Niiaa1 live! webcams for YOU!


help me my orgasm (tip especial 1000) I will be nude and cute for you [583 tokens remaining]

Date: October 7, 2022

20 thoughts on “Niiaa1 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. To he honest based on a quick glance at your history, you should seek help. I totally understand the mothers POV. Your on and off relationship is abusive.

  2. I’m really confused. Sending “you’re a star” is consistent with your father having an affair with a performer, but it’s also consistent with your father being enthusiastic (in an appropriate way) about that performer.

    You say you saw other texts that confirmed your suspicions – could you say more about those?

    You have a lot of suspicions and very little evidence or detail here. Your father is acting the way he would if he hasn’t done anything wrong. That could mean he’s very manipulative, but it could also mean he’s done nothing wrong.

  3. You obviously know it's not for you, break up but be there for her as a friend if you choose. This is 100% on her, not you and her other life situations shouldn't dictate your decisions. It's sad what she is going thru but she cheated

  4. I’ve said the same, his outlook is because we live together I am obligated to help him and that I should consider her my daughter. Meanwhile same daughter yells in my face you’re not my real mom when I put her to bed tonight ? her first time ever saying anything like that so I’m guessing BM been saying stuff like that to her (all while expecting me to care for her daughter anytime she pleases)

  5. I’ve had to cremate two pets in the last three years. When you come pick them up, you get all these little keepsakes; one of them is, unexpectedly, some of their fur. So, this isn’t as unusual as all that. I understand people make memorials or lockets, or even sew the fur into plush likenesses or comfort pillows.

    Haven’t decided what to do with the fur I’ve been given just yet, but I’m damn sure not throwing it in the garbage. I’ve lost enough, I’m not giving up any more of them. I can’t watch out for either of them anymore, so I’ll take care of what’s left. Anybody with any empathy should at least partly understand that. I don’t care if he’s just unfamiliar or uneasy, if your SO was my SO, they’d have the pleasure of learning just how much more indispensible a dirty old clump of hair can be; compared to a whole ass, ain’t-shit, complaining little mama’s boy.

  6. Don't bother. She didn't flake, she blew you off. Whether it was fear, a power play, or she is just clueless, this doesn't sound promising in the least.

  7. In my experience, once one side decides to end things, it can never go back to the way it was. Either is not salvageable at all, or if it is, the dynamics change so much it’s just not the same for either part and eventually things die down.

    It will hurt a lot but this is a chance for you to develop into a better partner. Maybe you need to go through this pain to come out of it a better person.

  8. Nope. She was headed to have sex with a stranger in the second your back was turned. Assaulted you…

    Absolutely be done. Unless you love being assaulted and put in dangerous positions for fun.

  9. He was really verbally abusive to her in the past. They've come along way. But yeah, the “best friend” thing really bugs me. I found out like half a year ago, that when my wife and I first started dating, her and her ex would talk on the phone every night. That made me upset, because I felt like that might've affected my decision on whether I wanted to go forward with it or not.

    I mean, it's not just our/her father's daughter that she keeps in contact with. There are other exes that she communicates with from time to time. I guess I can interpret this as a level of maturity. In one case she works with a guy she dated short term. In another case, they just text on birthdays. So nothing huge there.

    Even some of her friends are like “you're best friends with your ex, that's weird”. So I don't know where to take it.

  10. Lol. If she gonna meet up with an ex/friend to say goodbye. You should have joined, like adults. You are definitely the second choice here.

    Free yourself from this.

  11. It does make her a villain because she waited 6 years to tell him, making OP waste his life on her.

  12. Emotional cheating involves… Emotions. This was a handful of messages between opposite gendered people and she laid out that she has a bf. It's not cheating. It's not even close or related to cheating.

    Also, her private information was violated. He absolutely should not have done that. You and she ought to report him to the manager/owner of the gym. He'll probably get fired for that shit.

  13. Stop going down on your girlfriend.

    Your issue is tit for tat. You give, and that creates the expectation to receive, and when she doesn't, you feel rejected.

