Cock Pleaser on-line sex cams for YOU!


❗, All horny lady needs a nice man to fuck all day❗//check my [77 tokens remaining]

Date: October 3, 2022

2 thoughts on “Cock Pleaser on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I would send two texts. First to your friend:

    “Get your shit together. Your husband is contacting me for info because he knows something is going on.”

    Then to the husband:

    “Sorry, but I don't feel comfortable getting in the middle of this.”

    This accomplishes two things. It lets your friend know the husband knows. And it lets the husband know something is definitely going on. Now it's their problem.

  2. Mind your business.

    She's your coworker. Not your friend.

    You need to learn boundaries with the people you work with.

    Everyone has problems. You're there to get money to live.

    Not hear about her problems. Not to gift money. And not to potentially be reported for creepy behavior.

    So if you have to ask if she would interpret it as creepy, then you're not good enough “friends” for her not to..

    Which is why you should mind your own business.

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