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6 thoughts on “anita1976live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You made the right choice. She is 24 and lets him control her. She will need major therapy to get out of his hold, if she ever chooses to.

  2. If people can’t be finding out then you already know how bad this is, and honey- it is bad. There is zero good reasons a grown man should want to be sleeping with an underage girl.

    Maybe he has a virginity fetish, maybe he just wants a younger girl he can mentally and emotionally manipulate and mold into his fantasy girl in a way that experienced women his own age wouldn’t put up with. None of these are good options.

    This is bad. You’ll likely feel the need to defend this and say “no I’m realllllly mature and worldly!” Or “he and I just have so much in common!” Don’t bother. There are enough adult woman who have seen and experienced this situation first hand who are likely commenting here. You’ll look back on this when you’re older the same way. With disgust and unease.

  3. Its been almost 3 years and we used to videocall daily for multiple hours, untill my breaking point. LDR is indeed a lot different than IRL and makes stuff like this much harder. It has been a couple months now of trying to tear the walls down and havent got anywhere with it yet.

    I also dont know if these changes will be consistent because in previous cases he'd promise to work on things he eventually didnt. Thats why I doubt if these are changes out of desperation or genuine.

  4. Well, before we throw in the towel… How about we try some more direct communication and maybe an adjustment?

    I don't know how to explain this without it coming off a bit harsh. But there is a thing as being too close (smothering).

    When I read this type of dynamic:

    I got a little upset and said I wanted to sleep on the phone together like we usually do.

    I personally find that a bit overwhelming in relationships. I know its a cute thing to do, but it can be a lot.

    People need space in a relationship. And that may be what's happening here.

    So, I would maybe start there?

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