    If she has a problem not receiving, that's her thing, and you can explain it makes you feel negative to give and not receive, and you don't want to feel that way anymore.

    Otherwise, you just stop asking for bj's. You can't be rejected if you don't ask. But it seems your real problem is that she doesn't give, but she takes everything, and it isn't fair for you.

    You may reach a point it doesn't matter to you either way

    I went through a similar thing with my partner I gave, but didn't receive. I had to mentally stop needing things to be if i do it, so should you. As a couple, our goal is to please the other, and that's what matters. It's not the same because of a few reasons, but it is similar. Hope this helps.

  14. So, it's your opinion that Sami has no autonomy? That she has no say in whether she stays with her husband? Based on the story so far, can you imagine anyone, be it a professional counselor or just a good friend, who would advise Sami to stay with a husband who regularly cheated on her? I think the advice would be uniformly for her to get out.

    Take the accident out of the equation. Imagine Mark is perfectly healthy. All indications are that Sami would have left already. So, the desire on Sami's part to leave is real. And I am willing to bet, that had healthy Tom made any kind of offer to keep Sami in the marriage with an open marriage, she would have ignored it on her way to file divorce papers. In other words, Sami's not tied to the marriage by children, manipulation or by some forcible threat by Tom to stay. Her staying, under any circumstance is her choice. She is choosing not to divorce Tom. That's 100% on her. It's not manipulation, like you claim it is. She is fully aware of what Tom has done and is doing, does not accept or condone it, yet she agrees to stay. And in other conditions, she would have left. Her decision to stay is clearly due to Sami's own personal morals and pathos for Tom.

    If Sami would have wanted to stay, under any condition, i.e., a healthy Tom, then I would agree that there may have been some manipulation to change her outlook on Tom's cheating that OP may not be aware of (or describing here). If Sami was suddenly “Oh but Tom is reformed now” and publicly rug sweeping his continued affairs, then that would clearly be manipulation of the worst kind. But that is completely absent here. This is just bad decision making on Sami's part, despite having the best of intentions. 2 different things.

    In the exact same way, she is choosing to take on some form of “open marriage”. How would this be any requirement for her to stay and care for Tom? She could just as easily say “no” to the open marriage, stay until Tom is on his feet and then leave. What would saying “no” change? She knows Tom is already a cheater, and unrepentant about it. Nowhere in that care-giving is it required that she open the relationship. That is entirely on Sami and it is entirely a separate issue from her decision to continue with Tom's care. That is a decision which reflects entirely on her, as she can just as easily refuse to accept that (as an apparently innately monogamous person). Sami stopped being a victim of her husband's infidelity when she decided to stay, and is now entering into infidelity herself, consciously and willingly. She is lowering herself to Tom's level.

    OP's husband seems very aware of this situation and his decision seems like it is based on watching his wife's friend make one bad (but somewhat justifiable) decision and compounding it by making an even worse decision.

    Bad decision-making can be contagious and I don't blame OP's husband for wanting to be as far as possible from the shitshow Sami has made of her life. OP's husband was fine with Sami's friendship until she acted to open her relationship. That's hardly controlling behavior. It's more like self-preservation.

    I think you asked the wrong question. I think the better question would be: Would OP be OK with Sami's friendship had she always been in open relationships? If so, would her husband still have married her if she insisted on keeping Sami as a friend?

  15. Based on the little info you provide she sounds financially abusive/controlling. It sounds like you are keeping your finances separate, which is probably a very good thing given how your wife is acting.

    Historically, dowry’s are paid by the family of the bride to the groom or his family. To spring it on someone like they did sounds like they were trying to scam you.

    You need to stand up for yourself. When you disagree, it only matters if you say so. Disagreement can be expressed calmly and politely. You need to discuss this with your wife. Generally good discussions result in both parties getting equal chances to talk, be heard, and be understood. The goal should be to find. The goal should be to reach a compromise that makes both of you happy.

    Either that or divorce

  16. Omg. SAME. It seems like the folks who can do this successfully are a rarity. Lots of chasing NRE instead of focusing on the people in front of you.

    At least that was my experience in the community.

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