AlyssonLopez live! sex chats for YOU!


I’m ready for us to fulfill our fantasies, which one should we start with? Tit massage? blowjob? choose your favorite , ♥ [217 tokens remaining]

Date: November 16, 2022

14 thoughts on “AlyssonLopez live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yes, highly agreed, dump this witch.

    Screaming and belittling I not acceptable behavior from a grown adult who supposedly loves you.

  2. Thanks, I just overthink a lot and needed someone else's opinion cause mines gets kinda bitter sweet after a while

  3. People are kind of nuts on here. It's reasonable to remain friends and your wife is being a bit much, in a vacuum at least. If there is flirting or some other cause for jealousy, then that's one thing, but if it'd merely because of the cheating, then life is too complicated to judge so harshly you can't remain friends.

  4. Better yet why do you like alt guys? I don't go out and say I wanna date someone who is the complete opposite of me in everyway. Clashing values is clearly a way to my personal happiness

  5. He seems like he's trying to be controlling. The thing is, if you haven't grown enough as a person because you want a mfm threesome, how is he grown enough as a person to want a fmf? He doesn't get it both ways. It just doesn't work like that.

  6. “Thankfully we on-line in a time where if you actually tried to kidnap and sexually assault her as you've just implied you would like, you'd very likely find yourself shot.”

  7. Soo ur letting him gaslight u?

    What type of relationship is this?

    Can one even call it that?

    Ur playing second fiddle to other woman and has expressed how much u hate it and yet.. u stay?

    Why? Do u love him? Why? He seems like a major AH with zero respect for u.

    Dont say it's for the kids because jesus knows u and those kids are better off with someone that actually cares about u and wants to spend time with u..not on his bullshit escapades.

    U can't say hes a good man… so why?

    Do u just have such little self respect that staying in this worthless relationship is worth ur sanity and dignity over being single?

  8. I feel like there's a thin line between satire and cruelty, especially when someone who is making a joke isn't part of the group the joke is about. If there is mutual trust and understanding in a relationship, some couples are okay with jokes like this. One of Jenna Marbles' and her husband's running jokes is “Cook wife”, for example. He doesn't actually think it's her job to cook; they're both in on the joke and understand it's satirical.

    I think that's likely part of where your issue stems from. You don't know whether or not he's attempting satire or if he means it, and it makes you uncomfortable. You've expressed this, and he continues the jokes. That isn't okay. You're allowed to say “I don't like this but I'm fine with you doing it with others, just not me” and he should respect that. You should sit down and say you're okay with him doing it with his friends and you understand he likes banter, but it upsets you and makes you uncomfortable when directed at you and would like to figure out a new way to joke around and show affection to each other. It'll go three ways: he agrees and you fully work it out, he disagrees and you need to decide if that's a deal breaker or not, and he agrees but then continues the behavior, in which you then need to figure out how many chances you're willing to give and what the final line of “I forgot” lays

  9. Ofc you are but sometimes that is what people do. For me this would eventually become a frustratingly impossible relationship but continuing is entirely up to you. Just think about what you might think about this situation in your late 30s – will you happy or think you have wasted your time ?

  10. I see, thank you for elaborating. You did say 'advice' though.

    It's good that you've been open to therapy. If you still have that therapist, might you guys discuss this with them? They will know so much more about the boundaries you've discussed and agreed to and the context in which those exist. They will know what issues you both raised and what was recommended to resolve them, and you both know whether you've done and continue to do those things. We don't know any of that, and of course that's totally ok, I don't want to know anything you don't want to share. I'm just saying, it's relevant in my unpopular opinion.

    I see a mixed message in referring him to his friends for advice and how you responded to this, which he apparently voluntarily told you he did. Did he think he'd done something to be proud of?

    How would he have known that talking about it with two friends over coffee would be ok but not four friends over brunch? In what context did you suggest he seek and from his friends? You don't need to tell me, I'm not interrogating you I'm just saying what I'm wondering as I read that sentence.

    And of course it's also possible that he did know it wasn't acceptable and that you would hate it and did it anyway. You might care about why he did that, or it might not matter. It sounds like even if he had known, he wouldn't have cared, based on what he said when you raised your concerns with him. Again, does it matter to you why he did it, or only that he did and he'll do it again? (I don't need to know this, ofc)

    I do recognize that sex is a very personal subject. I just don't know what advice you told him to get from his friends and how similar it is or isn't to the subject of sex and intimate relationships.

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