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31 thoughts on “asianvalentinalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This shows you need to give him space or he d sleep with you. I think you should accept and 1 moves out .then after time maybe you ll get bk.

  2. If she is behaving that erratically, I’d be worried about her mental health more than a word to be honest. Is she getting professional help?

  3. Omg! Dear God. Please get out of that relationship. Not only is he a health risk, but he’s an emotional manipulator! Without remorse.

    It’s not the fact that he has HIV, it’s that he hid it, lied about it, robbed you from having the right to decide, (potentially planned to deliberately put you at risk so you two could have the same status and stay together), and then blaming you for his conscience!

    HIV is risky, but it doesn’t mean that HIV positive people shouldn’t have love. You two could have agreed to do things differently, like express physical love with each other without intercourse.

    But he RUINED things by deceiving you. He’s capable of anything, at this point.

    Please be smart about this and find someone while you still have a chance, because remaining with someone who is unconscionable is playing Russian Roulette with your own life.

  4. I don't think the dislike is coming from the swimsuit issue. I think that's what is sticking out in your mind. You need to really think about how Charlie has treated you over the course of knowing him, then think about how you would feel if someone treated your daughter/sister/cousin/niece like that. You also need to consider if you want to have his mother involved in your life/relationship to the extent she is. If he hasn't said or done anything to put a stop to it yet, it is unlikely he will in the future. Basically you need to take a look at both your relationship with him and your family and decide what is important to you. The health issues you list, are in fact serious and need to be treated like they are life threatening. Not saying that this is his last Christmas, however, it does have the potential to be. That is not gaslighting, possibly slight manipulation, but not untrue.

  5. Do they share a same boss? You could easily blow this up if you chose to do so.

    As per others, don't buy the ring.

  6. Just pass him the head phones. Maybe he forgets. If he still doesn't then I think you should consider breaking up because you can't make a relationship work with someone who doesn't consider their partners.

  7. You even edited your comment saying what happened, dude. You said you ran the stop sign, then edited to change your story to “stopped but took off even though there was a car coming.” You NEED to own up to your own mistakes.

    Stop saying you were drugged. You got drunk and you're embarrassed by your behavior. Women really do get drugged all the time, and they're very often raped. It's fucking infuriating that you're pretending their struggles are remotely similar to you getting blackout drunk. You KNOW you weren't drugged, and you need to stop with that bullshit right now.

    You have a drinking problem. Check out your local Alcoholics Anonymous group and leave your FWB alone. Be better.

  8. If I went to a strip club with a group of girlfriends, or a male friend and my partner didn’t like it, that would be on him.

    If he was upset because he didn’t think it was ‘proper’ for me to go, that would show we were incompatible. We could talk about it, but you can’t expect people to change and conform to what you want, flexibility is possible, but outright, ‘if you want to swim with your friends you must wear bathers’ ain’t it.

  9. Maybe an ultimatum you or the girl…sounds like she enjoys all of this attention but it's not fair to you…especially with the Netflix and chill…that would make me so mad

  10. Umm he is taking it way to seriously and hard core.

    So escapism is when you use ANY activity to actively not process or deal with what's around you. Example drinking instead of dealing with child hood trauma. You can still read books and watch TV you just need to be present in the moment and sure that you are not using it as a drug to not deal with other things.

    HE may not be able to do those things in his recovery but it shouldn't mean YOU have to limit yourself. Maybe not do them in front of him. But this all sounds weird. Talk to his therapist not about his sessions but if this is what they are really recommending. My ex would routinely sit down with my guy every 6 months or so just to ask any questions she had or behaviors she saw that may need t be addressed.

  11. At the end of the day she needs to look up the word monogamy.

    It is what it is. If she is bisexual and wants to fool around with women then your relationship is over.

    It's always amusing to me when these situations come up. Everyone has so much sympathy for the woman. Oh she's bisexual? Oh my gosh she should explore that!

    Could you imagine a man saying the same thing? ?? Everyone would just say that he's disgusting and needs to keep it in his pants for the family. Total double standard.

  12. Do you know that are bad people out there? Have you ever seen the Dora the explorer do you also believe that when you say to the thief to not steal from you that he is going to stop??? Everyone has the right to wear whatever he/she wants but the reality shows you the hot truth. Bad people don't care, they are sadistically sick and they love hurting people!!! Wake up!!!! You can't change them because it has nothing to do with schools and family, they are just bad!!!

  13. Is this the same guy who didn’t support you during your pregnancy and abortion ?

    He doesn’t sound like a good boyfriend at all I was going to comment that an investment banker who is working a second job isn’t a good investment banker.

  14. Your boyfriend doesn’t seem stable. It looks like he can’t self regulate his emotions and relies on you to fill that void. It’s not healthy to have a relationship with someone so dependent on you for either party. He could probably do well with a medical evaluation and therapy to help him learn the skills he needs to overcome this but really you can’t do anything to change the situation he needs inner work before he can be a good enough boyfriend to you

  15. So you do like EVERYTHING in the relationship/household? What does he bring into your marriage, exactly?

  16. I have Gastroparesis and it's really hard to get disability for it. I was initially diagnosed in my freshman year of high school so thankfully I had the padding of society, but once I got into the work force and college it's super very hot to find people that take me seriously when I say that I can't come in, in bedridden from throwing up all day and night. Although, my condition comes and goes — something my gastroenterologist can't make heads or tails over because mentally I've checked out okay, but my body resists the medication he puts me on. God forbid I have to go to the emergency room for immediate issues because with my symptoms they throw a pregnancy test at me despite me saying that there is NO CHANCE of pregnancy. Then when it comes back negative, shocker, they throw me on the back burner for about 5 hours until they ultimately discharge me because they need the room.

    Stomach issues are not taken seriously in women.

  17. No, I would absolutely feel hurt by this also. My partner makes it a point to “show me off” even though I’m shy and plus sized and nothing to write home about (to most people). This seems like the complete opposite. I would either feel like he is hiding me from someone, or he is hiding someone from me.

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