reaction, but she needs to apologise for her comment, as without context, which she did not provide until after you reacted, does come across as a dig at you for not being there.

    And take a screenshot of it if you haven’t already, as you’re going to need her to see how it looks from your end. DO NOT use it for anything other than getting her to see the conversation from your eyes, and only do this once, if you can’t talk it through. And once this has been resolved, delete the screenshot immediately. If is not fuel for an argument later on.

  21. We worked together and found we had similar interests. We started hanging out on the weekends and became best friends.

  22. “wicked nice” is such an interesting choice of words in this context.

    OP, this is not ok. I think you know that.

  23. I’m in NY. What day/where is your graduation? I’m sure a bunch of Internet strangers would love to come together and support you!

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