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BadAngels666live sex stripping with hd cam


59 thoughts on “BadAngels666live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If she gets a dog, there’s a good chance you resent her and even the dog. Have an in-depth conversation about this.

    If you do get one, would it be a rescue or purebred? Does she want a high energy or chill breed? Training? How does she imagine the dog be integrated into your lives? Dogs on furniture or in the bed? What about the expenses for the vet and maintenance expenses?

    You might not have a definitive answer after the initial discussion, so it’s okay to mull over the information and then make a decision soon after.

    Only you can decide if you could tolerate raising another living being.

  2. She’s abusive. Physically, emotionally, etc. Her comments about your friends are a way to try and isolate you from them.

    Please try to find a way to safely leave the relationship. Talk to your support system (friends/family) for help if you need to.

  3. Leave this poor woman alone. She's done nothing wrong. She didn't know you or that he was in a relationship. She slept with a man who didn't bother to bring you up and didn't give a fuck about you. He didn't think about you once. Not once while he was getting her pregnant.

    And then when put in an awkward situation, she handled it with grace and dignity. Your husband lied then, and he lied again now.

    What's wrong with you? Stop blaming innocent people for your errors in continously forgiving someone who perpetually lies. Why the fuck would someone suspect him of lying? It's not their job to fact check your husband. The fact that someone needs to is pathetic.

    Stop traumatizing innocent people. Blame him or blame yourself.

  4. Some people don’t care though. I know it’s rare, but i saw someone comment that they get along with their ex’s AP now gf.

  5. Dude this isn’t pretty woman. Tell her how you feel and say good bye. I don’t think I would be able to look at her the same.

  6. Hehe, thats a cute one. He just wanted to take that burden of cleaning off of you and give you a night of rest and relaxation instead of going home and start cleaning with him around. He made a sweet thoughtful gesture just to sit with you and not having you cleaning up while he's there.

  7. Totally agree. As the situation occurred I can totally understand the girls response and thats why I also said it's fine to add her in that moment. This was my bfs decision a while ago for us to grow mutial friends list so thats why he stated it like that and probably also felt like he was afraid to add alone. But I have not asked him anything like that, it was a mutual agreement a while ago for the both of us.

  8. It has been 11 days – give him some space. He probably wants to decompress and think about things. When he’s ready to talk to you and engage he’ll get in touch. He sounds like he has a LOT of problems and it’s good for you to take time and get space too. Anyone who has that much dysfunction and confusion going on, who is all over the place emotionally, gives mixed signals, confuses the fuck out of you…not really boyfriend material at the moment? This kind of anxiety is related to the co-dependency. Try and get through it to come out the other side? ❣️

  9. My husband and I share the account. He introduced me to reddit and let me try it on his account, and it became our account lol . We never had any problem with that, our posts/comments are not a big mystery

  10. It is normal. Especially if you have been making hurtful remarks. It seems she realises you don’t know where the line is (because you have crossed it more than once). So now you don’t get to talk about it at all.

    I once told my husband’s uncle that there are no circumstances in which he should talk about a woman’s weight. Not if she is pregnant, not if she has lost weight, or gained weight. You never know what someone is going through. My mum just lost 15 kgs because she has been really sick the last 9 months. Now she might even agree that a year ago she needed to lose some weight, but not like that and not that fast or that much. I had people comment when I was pregnant saying things like “are you sure you’re not having twins?” And I’d say “no, just one baby. And their weight and mine is tracking at exactly the right growth. But thanks for making this first time mother feel insecure.”

    But also, I think perhaps you might not have compatible values. So that’s worth having a conversation about. Really don’t bring up weight though. In that conversation, or in any further conversations with anyone else in the future.

  11. Hello /u/MobbCheap,

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  12. Honestly he’s my best friend and a great life partner. I genuinely want to fix things with him and put in the work to get there, just don’t know where to start. It’s always been like this but I thought I could change him over time, and life happened and our sex life has been on the back burner. So he’s probably just used to doing what he’s always done and doesn’t realize how much it bothers me ?

  13. Well, that's kind of the dilemma. To you the meaning isn't the cost of the gift but the gesture as a whole. If he didn't get you one, the gesture never happened.

    If he comes back with nothing or you have to remind him that he can't just skip a gift no matter how cheap, it still doesn't really grant the gesture imo but thats up to you. Maybe he has some dinner plans or a date he can swing out of this. But its a tricky tight rope of do or don't mention how hurt you are when hes got so little time with you left.

    I'd say if he still comes back empty handed and does nothing special during his stay, wager how the conversation would affect the vibe of the trip vs having it later. But do bring up how it hurt you so he knows in the future to make things right.

    That or just poke fun and say “you better have a good date planned for me” and see if he scrambles something together.

  14. I have little doubt that she really thinks everyone else is the problem, even outside of the context of getting defensive when I bring it up.

    You hit the nail on the head that all the work needs to start from a shared understanding of reality, and we have not yet been able to get there.

