Aphilicious on-line sex chats for YOU!


Aphilicious Public Chat Channel

Date: December 9, 2022

7 thoughts on “Aphilicious on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Do you intend to use this car? Is she buying the car because you as a couple need one and her credit is better than yours?

    If this is a “joint” purchase in that you both need this car, but a “her” purchase in that only she has good enough credit to be on the loan, then everything she’s asked for is reasonable. She’s taking on the majority of the risk so it makes sense that she gets the majority of the reward. At the same time, you are her partner so it’s fair to ask you to put your money in as well.

  2. You can’t unring the bell and there’s no good way to have this conversation but also many women don’t orgasm regularly or even at all til they’re in their 30s, so this isn’t uncommon at all.

  3. It's just really shockingly entitled behavior. You exist to please his sight, and if you are a bad girl bot and don't, he's going to treat you very badly. It's just really shitty. Good luck1

  4. You do need time to get your head right. Time away from him. Because you are NOT over-reacing, you are, in my opinion, under-reacting.

    He abused you for a decade and a half, and now you're not good enough? Again? Even with no alcohol involved? Hun, he is still abusing you emotionally. He knows what he's doing. He was saying those things when he was drunk because he believed them, and because the alchohol removed the filter that let him know saying shit will make you leave for good. He still thinks those things, obviously, he's just not saying them out loud at this time.

    You deserve much better. MUCH, much much much. Do NOT fall for the sunk cost fallacy, where because you already wasted so much time with this loser, you decide to waste the rest of your one time only limited edition gone forever once it's over life hoping he'll eventually learn to love you and treat you with respect.

    He won't learn to love you and treat you with respect. It is entirely possible that he literally can't. That is not your problem, and you should stop suffering because of whatever fucked up shit he grew up with. It is NOT an excuse, and it does NOT mandate you to stay and “fix” his abandonment issues. As you saw, all it leads to is pain because he doesn't want to fix his abandonment issues! See how well it's working out for him to not work on it? He has you twisting yourself into pretzels to tell yourself you should get over him telling you you're too fat to love. And you have been for a decade and half, and will continue to do so for another 3 decades unless you leave now.

    His issues are NOT your problem, and he (and you!) have made it your problem for about a decade and a half too long.

    The only way to fix this problem, the ONLY way, is to leave. He will never change. You cannot make someone respect you or treat you with gentle kindness. You cannot cause someone to wake up and see what they're throwing away. You cannot hope or love someone enough to make them care about hurting you.

    You can only decide if you've finally had enough, or if you feel up to wasting another decade on this chump, only to be left single and homeless when he trades you in for a newer model (because you and I both know he is actively looking and will jump at the chance if he gets it and then blame you).

    Your marriage is over. That “ick” you describe only goes away if you bury it deep and ignore it, and then it doesn't actually go away, it just tears your mind and body apart from inside over time until you are barely a shell of a person.

  5. You will always be a doctor, your brother won't nessarly be always married, go to the graduation, you earned it

    Also, be surprised if brother did not know your graduation date when he planned the wedding

  6. Thank you I didn't see that distinction between forgiveness and complacency before. But could I ask you, even if I apply that logic and truly forgive myself without becoming complacent. Would it not feel like I cheated whenever I meet my MIL and she tells me I'm such a wonderful person and how good care I take of gf, I always feel like if she knew everything that has transpired she might even hate me. I feel so fake.

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