AgathaSaitt online webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 10, 2022

7 thoughts on “AgathaSaitt online webcams for YOU!

  1. Just start walking…,Don’t stop until the stupid does… It’s time to reduce your contact with both men until its livable.

  2. Yeah, that was a big “yikes” conversation. He did backtrack and say he didn’t actually mean that. He hasn’t said anything like that since.

  3. Totally. It's been long enough since my mom died that I don't even always remembre the actual date, but the runup to the date finds me out of sorts, irritable, not even knowing why necessarily. it also happens around her birthday & her anniversary date with my dad. It's great that you're in therapy to learn coping skills! Losing a parent is awful, if you had a good relationship with them.

  4. Yeah it's bizarre.

    It's also weird that he thinks people feel pressured to accept something that most people find helpful or pleasant.

  5. Sit down with her and allow her to open up. She might give a dumb reason, she might have a sad story, she might have had a traumatic experiencd. No matter what it is, be supportive of her in what she says, and be loving, caring and gentle to her. Tell her there is no need to be sorry. Just be good to her.

  6. They got together at 36 and 24, which does not follow the half your age plus seven rule

    36/2 = 18, 18+7 = 25

  7. Pretty sure they were dragging the guy for getting super wasted at his anniversary party (and every Friday) and making a jab at his wife about her weight when she jabbed him for drinking too much.

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