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26 thoughts on “kinkyRosa99live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thank you for your comment, it means a lot. Beyond saying I’ve learned from this experience and promise to practice more mindfulness while speaking, is there any way I can give her the faith so that she can trust me again?

  2. He was just finally standing for himself and he wasn’t threatening physical violence , he just standing close to him. And judging by how his dad reacted , I can’t imagine what he’s been through

  3. Sometimes people who are neurodivergent have more strict categories for friendship, there are people that I may see and speak to on a regular basis, who I care about, that I don't necessarily consider to be a friend. I think that part of it may come from childhood trauma, we just seem to classify relationships differently.

  4. If you decide enough is enough. Please consult a lawyer first in order to line up any alimony payments you might have depending on things like kids staying with you etc.

  5. i totally agree! i can tell he isn’t feeling well, he on the other hand just doesn’t like taking much about his feelings so i’m trying to find ways to help.

  6. Honestly based on what you put in your post i think if you don’t reach out she is going to be mad with you for not doing it. It seems she always wants the opposite of what you think she wants. I would send her a long message telling her how you feel and thats it. One message is not going to do any harm.

  7. You really don’t have a strong argument unless you are able to argue the other side. From the looks of it, a lot of people forget that now a days. I think it’s important to hear the other person out and how they reached their conclusion.

  8. You need to move on and prove you are a stable independent person. Even then there is still no guarantee she will even want to get back with you.

  9. “You’re supposed to be sad after break ups”

    There is clearly a misconception here. Why would you be sad if your situation after the break up clearly improved? Are you supposed to be sad after healing an illness? nope, right?

    Enjoy being happy.

  10. I am sorry You’re so naive or you were raised to think otherwise but your wife clearly has not desired to have children, marrying someone because you think they may change their mind about important life decisions is a gamble, so now you’re going to face divorcing your wife because for some reason you thought even if she’s never spontaneous and she plans everything step by step, the only thing she would be spontaneous about was children.

  11. Not really chasing polygamy, rather an open/swinging lifestyle, I love my GF and I want her to understand she's #1 and everything else is a literal friendship with sex, like I'd even go to a large play event with multiple people And I'd be comfortable to bring her with me, I'm not looking for dates and gift buying for anyone but my gf unless SHE desires more with an individual, only then what I consider polygamy, I just want freedom to meet and experience others BUT with her knowledge and acceptance, And I want her to understand she has the same exact right to do the same! I know it exists u can get on Fet and literally find thousands of people who live this same way, I've talked to so many and learned from them. I agree I should have been more descriptive on what I was looking for upon meeting her but I didn't know anything when I first met her I spent years with myself behind her back experimenting with others and once I became content is when I realized I wanted her forever and wanted her to be apart of it all. But it feels too late now like the bridge is burnt and I can't go back and correct that lifestyle which is why I feel like I have to choose one or the other, obviously if I let her go I can go right back into what I was doing before In my selfish mind I just feel like it would be easier for her to give the lifestyle a try before calling it a hard no, but I can't force anybody to do anything they don't want to

  12. That is the plan! The surprise is taking her to get one, sorry that that wasn’t clear, I’ll add an edit

  13. That doesn't sound in any way romantic to me. A supercar that you like and going to the mall??? I'm a car person, well, more specifically trucks, but my first thought is where is she putting the stuff she had to hoof it around the mall to get in a McLaren?

  14. I've recently discovered a notes app on my phone. It lets you make notes but also take pictures.

    When I was moving stuff about the house, temporarily, I took a photo of the place I'd put the important thing. Wrote a note that said “location of important thing” and added a label “location”

    I remembered where it was when I needed it, but if I hadn't, it was right there on my phone and it was fairly quick to do.

    Your girlfriend might not remember to do this if she tidies, but if you put your stuff away, so it doesn't look untidy, you can take a picture and put it in your notes app, so you can find it when you need it.

  15. Buddy I fought the same battle you are, but for nearly 10 years. I thought it could change, that she was the best I could get, that she'll grow to be more respectful.

    It resulted in me losing my confidence slowly and becoming much more reserved. That made her emasculate me even more. Eventually she wanted a “real man”, someone who takes charge. I find this out after discovering she had been seeing someone else for months. We ended it and she stayed with him. He ended up being an abuser and she regretted it, but of course there was no way I was coming back. Then of course it turned out she had cheated several times in the past decade of our relationship. She never respected me, and I let her be that way because she wouldn't have it any other way. So I compromised myself.

    What you are talking about with your situation is one of the(very few, to me at the time) red flags I ignored about this woman, because I was in love and she was the one.

    If she is looking down on you when you are vulnerable, she is not the one.

  16. Consent obtained via coercion is not actually consent.

    If you beg, whine, threaten, manipulate, hurt, or just go on and on about it until she gives in just to get it over with and get you to shut up and leave her alone, congrats, you've just used coercion to obtain sexual access.

    And if you obtain consent via coercion, congrats, you've just sexually abused/raped the person who you're supposed to respect and care about.

    Consent should always be freely given, enthusiastic, and acknowledged and respected as something that can be withdrawn at any point during sex.

  17. You rejected him. He owes you nothing. Your taste in men clearly isn’t your best friends. There is nothing for you to say or do besides tell them good luck. Try that.

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