  15. That’s such an awful situation that you’re in, and I’m so sorry to hear it.

    Please, please, please, do not stay in this relationship for the baby. My mom and stepdad stayed together through infidelity “for the kids”, and it was awful. We grew up with such a warped view of what a relationship is. I know that you think you’re helping your son and I get it, but it won’t be better for him to be in such a terrible home situation and you don’t need to throw away your own happiness like that.

  16. Absolutely not. OP doesnt owe her bratty manipulative ADULT child anything. She wasnt asked, or consulted just got a list of outrageous demands. Grandparents are human beings and deserve their own lives. Plus her daughter would never just “compromise”. Thats a pure fantasy. The next post from op would be about her daughter randomly dropping off the bsby and disappointing for a week for a “vacation while the village” cares for her baby.

  17. Hello /u/DefinitionSorry,

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  18. Hello /u/-1anonymous,

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  19. It's not withholding if its not purposeful. If he had asked why, and she didn't tell him. Sure, a little shitty. But also her reasoning for being child free might not be due to fertility.

    She CAN change her mind. Her biology doesn't necessarily reinforce it. There are plenty of options including fertility treatments, adoption agencies and Foster systems.

    I understand your point, but I don't necessarily agree. Sometimes you just don't talk about things, yknow? Like. I understand if it doesn't matter to you, you may mention it at some point. But also, sometimes things don't matter so you just don't mention it.

    I think this is just a matter of a difference in opinion, though. I appreciate the debate(?), and I do appreciate and understand what you're trying to say. I just don't personally agree.

  20. No matter what he was trying to do or whatever compliment, men forget they also don’t stay young and hard and this kinda talk makes young women barf ?

  21. Break up with your current gf. Do not confess to her friend immediately. Give it time to settle before you move on her.

  22. Your wife is fat phobic. She needs therapy and to get her head out of her ass. Idk why you even want to be with someone like that. Your wife is going to nit-pick every food item any of your kids want to eat and give them a complex. My aunt (who also had an eating disorder) did that with my cousins and all 3 of them ended up either bulimic or anorexic in their youth. This needs to be taken care of before the baby arrives. Your mom doesn't deserve this, nor does your future child. Do better.

  23. Go find someone that will treat you with respect. You're so young and there's no need to deal with this non-sense.

  24. This post sounds very one sided and a bit manipulative. I’m not saying you weren’t being treated right by your STBXH but it also sounds like you found an outlet in a fantasy with this new guy.

    Ask yourself, if this new guy wasn’t in the picture to “rescue” you would you leave your husband? I think we all know the answer is no. This new guy is giving you butterflies and boosting your self esteem, which is good on the surface but doesn’t really get at the root of your issues: communication.

    It sounds like your mind was made up before couples therapy and you’re focused solely on the new guy. It would be best if you just moved away to work on yourself for your kids as your focus will now be on developing this new relationship which may get in the way of time with the kids.

  25. My dad was razzin' grandma about sex depreciating as she aged. My 80 yo grandma looked him dead in the eye and said: the older the ram, the stiffer the horn!

    After a moment where both nearly died of mortification, grandma asked, “Did you really think you father and I went to bed at 4:30p because we were tired? We liked to get up before the rest of the house.”

  26. What the actual fuck? For her own safety and your sanity make it clear this is a hard no for you – if you goes then all respect is gone and its divorce time. If she doesn't go she will hate you initially but at least she retains her head and internal organs in the correct places and maybe she will come around and thank you in time. Fuck sake what is wrong with the world these days. Why can't a 33 yo see through this influencer bullshit.

  27. That's gross. I guess you can't do anything about the sleep or the bathroom, but other than that, say something next time he does that. Just say you find it nasty. Sure, it's natural, but also, no one needs to be rude and purposely do that in front of someone else.

  28. Dude, my mother-in-law got married again at 54 and is extremely happy with her new husband.

    Right now you are wallowing in self-pity. That's okay up to a point, but you can't stay there. It's not healthy and it's definitely not productive. It also sounds like you are depressed as hell, so you really need to see a doctor about the possibility of meds.

    Once you have found a medication that works for you, you'll find therapy is actually helpful to unpack the patterns in your life that drive you into abusive relationships – and how to stop yourself from repeating the cycle.

    There is help out there, but you have to want to use it. No one can force you to do it, you have to make the choice to help yourself. Good luck.

  29. It's like art, ya know? You ever have something on your plate that looks so dang good it's a cryin' shame to eat it?

  30. It's like art, ya know? You ever have something on your plate that looks so dang good it's a cryin' shame to eat it?

  31. It's like art, ya know? You ever have something on your plate that looks so dang good it's a cryin' shame to eat it?

  32. I literally listed 5 or 6 things not 10-20. It's not that hard to say I cook dinner 4 times a week, I take care of all the cleaning except she vacuums on the weekend.

    Why would you not want to make your partner's life easier knowing you have more free time? Why wouldn't you use a portion of your 20 extra hours of free time to make things easier on your partner so they would stress less and have an easier time when they get home? Why wouldn't you?

