DaikotaParis on-line webcams for YOU!


15 thoughts on “DaikotaParis on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Make copies of everything financial

    Make copies of everything you saw on his phone

    Talk to lawyer

    DO NOT leave the house without talking to a lawyer, this could hurt you in the divorce.

    GET tested for STDS

    Do not do anything without a lawyer, i can not say that enough.

    Do not abandoned the house.

  2. Maybe she has a problem because you think it's okay to cheat under certain circumstances. Like you just mentioned?

  3. Why can’t he have kids with women his own age? Because they see him for what he is and know to stay away. Don’t throw away years of your life for this groomer.

  4. I only ever had one girl with a stanky vag, she too was mortified when I told her. Like your boyfriend, I didn't mean it as any insult.

    In honesty though, I think it was just natural body odor from sweat, because if I went down on her directly after a shower it was like a normal vagina. She wasn't a dirty girl that didn't shower or anything like that, I think it was just normal b.o. from normal every day walking.

    So, try showering right before maybe and see if it's the same experience? Idk, hope it helpa though and good luck!

  5. Why the hell can’t he bring his wife on a combo pre wedding party when the groom and the bride will be there….

    I won’t even go to a Saints Game without my wife

  6. Why the hell can’t he bring his wife on a combo pre wedding party when the groom and the bride will be there….

    I won’t even go to a Saints Game without my wife

  7. He is allowed to have his feelings but he is not allowed to stop you from killing the baby. It is 100% your right as a woman to kill your baby. A man has no say in it whatsoever.

    If you want to kill your child, kill your child. You do you Queen!

  8. Loss of sex drive, loss of interest, are you seeing other red flags? Is he working longer hours, evenings? Protective of his privacy when he is on the phone?

  9. I actually AM the cynical partner. But I realize there’s only so much of it she can take, so I really do my best to limit it around her. And watch cat videos to lighten the mood.

    Just tell him flat out that his constant negativity is crushing everything he loves about you, and he needs to figure out a way to turn it down if not off.

  10. Have you been as open with your therapist as you've been here honey?

    You mention that you thank him for “helping” you, that's part of the problem here. It's not helping, it's his responsibility.

    You're carrying the whole load and celebrating him for carrying crumbs. Who taught you that love had to be like this? Why do you believe that this is what you deserve? Why does his love cost you so much?

    You deserve a soft life full of love and a partner who contributes meaningfully to that. You are worthy. You always have been.

    This commenter is right, you should take a break and go stay with a loved one for a few days. He needs to take care of himself, and you need to stop babying him to make your life feel easier. Of course it feels easier to do everything yourself than to fight with him every step of the way. He knows it, that's why he's acting the way he is. You're letting yourself be taken advantage of.

    You deserve so much better.

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