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Room for on-line sex video chat Chichi_love_
Model from: it
Languages: en,it
Birth Date: 1996-05-23
Body Type: bodyTypeThin
Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite
Hair color: hairColorRed
Eyes color: eyeColorGreen
Subculture: subcultureGamers
Date: September 11, 2022
Why do you feel the need to be engaged? Why not wait til you’ve been together a few years
Tell your wife that you cheated on her so she can decide about the sex life she wants to have with you
Dude it’s over. You have to take drugs to survive. Find happiness elsewhere.
the only question that actually matters.
Do not have children with this man. He essentially already has 2 and will always choose them over you and yours.
He sounds like a complete idiot. Regardless, if you haven’t talked to him about how what he says hurts you, you should. If you have and he hasn’t stopped, it’s time to move on to a person who actually respects who you are.
You’re right OP should never let his wife out of his sight, maybe never leave the house, because she has no agency and will fall victim to every predator lurking around the corner
Ditch him. That's how he intends to treat you.