Karla live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

36 thoughts on “Karla live webcams for YOU!

  1. How exactly did he let you know? Did he actually get diagnosed? I’ve met a couple people who just assume they are sociopaths because of some shit they saw on TV like Dexter without actually even going to a doctor.

  2. Differences of opinion can be managed when the people involved can respect the other's opinion even if they disagree.

    Incompatibilities are fundamental differences in values that cannot be compromised on. Children vs no children, for example. Or a particular kink that one believes is necessary for a satisfying sex life and the other finds abhorrent.

  3. I find the people who have issues with your boundaries even the financial ones are who benefit the most by taking advantage of you.

    You’re boyfriend is already coming off as financially abusive and controlling. Don’t marry him.

  4. Yep! I remember the look on the engaged guys faces when our family law professor told us that in most circumstances, if the engagement does not result in marriage, she gets to keep the ring.

  5. That's not feasible either. Then you are basically saying you either spend time with your old hobby you no longer interested in or you can have no hobby at all. Which is quite a strange way of disregarding someone's mental health.

    They can still pay their essentials + put some money away to have something in case of emergencies. Why should he give up his hobby just to get a tiny bit ahead of something you can already do and give up his mental health for not having something to do in your free time?

  6. I bought my boyfriend (he’s still my boyfriend) a new phone for his birthday. I do not pay his bill and would never even imagine to do that unless we were married and on the same plan. Just don’t pay it. Say the phone was the gift, not the monthly service fees.

  7. It's not weird at all.

    She was spoiled fucking rotten as a child, raised on nothing but the thought that she was better and more important than her sisters, who were regularly abused by both her and their father. So now her sisters are getting more attention than she is and she can't handle it because she's a spoiled brat.

  8. Yes, right. I’d feel the same way if OP were a woman and the other party a man and they pecked a male friend on the lips, or a female friend on the lips, UNDER THESE SAME CIRCUMSTANCES.

  9. Tell him to stop watching porn and cut the masturbation in half. Dude’ll be bricked up and ready to go in 2 weeks.

  10. Let me attempt to get through to you…

    She doesn’t want you. She doesn’t desire you. She doesn’t want to fuck you. She doesn’t care about you sexually. She’s not attracted to you.

    She will literally never open up to you sexually the way she has with literally every other man she’s ever come into personal contact with.

    Her sexuality is something she will never share with you, that was for every other man she’s ever been with, not for you.

    Her reassurances are lies. Her actions are the truth.

  11. Is this the only way that you feel he isn’t proactive? Like, do you have to prompt him to do lots of things that you need? for instance, will he take out the trash if he sees that it’s full, or does he wait for you to ask him to do it?

    I ask this only because it’s incredibly common in hetero relationships for men to expect women to be the “house manager” and they are just waiting for instructions. This is referred to as “emotional labor” and many people grow to resent the burden of it over time. If he is generally pretty proactive around the house, then I would chalk this up to a miscommunication or difference in preference regarding how one should respond to the other being sick. But if this is just yet another example of him requiring you to ask him for assistance instead of offering it unprompted, you might want to think about what that will mean long-term.

  12. I don't eat cheerios idiot… in some countries a girlfriend mother is called a mother in law

  13. Men who don't want children can do something about it (yes, birth control is an option for both men and women, and the main option for men may not feel awesome in the moment but doesn't cause any significant long term health side effects). Even if the options fail men don't have to go through the trauma of an unwanted 9 month pregnancy followed by unwanted birth. It's much much tougher shit for women and I'm not sure why you think it's so bad for men? Raising or paying child support for an unwanted child is bad for anyone regardless of gender, plus not great for the child to be unwanted.

  14. Can't change the past. All you can do is either get over it or break up. Maybe start by figuring out why it bothers you so much.

  15. I can’t help but wonder what kind of people would be ok with their bf or gf actively looking after 6 months dating. Sure, sharing the info that you are still on Tinder is honest, but apart from poly people, who answers “that’s ok!” to their partner sharing that?

  16. I know everyone is bringing up the “trapped issue but what about the part that he wants to sleep around and expects her to not do the same?! Like he wants an open relationship to cheat but literally trapping you in it.

