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27 thoughts on “MSweetLindaParkslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Really think about what your saying and try to commit, right now to how many more years you’d like to live like that. How many more years are you willing to stay on with a cheater before you’ve finally had enough? Five? Ten? How old will you be? What do you want your life to look like? Does the future you want meet up with the reality of your husband?

    This is the person he is. He has no intention of changing HE is responsible for your marriage failing. You cannot fix this. If you have this threesome with him when you don’t want to you will just feel disgusted with yourself and your marriage will still be failing.

    A person who loves you wouldn’t push you into something you don’t want to do and aren’t comfortable with. Make sure you, at least, lover yourself not to push you into doing this.

    Stick to your guns. You deserve so much more than this turd.

  2. It sounds as though your BF (?ex) just ran out of patience. The only thing you could do at this point is, if he is willing to talk to you, try to get him to see where you were coming from, and then maybe seek therapy to deal with your insecurity issues.

    But honestly, OP, her texting him at 4am is not okay in this situation. If your BF doesn’t recognize that, he’s also got an issue.

  3. The studies that you are talking about most likely explore major histocompatibility complex. The TL;DR is that people who smell good to us have a complimentary antigen profile, and our offspring would have better immunological responses than offspring with someone who smells off-putting.

    The thing is, you don't have to be a dick even if someone doesn't smell great to you.

    If you are a scientist with knowledge of MHC, feel free to correct my layman's understanding.

  4. Usually those type of happy ending massage parlors are involved in sex trafficking, and the one doing the massage is a trafficked woman. The feds have busted a bunch of these places in my state in the recent years. OP should definitely be reporting this, as should anyone who is a decent human being.

  5. I don’t even know why he hasn’t tried to record or wake me up. I ask him so many times to do that cause I don’t want to be dreaming about someone else ? . Definitely getting a sleep app now

  6. Start making dinner for yourself only. See what happens.

    Wife and I both work, have separate accounts, we share house duties, we cook our own meals 90% of the time, and clean our own dishes.

    I want an independent partnership that makes us both better, not a maid that also happens to have another job.

  7. They showed me five different rings, but none of them were mine.

    Honest question, how do so many people lose rings at the gym?

  8. His cheating couldn't be more obvious if you were the one filming it.

    And it's especially messed up that he's doubling down, playing the victim, and trickle-truthing.

    This is textbook DARVO behavior.

  9. Maybe you just need to step back from the dating scene entirely and focus on yourself and what you want. You seem like the dog with two bowls of food in front of them, wanting the other every time you're eating from one. It's not fair to either of the guys and it's not fair to you.

    There's a lot of unhealthy behavior here from trying to manipulate Don to progress further into the relationship than he wanted, the feeling that getting on the dating app was a form of revenge, then the comparisons in your head of Don and Sean to each other when you're seeing the other.

    Sure Don seems to have his own issues but it's not fair to either of them to string them along when you don't seem to be ready.

  10. As someone who has been here a time or two, trust me – the answer is never worth the wait and nine times out of ten it’s one last ditch effort to gaslight you into staying.

  11. Housing can be a major point of contention in any relationship, platonic or romantic. If the housing situation isn't the best or what you need, it makes EVERYTHING in life that much harder. Because home is supposed to be your safe space and sanctuary, a place where you know you'll be content and comfortable because it's yours. When it doesn't feel that way, it's so stressful and really makes you wonder about what's next. Have you also tried looking into telehealth programs to connect with someone? There's all sorts of live resources to assist in getting the help you need. If it helps, maybe take a couple days and stay with a friend to get your head back on straight so you can come back ready to face the problem head on. You said you can go remote if necessary, right? Well if that's the case, discuss with your employer the option to work remotely for a couple days, take work with you and take a couple days to breathe, form a plan of action and come back ready to do what needs to be done. Just let him know, “Hey, I just need to get away from the chaos of the home for a couple days, I'm gonna go stay at X place. This is not me trying to get away from you or the relationship, I just need a couple days to organize some things so we can work through this head on as a team. I'll bring options to you, and we can discuss next steps together.” Or something similar. The main focus is tackling the problems together as a team, and there's nothing wrong with taking a couple days to really unwind your mind. Plus, you never know. Maybe you'll think of something that didn't even occur to you before because you are no longer in the midst of the chaos causing distress. I think you guys can work through it! I'm rooting for you, OP 🙂

  12. Other then our bedroom issues, he’s such a great loving husband.

    Other than the fact that he rapes me repeatedly, he's such a great loving husband… this is heartbreaking. Absolutely fucking maddening and heartbreaking.

    Great men are not rapists. Rapists are not good, loving men. That is just not possible. I'm so sorry OP.

  13. She is playing with your feelings. You may think I am wrong, but your description makes it clear. Write her you don't like her anymore, and don't want to stay in touch. If she persists, then block her.

