VeraWatts live sex cams for YOU!


9 thoughts on “VeraWatts live sex cams for YOU!

  1. You could not date someone that has double the life experience as you. Maybe someone you're age. Your insecurity appears to be coming from the fact hes much older and his exes are as well, and due to this theres no way you could make up for those life experiences.

    Also, as a bisexual woman I dont really care for that comment. I've never had a threesome and have never even suggested it. Unless he specifically said they did that together, you're making a shitton of assumptions that is just making your insecurities and quite frankly jealousy worse.

  2. There's a reason why on/off relationships don't work. You just need to open your eyes.

    What are you waiting for? You're not as trapped as you think. You know very well you need to leave.

  3. Thank you for your response. I've seen this response before and I've thought about it, but everyone else he has dated in the past has been his age, so it doesn't seem like he purposely sought me out for my age. He also has a steady job, is responsible in terms of necessary adult responsibilities, etc. I'm just not sure.

  4. Not to mention if you guys are planning to have kids and she hasn't really cut him off. What happens if you have a daughter? She didn't care when her sister told her would she care if it was a daughter?

  5. Looks like she has insecurities. I don't know if it will hurt you guys in the long run but right now, she values you a lot.

    If she's prone to self-sabotaging because of her past issues, then it might become a problem unless she gets constantly reassured.

    If it's just the kind of insecurities that passes by, then it's probably fine.


    I'm glad you left him haha it's clear he doesn't really have an understanding of boundaries anyway ?

  7. According to that Redditor, discussing situations is “pandering” to the other party. Sounds like they lack some emotional maturity themselves, honestly.

    And most people commenting seem to miss where OP said they'd been drinking. Alcohol is going to lower inhibitions, and probably enhance any insecurities she may have.

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