Alice the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Alice, 99 y.o.


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Alice on-line sex chat

Date: September 25, 2022

12 thoughts on “Alice the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I think you might be a moron. Lol Are you really an adult human male? There's no such thing as voodoo you weirdo hahahhaha

  2. Leave to find someone who wants you as a first choice. This will eat away at your confidence the longer you're together. You say you're afraid she'll leave you again if dude showed more interest, you're right. She's admitted as much when she said you were second choice.

    You do know what to do, you need to put yourself first since she sure as feck isn't doing it.

  3. He is lying to you. A lot of men promise education to young girls and take them to a place that isolates them from friends and family. They start abusing them and trafficking them.

    Please don't ruin your life for a guy you barely know.

  4. fuck, my guy. I'd be noping out of there at your age.

    Why isn't she working? Has she not worked the entire duration of your relationship? If so, that's a huge red flag for me.

    I dated a girl once, was head over heels for her, but it eventually fizzled for me because she just had no drive to do anything, and I didn't want to feel like the sole provider for her to continue to do nothing.

  5. Until you get pregnant again and then he throws you on the street again because you can’t do dishes. What does he do? Surprised by the number of people that would put up with anything because “i love him” ?

    You know if you don’t know where he lives, if something is to happen to your kid while the kid stays with him, you have no way to help. I would not allow my child to stay with that manchild and I don’t where it is.

  6. I have PTSD and that's exactly how I would react. especially before treatment. of course hitting isn't okay but what he did was SA and I'd say that response was warrented

  7. Idk how many people will say this, but get off the bottle and hit the gym brother, let the healing begin.

  8. Yes tell him, but you should have a backup plan for yourself in case you need to get a new job to protect yourself. Good luck

  9. My dude to this day she still doesn't think it's wrong. It's beyond disrespectful to tell you all her “dirty little secrets” while having dinner. She does not respect you. Not to mention the daddy issues, the infidelity. Sorry but I cannot respect someone who chooses to engage with a man that has a family.

  10. The other option is that you two just aren't as close as you thought you were. Either way, it's fine to be upset by this, but it's important to think about taking a step back and reevaluating this friendship.

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