ArielParis live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

34 thoughts on “ArielParis live webcams for YOU!

  1. Just young person post breakup chaos of feelings and assorted weirdness sounds like – maybe misses you but isn‘t sure you miss her – or wants you to miss her – she tries to join in – you ignore her – then you text her when she feels bruised so ignored her so she is cold – endless cycle – long story short she probably misses buy you guys are running naked and cold on each other ❤️

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  4. This is not going to change. This is a deeply ingrained personality trait. She would need to actively need to try to change herself, and probably spend some time in therapy, and if she is simply dismissing what you say or laughing it off, and getting defensive, it doesn’t sound like she wants to change or think it’s a problem to begin with. it sounds exhausting to me. I’m not sure I could put up with that. You need to decide if this is someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, and if not, you should consider moving on.

  5. Your friends are right about leaving. There's a reason a 35 year old man is with a 19 year old female. Technically, this guy is old enough to be your dad if he was a teen parent.

    Also, a partner should not get mad about you going out with friends. People can be manipulative over small things, like don't cook onions when I'm in the house, but to tell you who you can and cannot hang out with, what you can do, etc. is not ok.

  6. How is the age gap a red flag? 12 years while both are consenting adults? Not Ideal, but not a red flag, man. Come on. ?

  7. It kind of sounds like you could really use some closure my dude. Just because you needed to get by without it, it doesn’t mean you’re “fine.”

    Moreover, this woman is not you and she doesn’t need to handle things the way you chose.

  8. I was trying to propose like a 0.5% probable alternative to cheating, but I can see how you read it as like, it means she isn't cheating for sure. That's not what I meant. My bad

  9. Yes, he is 16. It is just complicated. She has not reverted to being physically abusive is the thing. She just… I don't know acts crazy when she drinks. Thats the best way i can describe it. And I'm afraid that all it will do is make her push me out of their lives so that I don't ever get to see him and I won't be able to make sure he is okay.

  10. Why would you think it’s acceptable to go to this woman’s wedding when you’re having an emotional affair with her fiancé? You’re saying you’re trying to not cross boundaries, that ship has sailed. Look for a new job, cut contact and work on your marriage. You’ve been putting more effort into this then you have with your husband.

  11. Op THIS!!! If you want to bond with kids, your wife should work too! Dont sacrifice your time with kid and compromise with your wife and this man!! She should know how to contribute income to the home too!

  12. If you didn’t agree to be in an open relationship then she is cheating on you. You need to dump her.

  13. Rough patches are usually things that happen out of your control or something sudden. This is not a rough patch. This is her not respecting you. Definitely trust yourself and know your worth. You deserve better!

  14. Yeah, what she did doesn't make any sense cause you only go to concerts as basically a gift to her. So her buying you tickets to a concert, albiet for a band you like, is ultimately a present for her. Definitely talk to her about it. Tell her you appreciate the present but that you don't understand why she got them for you when she knows you don't actually enjoy concerts at all bc of your anxiety. Tell her you'd prefer if she didn't do that again. Personally, I definitely feel as if she was being selfish.

  15. I'll try to use that verbiage, thank you! Anytime anything happens he typically tells me we have a very open communication relationship. I'm hoping he didn't do something like cheating but given the fact that it's been getting worse and worse with the distance between us it is a possibility. I've been trying to be communicative with him over everything but he always says everything is fine, that were fine and that there's no need to stress. It's just alot has changed from how it was to now and maybe this is the new normal?

  16. Ah, here we are, someone else who wants to have their cake and eat it too. I’m sure you and the gals are being total angels and the men there always keep their distance.

    Girl, if you want to stay out until 6am, be single. If you want to be in a monogamous relationship, don’t run the streets all night. Pretty simple stuff.

  17. Why on earth would you ask that? I don’t think that just because she came the most with him means you know how she views your sex life. She didn’t tell you that’s how she feels. You decided that based on a question that wasn’t about how she views your relationship. How much she enjoyed sex with another person has nothing to do with how much she enjoys sex with you. It’s not a zero sum game. Are you in therapy? The way it sounds, you may need to do some self work before you’re ready to be in a healthy relationship.

  18. Intertia is a hell of a drug

    Takes the average person 7 times to leave an abusive relationship but no one would say staying is easier

  19. Dude, you don't get to be that mad. You can be disappointed or frustrated, but anger is out of line, and I'll tell you why.

    You're basically mad that your fiancee is afraid to undergo a life risking medical procedure, repeatedly, full of more pain and discomfort than you can imagine, culminating in a taint that looks like it was blasted with steel shrapnel on top of nearly dragging all the organs out of her body (yes this can and has happened).

    For you, it's children running around the house and bonding. For her, it's the same, but with a TON of fear about it destroying her body, marriage, and health for years to come.

    You put your wants before her needs. You didn't even stop to ask her why she changed her mind. When you exploded, you indirectly told her that her value is tied to having children for you and that her concerns don't matter.

    Then, you attacked her by weaponizing her trauma.

