Contact all 3 credit reporting bureaus, run your credit report to see what is linked to it. Send a request to them for the past 6 years of your credit report. If there is anything funky at all on it go make a report to the police for identity fraud. Make sure you bring the $88k irs bill. ASAP!
Contact the IRS for fraud. They will help you navigate. Collect all W2s from when you were 18 years old. Have any taxes you have filed since then. You would probably have been notified before now if they rejected your tax returns. Have your police report handy.
He’s an alcoholic almost twice your age. You are too young to put up with these problems especially as he is growing violent. You cannot change him and you cannot fix him.
As a SAHM myself, fuck this. Why are you guys wasting resources when she’s supposed to be the caregiver during the day. I think you need to just tell her flat out how you re feeling and that unless things change you want to separate/divorce.
Contact all 3 credit reporting bureaus, run your credit report to see what is linked to it. Send a request to them for the past 6 years of your credit report. If there is anything funky at all on it go make a report to the police for identity fraud. Make sure you bring the $88k irs bill. ASAP!
Contact the IRS for fraud. They will help you navigate. Collect all W2s from when you were 18 years old. Have any taxes you have filed since then. You would probably have been notified before now if they rejected your tax returns. Have your police report handy.
He’s an alcoholic almost twice your age. You are too young to put up with these problems especially as he is growing violent. You cannot change him and you cannot fix him.
Read up. There are none available for her specific sport.
You meeting friends shouldn't be a boundary ?? he's keeping you at bay for a reason, and him not telling you why is very concerning.
As a SAHM myself, fuck this. Why are you guys wasting resources when she’s supposed to be the caregiver during the day. I think you need to just tell her flat out how you re feeling and that unless things change you want to separate/divorce.
Yes it can be salvaged. But you have to really want it.