Big Cock the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Big Cock, 35 y.o.


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Big Cock online sex chat

Date: October 3, 2022

16 thoughts on “Big Cock the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It will be very hurtful , it will pain both probably him more but it's the right thing.

    You ll snap at his little things that is usually adorable for others. It ll hurt him nude.

    And yes, you can also regret hard once you see him move on too.


    You tried to pull a sneaky and it backfired. Lose that woe is me shit. You admit to bugging your wife until she agreed and now you can sleep with other women but she can’t sleep with men? Fuck off outta here with that shit. If she were only into men would you have pushed for this or were you just trying to get your wife to agree to a threesome/you having sex with other women?

  3. Ignore the words. Look for his actions. Is he buying a nice engagement ring? Is he helping you set a date? Has he started looking at the kids of his friends with curiosity and affection? He may be sincere. But make sure.

  4. If I were you I would hand her divorce papers and let her know that if things don't change you will be filling for divorce. You would be amazed at how her attitude would change.

  5. There's no compromise when one partner wants an open relationship and the other doesn't. You either need to learn to accept she's not interested, or leave the relationship. She's made it very clear she does not want to be open, and you have to respect that.

  6. If you want to be a stay at home mom, first you would need to establish financial expenses and savings goals, and then your partner would need to be in agreement with it. So what I would do is use that degree and find a job, open up a bank account and learn how to manage money, pay bills and start putting away some money in savings.

    Another thing to consider is what would you do if your husband left you and didn't pay alimony or child support? A wife who is accustomed to everything being handled for her financially in life will be in for a rude awakening when she is left to face it alone. Just some things to consider.

  7. He picked at what he knew was an insecurity and a vulnerability of hers, and he did it to hurt her.

    That is unacceptable behaviour from a spouse.

  8. My ex did this exact same thing, except she waited a week to do it. Came in to work fine, left an emotional wreck because I found out she had sex with a coworker on his lunch break. It was a very emotional time for me as she was the first person I had truly fallen in love with. We got back together for like 2 weeks (absolutely dumb move on my part) then split for good. I've since moved on from her, but it still stings, ya know? Moral of the story: Men are not stoic. We have feelings and you hurt him. He will never truly forgive you unless he is incredibly kind (I won't forgive my ex and I'm probably the most kind, naive person ever) and even then it'll take a while. He'll always suspect you of cheating (we know you didn't but to him that's what it looks like) and this will cause problems down the line. Some advice? Spare him any more pain and hurt and leave.

  9. If you both aren’t in agreement about having a child why didn’t you establish what birth control you’d use before having sex?

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