Ana-evans11 online webcams for YOU!


FLASH BOOBS [Multi Goal]

Date: November 15, 2022

35 thoughts on “Ana-evans11 online webcams for YOU!

  1. Women are not a monolith, we all want something different. What matters is what the two people in the relationship want, and if those wants are mutually exclusive it’s best to move on.

  2. Accepting something of so much value from a stranger begs the question, what does that stranger think he will receive in return? I hope your girlfriend is not putting herself in danger.

    As others have said here, blocking each other multiple times for things big or small is not exactly the bedrock to a strong relationship.

    The way you deliver your concerns to your gf matters. If you’re not calm about it, it’s easy to see her get defensive. You could also position her returning this gift as being important to you, given your concerns for her safety.

  3. The point is that “I want to see some hard girls” for entertainment is still objectification of women. Male privilege still exists and is very evident when men decide to view women’s bodies as entertainment.

  4. I’m guessing there’s some depression or chopping mixed in with his gaming.

    I’m not proud of it, but when my relationship was getting bad I definitely turned to video games to escape and I became more neglectful. It also starts a revolving door of depression or anxiety as deep down you KNOW you’re not choosing the best thing, but short term it’s easier than facing something.

    Gaming can absolutely be a fun, healthy hobby, but it very readily can transfer into something unhealthy.

  5. u/Ok_Fishing579, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Once he is sober you guys need to talk it through. This is not something you will be able to just shrug and forget – he could have killed himself or the both of you! So talking it through rather than holding in that horror and shock is going to be necessary for you to be able to move forward.

    You can apologize for hitting him, but IMO only if he recognizes that what he did was shockingly awful and if he apologizes to you for his dangerous behaviour.

  7. Hello /u/LimpneverFail26,

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  8. But if he’s not from the US, it’s possible that it’s not that he isn’t a generous person like you, it’s just that he doesn’t have the same mindset. Just have a chat.

  9. Thank you for this! That is what I was thinking cuz I’ve been in this situation before but I fell for a straight girl lol and it did not end good. What I’m thinking abt is going to see her again before I tell her how I feel, I’m meant to see her soon so it won’t be too long and I just started to think differently abt her a couple weeks ago

  10. It's not sudden, this trip was planned before my bf and I got together. He knew about the trip, but I realised he didn't know it was with my ex, so I wanted to make sure he wasn't kept in the dark. It's not healthy to hide stuff from your SO hence why I'm telling him. The edit is in the post about the changes

  11. First off- wear the heels, I am sure you rock them! Secondly, why would you overlook the fact that she came to you after y'all had been dating a while and said she had a STD? That screams cheating to me

  12. This IS the last / ONLY option. You might not see it now, but you will. I can only hope you stop being blinded by love sooner rather than later and see this entire relationship for what it is – abusive and toxic. You deserve so much better and this is not someone who will ever be able to give that to you.

  13. Mary needs to get over herself. It's not like they were in a relationship, she just went for a drink with the guy.

  14. Thank you for replying. I do feel that it is for the best we don’t get back together, but it’s weird that a part of me feels guilty for not even trying. The what if, but I would never want to turn into that shell of a person again.

  15. No, you are not the bigger AH for disagreeing. She is treating you like a puppet, telling you what to do and when to do it.

  16. Lmfao because she could’ve just asked for a divorce instead of cheating? Unless she was in an abusive relationship where she could not leave, cheating makes you a shitty person.

  17. I am so sorry for your lost. I can empathize. I lost my two brothers, both unexpectedly, young and within a year of each other. It was devastating to myself, my family and our community. 5 years later and I am only starting to heal now.

    Grief is all consuming. You are trying to find your journey through it all while watching and helping your family grieve too. Losing a sibling is one of the hardest things and unfortunately the people who help us in hard times are not available due to their own grief. Your journey will look different to mine but it will also take time.

    You need to focus on yourself right now. I don't know where that leaves your partner. Are they capable of supporting you and putting aside their wants and needs to give you time to start healing? My partner was phenomenal. Most of my friends too. But I did “lose” a few people. That's ok. You need to take some time and reflect on what you need and if they can give it. What they need and if you can give it right now without hurting yourself more.

    Be kind to yourself. Strongly suggest some grief counseling. My only regret is not starting that earlier. It's good to talk with someone that understands but is not emotionally involved with the loss.

    My thoughts are with you today. I hope you find some peace in your day today.

  18. Yes I'm happy with her, since I found out a month ago it's kept popping into my mind and messing up how I see her. I find it repulsive.

    The thing is, I found out in a diary she kept, which was only a dozen pages. My curiosity got the better of me driven by us getting serious, mainly the fact of me finalising leaving my country to move in with her. I wanted to know everything.

    I brought it up with her and she instantly told me to go, we had an argument and she followed me down the road as I walked out. She kept telling me this was years ago and that it means nothing to our relationship. No mention of remorse or regret, ever.

    She also completely blanks it out, like last night we were talking over the 2 fights we've had, healthily talking to reflect and I noticed how one of the fights she 'couldn't remember what is was about', which she did, it was me bringing up the affair she had. The other fight was me losing my temper at a friend of hers which was quickly resolved in the same day, nothing major.

    She's desperately trying to forget I found out, which I don't like, I'm not here to blame her but she should own up to the regret and remorse, she clearly doesn't care at all both at the time of the affair and now years later. If she was still single I'm certain she'd do it again in the right scenario. It's what I think is messing my head up more, the 'let's forget about it', like I shouldn't be considering her past actions as a prediction of her future when I'm the one uprooting my entire life to move in with her.

    She said she's never once cheated on a partner. It's not that I worry she will! It's just how nonchalant she is towards an affair she had, that's massive she was 50% to blame for it as she knew from the start he was married and continued it for 6 months, with absolutely zero regards for the wife of that man. She didn't value someone else's relationship. It's extremely repulsive.

  19. You're not in love. She obviously is.

    It's not a match and she will get hurt, so better end it now in stead of leading her on

  20. Normally, I would say have 2 dances since that was my plan before my stepdad passed away. However, I personally wouldn't dance with my stepdad at my wedding ceremony if he had had an affair with my mom.

  21. I think at this stage you need to start packing up all her shit, tell her to have fun with her boyfriend in Vegas and not to come back.

    Start documenting the shit out of everything. Get everything precious and important you own locked up in a safe place. Secure your finances.

    Lawyer up and change the locks.

    Being cheated on fucking sucks, but you'll get over this and you'll do much better going forward.

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