ALANA-SEXYHOT25 live! sex chats for YOU!


ALANA-SEXYHOT25 Public Chat Channel show anal

Date: November 5, 2022

7 thoughts on “ALANA-SEXYHOT25 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. The only lesson he learned is that he can do whatever he wants and you’ll give him no serious consequences.

  2. I broke up with him before many times because of this same issue but we keep getting back together.

    So stop getting back together.

    I feel like he is now taking me for granted because he knows that I'll always be there whenever he returns.

    See? You're smarter than you think. You already KNOW how he's manipulating you. Now block him everywhere, and move on with your life. It won't be easy, but you have to break this terribly abusive cycle. This isn't love, this is insanity. You deserve better than this, spend some time trying to figure out why you don't believe that.

  3. Illogical in that he cannot fathom that he was in the wrong. That sort of stuff is indictative of personality disorders such as narcissism or sociopath (whatever the current term for that is).

    I'm not saying he is full on a sociopath, but he isn't “right”. And don't be Mrs. Save a Bad Boy, that life plan has set back plenty of otherwise great women's lives.

  4. Ouch.. that's bad OP.

    Yeah he holds himself up as single and it wouldn't surprise me he is lying until he gets blue when he talks to someone over that account.

    Sorry to hear it

  5. So a 23 year old guy asks his friends wife to meet privately remove her clothes and let him take him take pictures. Time to dig a little deeper on their actual relationship. There is nothing innocent about this. Maybe start with the phone bill to see frequency of contact. go from there.

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