AgataKristiFoll live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: September 30, 2022

58 thoughts on “AgataKristiFoll live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Honestly if it were me I'd just walk away. I wouldn't insert myself in the drama by telling her. Sounds like he will ruin it soon enough on his own. But again that's just me.

  2. For now, don't say anything to her at all. Give yourself time to think about and process what she did, and to determine the best way to respond. What she did was absolutely wrong; maybe she'll come to realize that and apologize (in the least), or maybe she just won't care. So, let her be the one to contact you, and see if she says anything else about it.

    If you want to go alone, then by all means go. But, if you do, then she might act like it wasn't any “loss,” for you.

  3. Ok. You need me to answer my own question first? Sure.

    I referenced it because thats how OP described the facts.

    So thats where I got it.

    Now you, where did your “won’t ever again” come from?

  4. Stop trying to prove yourself to this dude. He’s legit insane and I bet even with proof he won’t believe you. Stop letting yourself be treated like garbage

  5. I know, I was thinking OP may have kind of glazed over that aspect because they are young, but as a not young person I’m like wait: she’s fucking a just graduated student. I can guarantee OPs reaction wasn’t the only reason she was hiding it.

  6. Honestly. That’s called a friend. I get why it can be off putting, but just keep and eye on it and trust until given a reason to do otherwise.

  7. Because this isn't something that can be ignored. Op is valid in wanting encouragement and support in something with his health. As a partner she needs to work through her insecurities, and not just demand it never gets spoken about. Op has stated in other comments that he doesn't resent her but that build up could lead to resentment on both parties ends.

  8. It’s worth considering if he split with you under the guise of poor communication so he could have sex with her and test out his feelings for her ‘guilt free’. It’s shitty, but a lot of people have done it.

    Did he know of the person before you split? Did they communicate before you guys split? Have they stayed in touch since? Did they share nudes? Does he still have them?

    As someone else mentioned, he’s trickle truthing you. I’d encourage having a list of questions that you need answered to know how unfaithful and dishonest he’s been. And then steeling yourself for a conversation where you tell him that you are struggling to get past it and need to know everything to be able to stop your mind questioning things. That you want him to be completely honest now and leave nothing unsaid do that you can both draw a line under it and make sure you can move forward together.

    I’ve done this. I’ve listened to the things that came forward while my heart was breaking, but tried hard not to show it. Keep probing as calmly as possible for information so you get the e full picture.

    Once you break down, they will clam up and say that was everything even if it wasn’t. They are focused on keeping you rather than being respecting you and being honest to you. Not knowing that not being honest is what will lose you.

    You can always say it too, being dishonest here in anyway will end out relationship. Even if I find out in the future.

    Calm but firm and unwavering. I was gobsmacked by the depth of betrayal and dishonest and would have not gotten anywhere if I was showing how much I was falling apart inside.

    I hope there’s nothing else to find hun. Best of luck.

  9. Because, if he wants to continue the relationship, she needs to never, ever do something like this again, which involves figuring out what got her to do it in the first place. Feeling the need to baby trap a man, is absolutely not normal behaviour.

  10. Was him not telling you the only reason you were hurt by this?

    Remember that the child is not your husband's child legally or socially. He did not donate his sperm to have a child with his young MIL but to help out his father.

    Your husband did not knock up his dad's wife unless they had intercourse. To say that he knocked her up is a completely inappropriate way to put it. Pull your head out of your arse and get over it.

  11. Wha? That’s some serious distrust issues you have. I mean, sure a girl could say they’re depressed to hide the fact that they’re losing interest. But if you’re dating they’ll usually break up with you instead of hiding it behind depression. If you’re not dating, then sure they might say it to spare your feelings, but it doesn’t really matter cuz you’re not even dating so neither of you owe each other anything.

  12. I don’t understand why anyone is judging you in this situation, you’re already hurting and they have to pour salt in the wound by being unnecessarily rude, but that says more about them. A happy person wouldn’t be attacking someone in your situation on Reddit.

    Just know you’re not the only woman that as done that or been there. Living through experiences is the best way to learn, so instead of letting people put you down just learn from this and eventually you’re not only going to be okay, but you’re also going to have that confidence he took back and one day you’re even going to question why it hurt so much in the first place.

  13. But the problem is he would have to prove those expenditures were not GIFTS, if he has any hope of recouping the costs.

    In this situation, I highly doubt he would be able to do so.

    Taking a partner, especially one you’re not married to, into court attempting to recoup costs of things you’ve paid for during the course of the relationship, is nearly impossible.

  14. Oh, don't get me wrong, I absolutely would break up with someone like that. And now that I've read some of the other comments, especially where she uses self harm to manipulate you into staying with her, this is also my recommendation. This is next level abusive behavior and that at 18 years old. This will escalate to her threatening to harm or off herself and if that doesn't work, she'll turn. She'll turn because she has the mentality “if I can't have you, no one can” and suddenly you're in harms way. Don't throw your life away for a selfish person like her. Be free and especially be safe!

  15. Yeah March y22, and the app happened dec y21 but didn’t find out until a little way back. Half these comments saying im uptight and overblowing it the other opposite. Guess that’s Reddit for ya

  16. He is grumpy but not a bad person. He cooks for me, write me letters and he is always supportive with my projects and plans. He is also noble and humble, just really oblivious sometimes. I get he doesn't sound like the best partner but neither I am and I think that's the point on our relationship, we love and accept each other personalities.

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  18. Hang on – this post is about how he wants to live!. But what do you want to save for? Is there a happy medium for you two? If you want to start a family, you can do that any time if you know he wants the same. That doesn't mean you need to stop doing the fun stuff because you have decided that is what yoy want, ask for a split of interets. For now, put xxx percent of money into savinga highlighted for famiky and put xxx towards the next adventure.