  17. A strong woman would have kicked her ass to the couch, or told her to take the Uber because she’s not welcome to stay the night. I can’t imagine letting some girl disrespect me like that, or let alone my partner allowing someone to disrespect me and our relationship like that

  18. Hey hun so my husband and I were in a somewhat similar situation. He wanted to try it, I was indifferent but wanted to try for him. We have tried for years, different things, to see if it will work. He got it in one time and it hurt me so bad, and he said it honestly hurt his dick a little because it was so tight. He felt so awful afterwards he wouldn't even hardly play with my ass for a week (it took me reassuring him and telling him it was totally okay for him to feel comfortable enough again) and he told me he never wants to try again and not just because it hurt me. But he realized he has more fun playing with it and us both enjoying it. So sweetie, if it isn't for you then it isn't for you! And y'all can still have all kinds of fun with your ass without anal! Just have an open conversation with him about it and make a compromise! No anal but plenty of ass play! And if it's about the tightness of the asshole then hit him with some kegels while you're doing it or if you're okay with giving blow jobs grip him real tight with one hand while you give him a blow job. Both of those are nice for guys. But don't do anal if you don't want to. It will only be painful and you'll hate it.

  19. So based on your comment, as a response to her question you said you don't date darker skinned women because you don't find them attractive but she saying that she finds darker skinned men more attractive than others elicits an ewww from you? It's not racist to be attracted to some people and not to others but your condescending ewww is what started the whole thing and you're still not seeing that as rude.

  20. It wasn't about insurance though, multiple doctors have told me they do not give the vaccine after 26

  21. She didn't say it until he commented.

    His reaction was absolutely over the top. She is not blameless.

    The way to have the discussion is to go “hey honey, can we talk? I know we fantasized about having kids in the future but I'm not sure I want them anymore”. Not to fantasize about not having kids before admitting it.

  22. I hope he sees you for who you really are and end up not being your friend anymore and find a girl that deserves him.

  23. I genuinely don't know. You can't make neurotypical people understand what it's like.

    I'd try asking him if he thinks you are faking it, or thinks resting is a character flaw, and if he says yes to either of those, tell him that he can either believe you, or end the relationship. You don't deserve to have your character questioned by someone who tells you they love you. I think it's fair to expect your partner to not lecture you on things he knows nothing about.

    One day he'll grow up, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

  24. Hey hey it's only fair to call his dick out for a sugary breakfast. What would a apt breakfast for penis be tho.

  25. You need to take a BIG step back. Tell her she's on her own as far as going to the hospital, and you won't be talking about her problem anymore, since she refuses to help herself.

  26. People said they thought I was in my teens or early 20s until I was 32ish; they still think I'm just out of college and I'm 34. It's literally just healthy skin. I've stayed in shape and I'm petite but curvy, but I'm the average height for a woman in my country so I don't think it's that or we'd be saying every woman who's average or short looks like a teen.

  27. I don't think you're being unrealistic in wanting your boyfriend to share the household chores. It's something that people who live together do. What was his life like at home before you moved in? Did the adults in his life do everything for him? Perhaps he doesn't understand the standards that you're asking for even though you pointed out above that you have spoken with him.

    I heard something recently that I found interesting, “Don't let roommate problems become relationship problems.” What I take from that is that you shouldn't confuse a personal loving connection with household chores, but I can see how you get frustrated.

    If he were cleaner, would you be happier to spend your life with him? If so, you need to sit down and make sure he understands the importance of cleaning the house to you and how it makes you feel loved.

  28. Since it seems like you’re set on breaking up, I think you’re handling it well. Cancel the wedding, work out a way for her to move out and completely disentangle yourself from her.

    She can come up with any excuse she wants. Fact is she never communicated with you and cheated on you. She’s a sneaky, lying cheater and not someone you should associate yourself with.

    Keep things civil, learn from this and better yourself. You’ll be fine man. Keep working to get to a better place and this will become just a bad memory.

  29. Sounds like your husband just wants to have sex his way and disregard your feelings

    I would sit him down asap. You need to know if this is going to be a problem long term. I hope you all are able to come with a conclusion.

  30. Based upon your last post where you made 12 superficial and ridiculous points you want your fiance to fix, including baldness, please just let this man go so you can continue your vain existence by yourself. Yikes.

  31. If anyone tries to put Clorox on your crotch, don’t let them!! Do you know how dangerous that is for your skin?

  32. Did you include him in these changes? Should he probably get in better shape? If you didn't, and he does, why wouldn't you include him and try to improve yourselves together?

    Did you just decide on a whim to start a healthier lifestyle… Without including him?

    If your answer is you didn't include him or encourage him as well – these are huge red flags from his perspective. It's usually a sign of cheating or a precursor to it, when someone randomly changes the way theyu do things when theyre in a relationship on your their own vs together.

    If you did did try to include him, then it's on him. It's still on him for the way he's speaking to you, however, insecurity is a bitch and he's obviously very insecure with your relationship right now.

    It could be he's just upset you're not bending to his will anymore. It could be he's worried you're cheating and you've left him in the dust.

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