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Date: October 8, 2022

56 thoughts on “instagram sweetlovegym…….twitter: sexwithgym69xxx the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Dude, its a 2 month relationship and there is way too fucking much drama already. Can you really see yourself dealing with this kind of shit for years?

  2. How often do your guy friends ask that you buy them stuff they want instead of getting it for themselves? When was the last time you bought one of them a sex toy? This “friendship” blurs the boundaries and you know it. I don't blame your girlfriend for being uncomfortable.

  3. The thing with this is youre focusing on “men who cheat” and why THEY move on quicker, the reason if fairly simple and that’s that they emotionally checked out of the relationship long before the actual breakup, they cheated, stopped respecting you, lost their feelings towards you and when the break finally came they were already past you, whereas you were only just starting that phase

  4. As hurt as you are, be grateful that you’ve dodged a bullet. Someone who behaves like that would only have brought you a lifetime of insecurity and misery.

    Sorry you are having to go through this though, hope you can move on and find someone who treats you with respect.

  5. Depending on where you on-line, having sex and not disclosing you have HIV is criminal.

    HE also sounds super selfish. He is good at manipulating you. He made you basically feel sorry for him by all the run around he gave you over the HIV. Think about that and end this relationship.

  6. You're right, I've felt like I've had one foot out the door for a long time.

    Normally I'd expect to see “I discussed becoming a polyamorous couple with my partner, and…” Because you really can't do it with one person making the decision, otherwise that person is just cheating.

    It's more complicated then I explained. We both have been exploring poly and we've tried to do it slow and with everyone's consent. I've had a very easy time adjusting to everything and giving her as much freedom as she wants. She's wired differently and so it's been harder for her. But your point is still valid but I've definitely been pushing and pushing and pushing.

    This young guy, does he want to move to Georgia? Are you going to pursue him just for a two month fling or do you just expect him to uproot and travel with you?

    I don't know. That's one of the reasons I feel so shitty. I'm really scared that I am the type of person who is just going to pick up a person and then get bored with them. I never thought I would be but now I'm feeling very confused. I've also been thinking a lot that maybe I should just be single because I'm destined to hurt the people I love.

    But overall your comment is extremely insightful and picked up on a lot of truths that I would rather not admit. So thank you.

  7. There is still a lot of stigma and misinformation about HIV. The reality is that know we know when someone is undetectable, they are not capable of infecting others. So he wasn’t putting you at risk if he took his meds and got his check ups. His doctor could have very well told him this.

    HOWEVER the fact is that he lied to you. Yes having HIV is personal, you were not at risk, etc. But you asked him point blank, and he lied to your face. In a committed relationship, you just don’t do that. You’re honest with your partners about your health conditions. And you want your partners to make decision that they’re comfortable with — maybe you would want to use condoms or Prep because that would make you more comfortable!

    I got downvoted to hell for commenting about HIV on another thread. There’s a difference between whether someone is endangering you and whether they’re being a crappy person. He wasn’t putting you in danger, but he was crappy.

  8. Based on your responses to the advice here, you are not ready to be in a relationship. You can't even put this “friend” in her place lmao, your gf deserves so much better than what you can provide. I hope she realises this.

  9. Why would you feel guilty?

    You decide when to have sex with somebody.

    “Blue balls” is is a childish stupid crap. Nobody has “blue balls”!

    He either respects you or tell him off.

  10. Hello /u/throw-away-hearts,

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  11. That's one of the things I disliked about my treatment. I never got help for this. It all went very fast. I chose to keep my family doctor out of this and go straight to the clinic, which is unusual. I was looking for a different family doctor at the time, because he's more of an abstinence kind of guy. I went to him in the past to get the pill, but he refused to give it to me.

    Anyways, at the clinic I got one consultation. It was during this appointment where I had a whole speech planned to tell the doctor all that I was experiencing. I wanted to tell her about everything but this is basically how it went: First I got an ultrasound. Then she got my form and asked me about my reason to get the abortion. I said “well for starters, this pregnancy was unplanned and ….” And she was like “Alright awesome. Go to Linda at the reception desk to make your appointment” And she walked out. It barely lasted 5 minutes in it's entirety.

    Maybe I could have been able to say more, but I started to get choked up after barely getting my first sentence out. It's true that they're extremely busy at these clinics so I should have expected this.

    Other than this, it was a really good place. Everyone there was so kind. It's an all woman facility. And the nurses really do a good job to make you feel safe.

  12. I think taking a break to give both of you time to process your thoughts and emotions can be a helpful step in resolving any issues in your relationship. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about why you feel a break is necessary, and to set clear boundaries and expectations for the week apart.

    It's also important to remember that a break is not a solution in and of itself, but rather a chance to step back and reassess the relationship. When you meet up again to discuss everything, be sure to approach the conversation with an open and non-judgmental mindset, and be willing to listen to your partner's perspective as well.

    Ultimately, it's important to remember that relationships take work and effort from both parties, and that open communication and understanding is key to a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Best of luck to you!

  13. Absolutely! I’ve gotten him on board with small trips. And actually my plan was to do exactly what you mentioned and try and see if somewhere in Texas would be close enough for him! Thank you !

  14. agree, agreeing to a prenup solves short term, but OP also needs to sort out living paycheck to paycheck – if she is close to her bf's salary, why is he a big saver and she isnt?

