Celene live! webcams for YOU!


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    I like to comment on these threads without reading other comments since this sub, and reddit in general, can get very group think like

    If I bias my perspective with what others are saying first, I cannot give my honest unaffected advice

    Hence, I didn't see any of your other responses

    I wasn't stereotyping. I was making a comment based on my life experience.

    Saying some Japanese people like to eat edamame isn't a stereotype; saying they all do is

    It's a common issue I have seen through my own life with similar situations

    As for the hunch, I'm not sure what you expected asking a bunch of strangers on the internet for advice honestly?

    Not everyone will have had life experience just like yours; I just offered mine

    You say read more context, but I read what you wrote and here is what I thought:

    My experience told me that you seemed a bit possessive; doesn't mean my experience is applicable to you tho

    At the very least, I think you are being a hypocrite. Your BF likely sees it as unreasonable that he cannot see his female friends, but he respects that boundary

    You see this as ridiculous, but seem less willing to respect it

    I then offered perspective I have encountered in my own life to try to give you different angles to approach the subject

    I don't know you, nor your bf, nor do I care if my hunches are right. I simply like the idea that taking a bit of time to write these comments can help people

    So no need to be rude.

    If you don't like my response, you're free to ignore it

  2. You seem to be misunderstanding. Yes I knew her for 3 years before we started dating, but she was the one to ask me out. She was the one who confessed to me, and this all happened after she turned 20.

  3. Do you wear a fedora? Do you describe yourself as ‘nice?’ Do you expect sexual relations from a female friend who has said that she doesn’t see you in that way, but you continue to buy her gifts so you can be resentful and throw a hissy fit when she sleeps with someone else?

    Congratulations! You’re a ‘nice guy’!

    She literally said she didn’t want you to buy stuff for her. She said she didn’t want to date you. She was open about that. She owes you nothing.

  4. I think you didn’t make a mistake by not making a move. She wants to do it the right way and probably wouldn’t want you to yet anyways. I think you’re handling this right, just don’t get your hopes too high.

    Think about if you honestly think you can be just friends and be okay with that or not, because if she comes back with that then you may need to decide to step away. Only you will know, but you don’t wanna suffer through for her sake. I would say waiting to see how she feels after this one meeting with her boyfriend is okay but if she feels good to move forward with him then I’d say move on and find someone else like she said. Can’t keep yourself waiting forever!

    All the best!!

  5. Just be supportive and loving and reassure them as much as possible that you know sometimes it’s hot, having a new baby, and you hope they’re doing okay and hanging in there together, and if they ever need anything, even just someone to vent to, you’re there and you love them, everyone has moments as a new parent where you feel lost or desperate but if you ever need anything you just need to reach out and the people who love you want to be there for you. And don’t give any advice unless they specifically ask, just offer love and respect for them as grown adults.

  6. There are red flags from all over. He absolutely is a jerk with anger issues to call you a name like that.

    However, it's not your place to demand that he take down photos from his social media. Many people break up but still remain friends with their ex, their exes family or mutual friends. Those are his memories. No one is going to look at 7 year old photos and think he is with her still, especially if he is posting photos of you. That speaks more about your own insecurity. You don't get to arbitrarily decide what someone should do with their memories.

    I wouldn't say he is hung up on his ex but it's definitely an area of emotion for him. It doesn't excuse his behavior.

    You both sound incompatible

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