Ariana-botero on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 30, 2022

12 thoughts on “Ariana-botero on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Am so so sorry that this happened to you,I hope u the best and in no way should u blam ur self or show him any mercy.

    Stay strong

  2. in my opinion, you should have a conversation with him about it even if he gets defensive – especially if he gets defensive. this is a genuine thing thats bothering you, and if he actually cares u two can probably work out some sort of solution / compromise / plan of action. if he does get defensive and refuses to at least try to resolve the issue, then i think this gap between how u want to be treated and how he treats you + his inability to properly communicate thru conflict should be enough to make you two incompatible. partners can b very different in terms of love language / personality etc but only if they manage to communicate abt it. ur 18 and you've been dating for less than a year. i know it seems like an eternity, been there, but in the long term there is no reason for you to prolong this relationship past its duedate

  3. I DO but I DON'T know the cops. I'm halfway through my double major and a self harm accomplice or something is NOT something I can afford on my record.

    People get thrown in jail for most ridiculous of things at time. I just don't want to be one of them.

  4. She probably does not want to marry you. She likes the money.

    You’re not in a relationship though… you’re her sugar daddy.

    And you don’t need to break up with her, just stop sending her money and she will stop talking to you.

  5. You're so heartless lol. You can only see things in a transactional way and don't see anything out of an eye of empathy or love for ones family. My god you are insufferable

  6. There are so many small things in relationships that don't develop until you've simply existed in the same space. Some of those things are the happiest part of your day. Other things will grind your gears harder than you ever thought imaginable. Until my wife and I had kids and sleep was inconsistent, I didn't know I had a snoring problem. My wife learned that she was a light sleeper as a mom, so it started to keep her awake.

    I'm working on getting a sleep apnea machine, but now I occasionally will just sleep on the couch so I don't disturb her sleep. It's the small things we do for our partners that bring the most joy. You will learn what these little things are in your relationship that will exemplify the strength of your relationship for years to come.

    Until you've had a lease with this man, shared a bed for uninterrupted months, seen how you two handle sharing a single bathroom/toilet, watch how clean they leave a room, and so so so many other things, marriage is a gamble in the very best circumstances.

    I don't have any connection or cultural understanding around Indian customs, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume what triggered your parent's reaction was the mention of marriage. I suggest a few things.

    Talk to this man and you let him know your parent's reaction, if you haven't already. If the two of you are looking to plant roots for the long haul, he needs to understand the implications on all sides. It's impossible to make an informed decision if you're not informed.

    Back pedal a little bit. You dropped the M word, but the are a million things that happen before the wedding (hence my anecdote.) You really need to talk about moving in before that. Maybe go back to your parents and say that you understand where they're coming from and you want to try introducing this man to your family. It sounds like the whole process, if you're serious about this relationship, will be a marathon instead of a sprint. But again, that's not really a bad thing.

    Don't cut off your family. Your parents are so much more than a financial lifeline. I'm 33M and I video chat with my mom and brother 3-5x a week. I value their wisdom, love, and support. You never know when you'll need them or why, but the very worst thing you can do is burn a bridge with family (if it's not a toxic situation, but I'm going to go out on another limb and assume it's not.) I could not imagine a life where I didn't have that connection to my blood.


    -Don't cut off your family

    -Talk to your mans about the whole situation. Be objective about everything, it's a lot you sprang on your parents. Speaking of…

    -Back pedal with your parents. You came on strong, maybe see things their way and try coming to a resolution and at least meeting the guy

    -Live with this guy for a while before marriage reenters the chat. Learn about this guy and let him learn from you

    I wish you the best of luck in resolving everything. Hopefully you have a happy update coming.

  7. I think she needs to cancel her trip. Absolutely. Call in sick, whatever it takes. She needs to likely quit the job anyway if she's serious about working things out. Make it her choice. Trip or marriage…. Definitely take a look at survivinginfidelity. Her crying is a start but she needs to show you actions. She needs to (among other things) 1. Give you a full timeline – how it started what she and he did when, what her thinking was at the time 2. Get into therapy for herself. Marriage Counseling is for fixing the marriage. She needs to fix herself first then you can see about the marriage 3. Quit her job – and go full no contact with the CoWorker. No contact means just that – no contact in or out of work (which is why she needs to quit her job) 4. Understand that for you to work things out she needs to be fully committed – and words are helpful but essentially meaningless, given how much she has already lied. – Only her actions will count – she need to show you through consistent changes in her behavior that she wants to reconcile. 5. Remember that reconciliation is a gift from you. It's not required or inevitable. There is a lot more in the Healing Library. Good luck; it's a long road, but it sounds like you're in a place where healing can begin.

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