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TyraDixonXXXlive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “TyraDixonXXXlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. He’s with someone younger because he wants someone who’s lonely, naive, vulnerable, and has no boundaries or sense of self. He wants someone who will put up with his shit, who won’t call him out, who will basically do all the childcare and who he can baby trap early on before she learns better. That’s why he’s picked you, OP. He wouldn’t pull this shit with a woman in her 30s

  2. And yeah he just randomly stopped inviting me. We tried to plan doing something special 1 day out of the week but we never followed up with that

  3. Seems like either:

    She’s feeling burned out from her studies and is being numb about everything, not just her relationship with you.

    This is a rough spot and can hurt your guys’ relationship a lot. Talk to her about it, voice your concerns and keep an open mind.

    Has she been neglecting a lot of her hobbies, friends and etc.? Maybe she’s burning out and feels like pressure is mounting on top of her, which results in her building a wall around herself? Being there for her is the best solution, try to be the man and decide for both of you, what you will be doing, see if that helps.

    She’s trying to distance herself from you, until you say you’re tired of this and leave, to which she can play the victim role and feel better about it ending.

    This is a hot swallow, but maybe she doesn’t feel like she wants to be there anymore. Look deeper into what she has been saying, look into the effort she’s been projecting to be with you, how she wants to spend time with you. If she can’t be bothered to even pick up her laptop to talk which is almost next to her then it sounds like it. If she’s been indifferent about if you spend time together or not, then it could be she’s going cold.

    Someone else is in her life who she feels better with.

    This is also possible. Did she ever mention a friend or classmate that she has been spending time with and she just switched up on you? Did one day, like a flip of the switch she just start giving excuses not to talk, not spend time together and start giving zero effort?

    In any way, best is you talk to her and voice your concerns that you feel like she has been going cold on you lately and that you feel she has been making a lot less effort than in the past, which makes you feel alone in the relationship.

    If she doesn’t go into talking about it or shuts you down – then present to her the warning that you do not want to be the sole person trying to keep the relationship afloat and will be leaving if she continues to give no effort.

  4. I would throw water on him. ? That's what my parents did if we wouldn't wake up. Solved that issue fast. Since he wants you to play Mommy, maybe try it out.

  5. His insecurity is forcing you to do without. That is the opposite of what a true provider does.

    He doesn't need to make more money than you to provide. His salary is enough, it sounds like, to put food on the table and clothes on your back. Him forbidding you for treating yourself or your home to nice things simply because he can't comfortably afford them is bizarre and unnecessary. What was once a well-intentioned desire to be a provider has turned into an overbearing chokehold on the joint finances – more than half of which is yours.

    Nobody can tell you how to spend your money. Least of all someone who doesn't want you to have nice things because they can't get them for you.

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