XcoupleXx live! sex cams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “XcoupleXx live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I'm worried the internet is starting to make young women view even close men as threats. Unless given a reason, normally if you're in a relationship with someone you already trust them enough to realize they won't purposely violate your boundaries. If she felt uncomfortable that's totally reasonable, that's on a couple to communicate and cross bridges as you get to them. But for her to be already dating you and feel as if she needs a bodyguard there, would feel to me that she doesn't trust you. From the comments it seems like the friend is sabotaging the relationship. No couple 20 years in is going to ask for consent before every kiss.

  2. It doesn't make sense for you to turn down his offer to pay for you.

    Nor should you try to keep up with anyone. You should live within your budget.

    I don't understand your way of thinking at all.

  3. Yeah, so we probably won't be moving in together until we are married (cultural thing) and he is only done studying next year. And he only wants to marry once he actually makes an income so that we can have a dual income household.

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