  33. I literally listed 5 or 6 things not 10-20. It's not that hard to say I cook dinner 4 times a week, I take care of all the cleaning except she vacuums on the weekend.

    Why would you not want to make your partner's life easier knowing you have more free time? Why wouldn't you use a portion of your 20 extra hours of free time to make things easier on your partner so they would stress less and have an easier time when they get home? Why wouldn't you?

  34. At best he meant to send it to someone else at worst he meant to send it to your sister and see what happens

  35. Yes, you are emotionally blackmailing her by tying your non-communication to the idea that she wouldn't let you on-line with her. If you know you're somewhat abusive to your family, you should also know that idea wouldn't turn out very well anyway.

    Stopping communication while you're working on yourself isn't unheard of or wrong in itself. But you're also going about it the wrong way. That plan should include letting your family know whats happening, why its happening and the occasional check-in from your side to let them know you're okay. You also need to have a plan for how to get to a better place mentally.

  36. My only advice I can provide is to ignore everyone in the comments either saying “this is a sign to keep the baby!” Or “have the abortion.” You need to discuss with your boyfriend.

  37. He's trying to manipulate you into taking him back. Don't buy it. He's older than you He knows what he's doing.

  38. He wants someone to prioritize him. You can't. You're incompatible. You broke up. End of story. Stop obsessing over what he's doing and work on yourself and live your life.

  39. I'm going to go against-the-grain here and say I don't think OP is some irredeemable piece of shit.

    Imagine wanting kids and then finding out your SO changed their minds on that absolutely crucial topic mere weeks before getting married. Wouldn't you be hurt? Wouldn't there be a possibility you'd lash out?

    It's not like OP beat her or did something completely irredeemable. He said something mean and he should definitely apologize…which he did. And judging by his comments n this thread I can tell he's genuinely penitent.

  40. Honestly you shouldn’t have kids with that reaction you had. Like having kids isn’t just taking your name. They are work and kids will test you how are you going to be when your 8 year old gets mouthy? You going to stomp off too? Like you need coping skills.

  41. You, like many young people, don't seem to know what a “boundary” actually is.

    Boundaries are for yourself and not so you can dictate another person's behavior.

    For example: I have a boundary that I don't want to date a person that smokes, so I don't date smokers. If I was dating a person wanted to start smoking, I can't say “you can't smoke because my boundary is that I don't date smokers!” I can say “I don't want to date a smoker, so I will leave the relationship.”

    Additionally, relationship boundaries are whatever the people involved in the relationship agree works for them.

    For some couples, this may be an agreement that neither of them can spend any time alone with a person of the opposite sex. This is unhealthy, but if that's what both people want and agree to, then that is their boundary.

    For others, a Tuesday night orgy is a common thing, and their boundary is that protection is always used.

    You need to discuss with your partner(s) what you find to be acceptable behavior in a relationship. There is no “one size fits all.”

  42. Well, now you know you can’t trust her. With anything. Make your moves based on that particular fact.

  43. It's understandable to feel nervous and hesitant about breaking up with someone, especially after a year-long relationship. However, it's also important to prioritize your own well-being and not stay in a relationship that doesn't fulfill you. Here are some tips on how to move forward:

    Remind yourself why you want to break up: Make a list of the reasons why you want to end the relationship. This will help you stay focused on your goals and not get sidetracked by doubts or guilt.

    Be clear and direct: When you have the conversation with your boyfriend, be clear and direct about your decision. Don't beat around the bush or try to soften the blow. Be respectful, but firm.

    Give yourself time to grieve: Breaking up can be a difficult and painful process, even if you're the one initiating it. Allow yourself time to grieve the loss of the relationship and the future you had envisioned.

    Seek support from friends and family: It's important to have a support system during this time. Talk to trusted friends or family members about how you're feeling and ask for their support.

    Take care of yourself: After a breakup, it's important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. Make time for self-care activities, such as exercise, meditation, or a hobby that brings you joy.

    Seek professional help if needed: If you're struggling with self-esteem issues or finding it difficult to move on, consider seeking the help of a therapist or counselor.

    As for your fears about life after the breakup, it's important to remember that the dating world can be challenging, but it's not impossible to find a fulfilling relationship. Take things one day at a time and focus on building a life that makes you happy. Don't compare yourself to others or put pressure on yourself to find a new partner right away. Trust that with time and effort, you'll be able to build a life that brings you joy and fulfillment.

    Regarding the guilt you feel about leaving after his family member's death, it's important to remember that you are not responsible for other people's emotions or reactions. While it's understandable to feel empathetic, ultimately you need to prioritize your own well-being and happiness. You can offer your condolences and support during this difficult time, but it's not your responsibility to stay in a relationship that doesn't work for you.

    Remember, you deserve to be in a relationship that brings you happiness and fulfillment. It may be difficult in the short-term, but in the long-term, you'll be glad you made the decision to prioritize your own well-being.

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