    It might also be worth checking you are splitting expenses fairly, either 50/50 at a minimum for OP, or maybe even 60/40 (or whatever salaries are) if he is earning a little more.

  15. Yeah, sorry, sounds like deflection and gaslighting, especially since he never answered your question. Get a spycam for your bedroom.

  16. Last I checked, there are buses, taxis, Uber & Lyft availability, rides from her mother, rides from friends, transport cost sharing with co-workers, and any combination of all those options available to a person interested in getting to work. She lost that job to prove a point.

    She’s letting anger and jealousy overtake rational thinking and responsibility — just like that 15 year old mindset you referenced.

  17. She's a family member that has repeatedly emphasized her dislike for her younger siblings. You can't be vocally anti-kid and then turn around and get mad when you don't get invited to the kid-centric event. She created this environment on her own.

    “She's still a family member”

    So whenever OP's youngest is graduating and they want to do something special for them, are they still obligated to invite and pay for a grown woman in her 40's? At what point do you stop paying for your kids, or do you think that parents have to just keep shelling money out for their children in perpetuity?

  18. He tried to twist it on me but I stood my ground which I've never done so I'm very proud of myself

    And we are all of you too, OP. Well done!

    I would like some advice on how to help myself feel better

    Do your favourite things, be around your favourite people – combine the two? Also eat your favourite things and just generally be happy.

    If all your happiness stems from one person and you can't do anything without thinking of having done it with them, well – find new stuff to do.

    Climb a hill, eat a tub of ice-cream solo, learn how to Yodel, take up regular exercise if you don't already. Binge a series, find a few new eateries to dine at, appreciate some art, swim with Dolphins.

    The world is your oyster – enjoy it.

  19. Let's not forget she is 25 and his other children are 4 and 6. She was an adult before they were born… She could have enlisted in the military and been deployed before their first child was born. She is selfish and abusive.

  20. So. People can not like kids and still want to go to Disney. The point is the option was never presented to her. And no one is defending the daughter. The question we asked was why he didn’t think to invite the daughter in the point about Disney. That’s it.

  21. You only get notifications from apps if you have those permissions turned on and you have the app downloaded on your phone

  22. Your post reads like general advice to at least two of us.

    If you had made it clear you meant it specifically for OPs boyfriend, fine.

  23. You’re a girl, & someone he’s been with before. It won’t be that bad. Just ask him. If he says no, then so be it!

  24. What was the alternative to trapping the guy in a room and beating the fuck out of him?

    Maybe just letting him run off like the other guy or keeping him in the room until the police got there?

    No wonder the girlfriend is terrified now, she sees him as the violent savage he is.

    Notice how OP didn’t say this guy tried to fight him or anything? He just beat the piss out of him and didn’t stop until his girlfriend made him. Completely unhinged and out of control. His excuses that “things are blurry” and he “blacked out” just make it soo much fucking worse.

  25. There's a big difference between setting a boundary and demanding an action. People even in this post are not understanding it.

    She was upfront and honest. She said here is my boundary. She did not demand. She is giving you the option of meeting it or choosing not to.

    A demand would be getting in the relationship for months then popping up saying you have to stop talking to her or I'm gone.

    People just don't like boundaries because they don't like not having their cake and eating it too. Instead they make the person setting the boundary look like a jerk

    Either meet her request or move on to someone who is ok with having an ex as a friend.

  26. Then why do you seem to think you should’ve gotten away with it? Unless you told your brother you were going to confess what you did to your girlfriend like that week, he did the right thing and your complaint is moot.

  27. If you are looking tor sonething serious, then this will never be so. Look for someone else, there is no future with her.

  28. Is she on drugs? The need for money and the unstable personality could account for that. Another possibility is her mental health is bad. Looking after 3 kids with a partner in prison will do that. She could also be angry at you for putting yourself in the position of going to prison or all 3? Who knows? You need to talk to her.

  29. it’s not my purpose to sound harsh, but may i ask what exactly is the point of this post?

    also are you actually 18 and married?

  30. Thank you. The commitment issue is the only red flag, he is perfect in every other way and the best person I have ever met in my life.

  31. I didn’t care for yours either when you’re some brain dead broad that feels someone is above criticism because it’s a certain day dumbass

  32. People his age aren't dating him because they clearly see his instability. And yes I saw the correction that he's 25. It might sound N/A to you, but once you pass 25, you will see 18 and 25+ are whole different worlds.

    Regardless, when people truly believe conspiracy, there's usually no convincing them out of it

  33. We wanted to rent first and realized renting is a waste of money to not have an asset, worst case scenario if things go south we sell and split the money, better to do that than waste the same amount of money on not owning property

  34. Absolutely do not give people 3 dates. Do not give them the benefit of the doubt.

    The first date is someone on their best behavior.

  35. I should add that I basically picked the current place, but it was more because he refused to spend time looking up apartments and their availabilities when we were on a short time budget. He'd find some he liked and point them out to me, but wouldn't attempt to find out when we could move in or any other details.

    And that first part is something I think I was trying to articulate earlier when we were arguing, so thanks for doing so for me.

  36. I mean, I want to move past it but the trust seems to be damaged. Like I'm afraid to be gone long, I constantly wonder if she might jus5 be with someone else while I'm gone.

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