    Every couple does it differently, if he's taking his lead from toy as to next steps then make a decision that benefits that next step.

    As long as he understands that once your family has been started then the percentage for family savings to travelling savings need to be flipped in the family's favour. Until then, you're both making memories and having experiences that won't be possible with kids in tow.

    What do you want to do? Plan the next year out in a practical sense with him. If you need to get his mum involved do so! (I've just handed my husband to his mum, he's being unreasonable about something and I've tried everything. Only a mum an help sometimes!)

  19. Maybe get off your own rump and high horse and get out there to do something with him instead of against him. Where is your effort beyond nagging him?

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  23. It's controlling or dominating to set boundaries and then be upset when those boundaries are violated? Ok. ?

  24. This is the same person?

    Take all of his things/ privileges away, when he escalates take more, every action must have a enforced consequence.

    Once there is nothing to take away remove it from future use.

    Once kids learn they can just keep escalating misbehaving to get their way it is very hard mainly because the parent keeps saying there is nothing I can do that works and give in rewarding the child and inadvertently rewarding the undesirable behaviour.

  25. I guess it would depend what the lie is (or lies), and us this something that us ongoing since 2005, or something thst happened early on in yoyr relationships andvyoyre just finding out.

    I mean, is it something like he has another wife and family or he has a kid that he knew about but never told you or an addiction he promised to kick but didn't? I understand if you don't feel comfortable sharing, but it would make a difference based on the severity of the lie, in my opinion

  26. It sounds like he did exactly what he said he's do: Drew a line when it became inappropriate. That's good, though he should NOT have admitted to the feelings.

    As for having the conversation… That's hard. You don't want to admit you snooped through his phone because, if he's like me, that's a huge invasion of privacy and a sign you don't trust him. But if you don't admit to it, you can't let him know what all you know. All that being said…. Just have the naked conversation. Admit you looked through his phone, and ask him about that exchange. Don't be accusatory, just tell him you need reassurance because right now you don't know how he even really feels.

    That's how I'd get things started in your shoes, but please take that with a grain of salt.

  27. Is she a stay at home mom? I'm wondering if you are her main source of social interaction. She should still try to create other interests/ spend time with friends and not just you all the time, but it might explain it.

  28. This is what I was thinking. They’re already displaying toxic and ignorant behaviors, what good would recording them screaming while having sex would do? Besides revealing to them that they’re being inconsiderate, their next choice after this confrontation would probably be some form of retaliation. And seeing as to how OP is living at home, it would probably be some form of expecting rent, expecting more for rent, or suggesting/beginning the process of eviction.

  29. What can i do without making it worse. It might seem wrong but im not trying to divorce him. So wjat can i say without provokimg a screaming match ? Im not defending him i said this was a toxic situation. Does nobody belive this can be handled without leaving him. Thats literally the LAST option for me.I know it might sound crazy but I would actually like my marriage to work out.

  30. Her car, her loan, her financial responsibility.

    Reverse the genders for one minute. Let's say a M24 bought a car and expected his GF (F25) to honour the debt. This sub would lose it's mind and call the guy controlling and abusive.

    To see if anything is sexist, just reverse the genders. If it's not OK that way, it's not OK the original way

  31. Just because she thinks things doesn’t give her the right to act kn them. She must have heard of using self control, right?

    You can free yourself from this. When you are free you will have the opportunity to find people who don’t randomly verbally abuse you.

    Yes- you are completely justified in leaving. Once you leave you will start to see all the other BS she is doing to you. Use this as a life lesson in what not to tolerate.

  32. Your boyfriend is an idiot and you need to ditch him. There are men out there who will light up when they see you no matter what your hair looks like and you deserve that.

    Not some twit dictating your style.

  33. I know I am getting cynical in my old age but the first scenario that came to my mind was that she cheated, got pregnant, wasn't sure who the father was, had an abortion and claimed it was a miscarriage to save face. The fact she hid the pregnancy and now seems pretty lassiez Faire about the loss, makes me think this scenario.

  34. Idk why you're being so harsh on op like her husband is a victim. She said that he's wanted three somes before and she'd obliged, and together they have both selected male and female partners before this. He wasn't coerced into this arrangement. He went willingly. They were both stupid. Not just her. I personally would never open my relationship up, but I'm not going to batter the op for a consensual agreement bc her husband didn't realize he couldn't handle playing with extreme fetishes.

  35. Don't project your insecurities on to others, this is why people.don't want to talk about these kinds of things. It's fine if you need to stay completely monogamous to keep your relationship intact, but not everyone feels the same.

  36. Yep. End the relationship so she can find someone who wants kids and you can find someone who doesn’t. Not fair to make her stay in a relationship where you know you won’t give her something she really wants.

  37. Jeesh, i'm sorry but how much do you wanna be manipulated until you realize she's hella toxic. The only thing you should do is send her a text saying “You know what? scratch that. I won't be here when you want to talk. You always do this crazy insecure stuff, and i'm sick and tired of it. Get help, get therapy and get mentally healthy. Maybe then you'll be a better girlfriend to your future boyfriend, because i am done.”

    No trip and no gift is worth beeing treated like that. Have some self respect.

  38. but I already had 3 back ups and 2 of my friends had their own copy in a zip file.

    Allllllright, this is where I had trouble believing this. No one makes 3 separate backups and in addition gives 2 extra copies to friends. Quintuple backups?

  39. Yoi dontnknow 1% of our story . You are way too judgy , if u ask her she will tell you she is the problem bcs she is . But jm Not wasting my tome replying to jusgy commsnts who dont know anything

  40. Hadnt thought about the boundary/consequences option, thank you. And unfortunately he cant afford therapy right bow, but the second he gets a job with insurance, that conversation is happening again

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