My (30F) husband (38M) is demanding only females in the delivery room and if a man is in their our relationship is ruined


My husband had a very traumatic experience with his ex and since then he’s always told me if another man sees me naked (by accident or any other reason) our relationship will be ruined. I never figured this would be an issue until we got pregnant. Believe it or not he’s just as if not more excited about becoming a parent. This was just something we both overlooked. He says if a man has to deliver our baby our relationship will be ruined and damaged forever. I’m doing what I can and have been asking my nurse friends and all that if it’s unreasonable to ask for females only in the room but they all have answered saying “it depends on the doctor on call” or something along those lines.

I don’t know what to do. That day is going to be stressful enough as it is for me and I don’t know how to communicate with my husband about this. He keeps saying “let’s just see how it goes” meaning “you’re gonna request all females and if they don’t then we’re gonna have a problem”

I don’t know what to do. I’m 28 weeks today and it just stresses me out. What do I do? Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/klassym
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Date: June 26, 2023

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