    I don't know if you're gonna have children, but I can promise that reaction and abuse definitely threw that and even your engagement into limbo.

    You better get ready to bust your ass making it up to her, because what you did was horrific.

  20. Hey I agree with you. His behavior raises red flags and questions about why he didn’t pack his shit and get out since he was so outraged over your request. Make sure to call police if he starts up again.

    I encourage you to remove your financial stuff and your valuables from your home until he leaves. I guess he is not on the lease so I would hope that he can relocate to a friend or family member home now. If not please start the eviction process so he can’t stay longer. Change your passwords and then change your password for WiFi. So he should start feeling uncomfortable- no food/ laundry etc.. he may pack his shit and move into his fb girlfriend house. Sending you virtual hug and all the support. He showed you who he really is, believe him. I don’t know why you would want to allow him to move in if he doesn’t have pics of you together as couple. He has issues you can NOT fix. Send him out the door now.

  21. I apologize, you should've expressed yourself more clearly. Also, the cat is not the problem, OP's boyfriend is. Adult cats very rarely bond with other adult cats, this fact should've been acknowledged by OP and her boyfriend before moving together. They should've known that there's a possibility the cats wouldn't get along. And they should've accepted it as it is. Instead, OP's boyfriend keeps threatening OP to throw away her cat. OP mentioned that she tried several things to make her cat calmer, but not once did she mention that he did the same with his cat. I repeat, the cat is not the problem, OP's boyfriend is.

  22. I'm gonna go against the grain and take my downvotes but OP, I hope you see this for an alternate perspective. I don't know the guy but I don't think he meant anything negative with his joke. Vaginas and penises are just kinda weird looking when you really start to examine them. It doesn't mean he doesn't like yours.

    Keep in mind, reddit commenters in this sub tend to be overly sensitive. And when you say nothing has ever hurt you like this, I think you're being a little oversensitive too. Why is a vagina looking like what “his pancakes look like” a bad thing? I think you're a young woman and you're hypersensitive to any comments on your appearance because women are judged on appearance far more than men and it's more important to you all. My partner is in her 30s and is still sensitive about anything I might say about her appearance, always looking for a negative as a defense mechanism. I can tell her she's absolutely gorgeous 1000 times and get little reaction. But then if I make one comment like “don't eat all the donuts, I want some” she automatically, reflexively thinks I'm saying she's fat.

    I would bet what your bf said was meant as humor and his attempt just flopped. It happens. Don't make too much of it. There is an extremely low chance that he actually doesn't like your vagina. In fact, he probably dreams about your vagina and would paint an homage to it if he had the painting skills and time. You've never been a young man with peak testosterone. I have. Trust me on this. I dated a girl once who had a stinky vagina. It just always had an odor. I was like a year younger than you at the time. I couldn't have cared less because I was in lust with her. I still went down on her. I still wanted her vagina all the time. Even IF he doesn't necessarily like your vagina (and I don't think that's the case), he likes you, thinks you're great, and therefore your vagina is great. And if he doesn't like you or think you're great, that's a different problem.

    TL;DR: You're making too much of it. He made a bad joke. He very likely doesn't think your vag is gross. Men aren't sensitive to comments on their body the way women tend to be so we don't realize how our jokes are perceived. Make a joke back at him, something like “you like to eat pancakes, right?” and then have him go down on you and if he's enthusiastic about it, you know he likes your vag.

  23. I've known for 3 weeks. I've been over this for 3 weeks. It's been at the top of my mind for 3 weeks. Point is, I've thought about this thoroughly and have decided that I do not want an abortion and i would like to have my baby.

  24. Oh yeah and incase you haven’t realized. OP said he’d never want to do this, but he’s the one who is unhappily married. Sometimes the truth is the best way to communicate.

  25. Worrying what others are doing won’t help you.

    You either fix, leave or accept your relationship.

    Given your anger. Some therapy and possibly spiritual guidance wouldn’t hurt.

  26. Your friendship was based on you attraction to eachother. If you were just really good friends none of this would have happened to begin with.

    If you truly want to be friends with her, respect her wishes and give her space. Let her reach out to you when she's ready. Don't pester her undermining her goal of working on herself.

    As another user said, she told you “No”. That's the end of it. There's no arguing your point of view is better than hers when it comes to her emotions and wellbeing.

  27. So, he tried to manipulate you to be the girl he thought he wanted, went 5 hours without you, then realized what he had thrown away and suddenly went 180 and said “walk around naked for all I care”? Listen to the relief you felt after you were done crying. He had his shot and he blew it. Maybe he did change his views in that short amount of time, but more likely he’s just doing what he said he did in high school and go along with your free will until he gets comfortable enough to show you his Andrew Taint side again.

  28. But you do that.

    You do that to a partner who's barely legal.

    And, once confronted, throw a tantrum in the comments.

    And yes, we all here dare to say that you're clearly manipulating this poor girl the same way you were supposedly treated.

    No, you being abused in the past does not give you any pass to do the same to someone else.

    You need therapy.

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