Asunalovee live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 10, 2022

7 thoughts on “Asunalovee live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Making passive states to label someone doesn’t remove the fact that you’re labeling someone.

    Second, the older I get and the more I learn, shows me how much I really don’t know and how much more I need to learn. I hope the same applies to you. I hope we all can grow in humility and wisdom, being willing to learn from the mistakes others have made and the good decisions that others have made.

    Please don’t take my statements as “matter of fact”. You may never have any issues with any friends. I truly hope you never do. I wish the whole world was void of wrong/bad decisions. The reality is, even good people make bad choices. All you can do, is develop great character and help others do the same and protect yourself and your loved ones. Life is short.

    I wish you all the best in your relationship and friendships.

  2. Well, maybe, marriage is in his plans after all.

    Just not with you.

    7 years is more than enough to make up one's mind.

  3. Yeah and I'd laugh and say yeah when I was young and dumb before I knew any better. I guess I don't carry love crushes around with me for years and harp on about them. I forget about them and think they were silly.

  4. Before you go burning down your entire life over one bad night, please understand that reddit and this sub in particular deal only in absolutes. Anytime anybody around you makes a mistake or does something to harm the mental of the OP and it's “Block them” no matter the context.

    But context does matter, especially when you're 20 and especially when you're in college and going to clubs and drinking and experimenting, etc etc.

    You're gonna have some bad nights if this is your lifestyle. That's a fact. Plenty of good ones too. And you're gonna need your friends through all of it.

    So my advice? Tell her “Hey sorry I haven't replied, been busy, and honestly it was a bit of a shock to learn that your level of investment into whatever this is wasn't anywhere close to mine, gimme a couple days and we can all move forwards as friends.” Only don't say it like I would say it, say it like someone your age would say it.

    Her response to this message will tell you 90% of everything you ever need to know about this girl in regards to her feelings for you. If she truly likes you, that message will be devastating to her and being that she's only 19, she will panic and send you a 5 paragraph reply that she spent more time thinking about than the paper she was supposed to be writing. If this happens, then everything going forward is on you. You can do or not do whatever you like in regards to your relationship moving forward.

    If the reply is something short like “Okay, I'm sorry.” This also tells you what you need to know. She's not a bad person, she just fucked up and got in too deep with you. This is also a good sign for you. It means you can do it. Don't focus on her, you're 20. The girl you liked also liked you. Just not quite in the way you hoped. You can do it again.

    Whatever you do, don't lose friends over one bad night at the club. I'm 41 now, if I had blocked people every time something stupid happened, I wouldn't have any friends at all from that point in my life. I can't stress this enough. Good luck out there.

  5. Well, if he were fat, would you still find him attractive? If yes, then you guys have very different values, if no, then you share the same values.

    You will get old, wrinckly and ugly, you might get into an accident and get a scar, or lose an arm, perhaps get cancer and hair will have to be a no. Will he be there for you if this happens?

    You know, appearances matter, yes, but do they matter more than other things you can find value in? Like your personality, how you react to him being sad, your hobbies, work ethics, how you support him and what you can achieve for yourself? Life is very unpredictable but values help us determine the things we hold to be important. Think once, think twice.

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