Cutemia7 online sex chats for YOU!


oil in my body [88 tokens remaining]

Date: November 2, 2022

7 thoughts on “Cutemia7 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think the best course of action would be getting a therapist because it takes an absolutely sick and twisted person to shit all over one of the few sources of happiness your husband's disabled daughter has what type of disgusting worthless piece of trash person would get rid someone's heirlooms and replace them with garbage, you should feel beyond terrible and until you realize what kind of monster you've been I can't foresee things ever being good in your relationship

  2. Well, now your family knows you’re the shit stirring busybody. You need to learn about boundaries. Is she actively cheating now? No. Then stfu and let them be happy.

    People make mistakes, sometimes a lot of them, and then learn from those mistakes and change. For all you know, your sister might have been dealing with issues like sexual trauma or lack of self-worth and self-sabotage that caused her to act that way in the past. Maybe she’s gotten therapy. Maybe she’s sorted her shit out.

    But instead of just letting two adults handle their relationship, you connived and planned and ambushed her boyfriend. And told him what? She cheated in the past. Okay? She’s not cheating now.

    And what if was a serial cheater too? What if he’s the one having an affair now? You see what a mess you’ve made for yourself? You look like an insecure, jealous ahole.

  3. She is to blame sure, but as is he.

    She has followed him, but she did not know how it would look like. People often make decision, in situation where they aren't able to properly understand what they signing up for, before hand. One thing for sure, she did not expect to be so neglected by OP.

    I think you all lack empathy. Just from description made by OP, I can tell how miserable he has made her. She has felt abandined, which she was. Cheating is never good, but OP did his part of being tertible partner just as diligently.

  4. That is correct. We decided to put our money towards what felt right at the time. There’s no conflict as to why we haven’t held our wedding. Just put other things before it.

  5. OP, you need to find away to deal with your anxieties enough to become self supporting. This is NOT a safe haven for you. Have you check out homeless/abused women (hon, you are being emotionally abused) in your area. You really should.

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