Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Date: October 20, 2022
Internet mom here too and I whole heartedly agree with other commenter. You honestly don’t have to tell ahead of time it is happening. Especially since you’ve already broached the subject and he guilted and manipulated you to stay. He would just do it again. Also, it’s possible to escalate. I’d plan to move things while he’s at work or out. Leave a note explaining you have left. Don’t leave your new address. Block him on everything. Make it clean and don’t drag it out.
Stay safe.
Will be deleting it and leaving her. I already asked my brother and sister in law to help me pack her stuff. Believe it or not she’s on a work trip with her ex in Brazil, the company took them there for carnaval to thank them for their work. She comes back next week and I’m telling her in person
You don't have to tell him squat about an abortion. You don't need to justify your actions to him anymore, and you don't need to let him into your private life.
she scheduled a 21st bday on sunday at 10am.
everyone would be hung over and not show up. they wouldn't have shown up to their own family breakfast is there was one. this is just bad planning.
I work hybrid and I mostly always cook for my gf. She doesn't live with me just to be clear and she doesn't wfh. But she will come over after work and I'll make dinner.
Most of the time she wants to help me or do something. And I actually like cooking, so that's why I volunteer to do it. For me it's a way to decompress.
But, in your situation your partner is putting pressure on you to do this and it's turning into more of a job. So, yeah that'd upset me too.
I also acknowledge that work culture in the states is toxic af. And your bf is probably under a lot of pressure and letting it affect his relationship with you.
Is there an easier solution than someone cooking every night? Also if homie wants a packed lunch he can do that himself….
Unfortunately this problem doesn't have a simple solution BUT this isn't about you. I guarantee you he feels guilty about it but can't stop. This sounds a lot like a porn addiction. What he needs is counseling. I wish this was something that could be easily resolved but he's in too deep and I'm betting you that he had this problem before he even met you. I wish you both the best!
You're the one who implied that she vomited because she drank too much when she only had two mixed drinks.
Ugh no, please do NOT have children if you truly don’t want them. My kids are the loves of my life, but it is SO HOT. If it’s something you’re sure you don’t want, don’t do it. For your sake, and the kids.
I appreciate you taking the time to write that. There's been times over the past month where we talked about us being together again how it would work boundaries etc it's just there's too much baggage for her and she doesn't deserve the verbal abuse and the chance of arguments turning sour and me doing something like that again . she tells me she loves me still but I can't let her destroy herself for me even if she wanted me back I should heal myself for her before I hurt her. I love her dearly and I gotta let it go. I know I must be better and it's something that's been delayed because of my own ego and thinking I was ok when I was destroying her