    You may think it cruel, but cutting her off clean will not help you, but in case she does have feelings for you it will help her move on the fastest.

  14. How do I navigate this?

    In many countries, anything received before the wedding stays separate anyway….and often inheritance received during marriage also stays separate… so I don't really see why this is an issue for you tbh.

    Just sit down with two lawyers, one represents her, one represents her, figure out what you both want. When you're at it, you can also discuss if you want a marriage contract, adjust your wills etc.

  15. Invest your money in counseling for you and your wife. You’ll either get a better marriage or a better divorce.

  16. If you’ve had the exclusive talk then it would be cheating.

    If you’ve not had that ‘so, what are we then? Are we a couple or not?” talk then she’s still a free agent and it’s not cheating.

    She chose you, be happy that you were better than the other guy and don’t blow the whole relationship over some ego fragility.

  17. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Ok so my husband (M35) and I (F33) have a disagreement and I think is a good idea to ask here what do other people think. We were talking about expectations and things we would like in our relationship. So for context: been married for 4 months, together for 2 years. Before our wedding not to long ago we were messing around and I said that I could see my self committing to giving him oral sex at least once a month. Time passed and that hasn’t been the case. Why? I don’t know sometimes I guess we just skip that part and move to regular sex.

    Today talking about things we would like he said he would like for me to give him oral sex when he asks for it ( to be fair he didn’t said “whenever” just like, sometimes), but just the oral, like without any other sexual act. I said that if I’m feeling like it maybe i would but that since for me is a sexual act I’m not gonna do it if I don’t feel like it. He said that for him is not sexual, is like a foot massage (my words). And that he would like it without any other type of sexual act and just like a gift from me. So like a favor. But idk it rubs me the wrong way, doing something that for me IS sexual if im not feeling like it, kind of SA in a way. He doesn’t see it like that. So reddit, what do you think? Much appreciate the feedback from men and women alike. I may show him the responses and if anyone has some questions just ask.

    Edit: adding more context one time we were chilling and he asked me for a hand job, i told him no because I wasn’t feeling it (i wasn’t feeling sexual) he also said it was more like a massage. He says it just something that helps him to relieve some stress.

    Edit 2: so to clarify some things I’ve been reading in the comments:

    1) I have a higher libido than him (he has said that himself) and I would say our sex life is amazing, although lately we’ve been fighting so it hasn’t been that great (the last week) I think that maybe he was letting his frustration get the best of him in this particular circumstance.

    2) He is a GREAT and generous lover, and I think I am too. I have no problem with him asking for something, communication is an important part of a healthy relationship. My issue is that if I’m not feeling it I should be able to decline and his response was “well then I’ll just won’t ever ask if you’re just going to refuse me”. Which I never said I would do EVERY single time, just if I’m not feeling it.

    3) I really want to show him this tread but I don’t want to hurt his feelings, there were a lot of comments that were suggesting that he would cheat or other mean stuff. He is a great man I just don’t agree with him in this particular issue. Thanks for keeping the comments respectful towards him and me.

    English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes

  18. “They said they were fine with it and said this offered them a fresh perspective”

    Super important info there. I think you where both being jerks, you for interrupting him repeatedly and him for saying shut up.

    BUT, it sounds like A and U wanted outside input. You and your mom where uncomfortable, and that's ok, but instead of striking up your own conversation, or asking them to have their discussion elsewhere, you tried to police them, interrupted them and their conversion.

    If A and U did not want to talk about it at all, I would see this whole situation differently, but it sounds like they really did want the input. Maybe it wasn't the time or place, but that's why I would have just asked them to take the conversation to another room, or taken my own conversation with my mom elsewhere.

  19. If he's still on followers or following she didn't block him. She's lying. Best to move on from her if she can't respect such a situation.

  20. She doesn’t believe you accept her culture?

    Why is she dating someone she doesn’t believe accepts her culture? Ask her. She can’t make that accusation and then be unaccountable herself.

    You simply say; “If this is important to you then I am not the guy for you.”

    Make it her decision.

  21. Your boyfriend raped you, and is trying to use your prior interest in kink to justify it. You set out your ground rules for a free use scenario, and those didn't include passed out drunk with no way to respond. Dump him. I don't know if I would pursue a criminal case against him, unless you want all your kinks aired out in public. I'd like to see him in trouble, but, I know that he will expose your most personal secrets to avoid the charge,and I don't want you to go through that unless you're really willing.

  22. You’re both in danger. This behavior is unhinged. Breaking into her home?

    There’s a screw that’s gone missing and he’s moved from infatuation to abusive, lying stalker.

    Get a PI to help gather evidence quickly or contact some abuse hotlines for advice etc. because it’s just not safe for you or Ava.

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