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sex_twoo, 22 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms sex_twoo

sex_twoo on-line sex chat

Date: October 7, 2022

2 thoughts on “sex_twoo the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This is the last thing I will say; I was you once. I understand where you are at right now. Cause I lived it in a similar past relationship. I let someone who I thought cared and loved me treat me this way too. I was constantly abused and mistreated and I stayed. For ten years. I know you came here for advice and it is incredibly difficult to just walk away I truly do understand that part. It’s emotional , and psychological torture. Now add physical abuse to that. This is not real love no matter what he says or how he says it. This is not how someone that cares for you treats you. He is Jedi mind tricking you into thinking you are worthless. Do not let him win. Stop second guessing or feeling bad. Snap out of it! When you show an ounce of resistance to walk away I guarantee he will beg and cry and love bomb you to stay, And then return to his terrible abusive behavior and the cycle will continue. OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

    This will never get better. Don’t feel bad for being a caring loving partner. Feel bad that it will only continue if you stay. Stop thinking about anything he says to you! It’s bullshit! He’s a manipulative narcissist!

    Take what you have learned from this experience and move on with your life. You do not deserve this, no one does. We cannot stop you from staying. no amount of advice on here will stop you from ending this relationship. You are more powerful than you know. You are the only one that decides the next move.

  2. She may or may not have cheated, but she certainly made a very poor choice and I wouldn’t stay with someone who has a long way to go in terms of maturity. Spending the night at a stranger’s house is still bad enough.

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