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DaisyVibeslive sex stripping with hd cam


21 thoughts on “DaisyVibeslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Of course it isn't complicated: financially supporting a rapist isn't off limits for you.

    Which is entirely your decision to make, but be intentional about it, and don't act as if people are grasping at straws when they criticize those decisions.

  2. Yes and no. It CAN be manipulative and done intentionally, but a lot of the time, women cry when frustrated (or just, you know, upset). OP literally went to work to cry so her partner wouldn’t see her cry and then he still got pissed at her afterwards. That’s not OP being manipulative.

  3. I tried, it was a huge mistake. Eventually I had to accept that the trust was never going to come back, no matter how long I waited around.

    Even if you ignore the trust issues, clearly this is only something a very immature person would do. He's not ready for a committed relationship. So you can stick around and hope he grows up and becomes trustworthy if you want, but I don't recommend it.

  4. You need to make a priest and have your partner make one. Then have a conversation on how you should move forward.

  5. Which means that he should’ve been smart enough to know to keep it in his pants. But he didn’t. What does that tell you?

    Leave him and don’t look back.

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  7. Women have to consider that they are at more risk of getting killed by a partner or ex-partner (especially in case of a breakup) than by a stranger. That's just how it is. A gun makes it more likely they don't survive the attack.

    And even if there was a 0% chance of a partner doing that, there's always the consideration that when there is an intruder, you might be lucky and have an unarmed intruder – but if there's a gun involved and the person using it to defend the home makes a mistake, that intruder can grab the gun and use it. So it makes for more danger of escalation in that situation too.

    Plus the issues with children getting harmed by grabbing a gun in that one moment it might not be locked away.

    I'm coming from a country without guns floating around in the population. And always felt pretty safe due to that. I couldn't be with someone owning a gun and storing it at home.

    The only compromise I could think of would be having the gun stored elsewhere, like in a safe at the shooting range or such.

  8. What do you mean “implications as it comes to you”? Nothing? It literally has nothing to do with you, it's probably a habit. I congratulate the guy for taking care of business.

  9. I'm glad someone finally said this. It seems really unrealistic that anything will come out of this. OP I would probably first call and get a consultation from a lawyer (should be free) in your state before doing this. It feels like it might be way more headache than it's worth and not result in anything.

    I don't think any police in a metropolitan area would take a case seriously if a person viewed CP 2 years ago and stopped. The only way to get sure evidence would be to look at TOR records on her computer or ISP records from 2 years ago which I don't see as something that would be available. It's almost entirely unlikely that there would be any evidence on her computer of it, assuming she deleted it. I would be really surprised if this would lead to any conviction or anything, you'd have to get her to basically admit to the police that she did it. On top of that, even if those records were available, you'd also have to demonstrate that she intentionally sought it out and didn't accidentally find it live while looking for normal vanilla porn or something. I know you mentioned that you think she intentionally sought it out but it's basically her word against yours.

    If she's lying and you think she's still watching it though or you've seen something on her computer, I think you'd have more of a case to report it and have her computer searched and stuff. I would also be surprised if a report of “My ex-girlfriend told me she watched child porn 2 years ago and I think she might still be watching it” would be enough to get a warrant to seize her computer.

  10. My ex would have sex with old men (he was 19) in random public bathrooms.

    Plenty of people have sex with others they don’t trust at all. ?

  11. Ask yourself if you could forgive yourself for watching him hurt your baby? Kill your baby? Are you going to help him hide his crimes toward your child? Are you willing to go to jail with him or FOR him when he inevitably turns on you and involves your child in his abuse? Are you willing to get killed and leave a baby at his mercy? This is your future if you stay with him. This is likely your future if you go through with the pregnancy because he will manipulate the system to stay in your world. I don't advocate others involving themselves in reproductive issues, but your story reads like a Lifetime movie or Dateline documentary and has a very predictable murderous trajectory. If I were you I would leave and I would terminate the pregnancy. If you don't, you have to be willing to run so far, that you will still be on your own, but this time because the anonymity would be your layer of protection. This is a terrifying situation, but a clean break of ALL ties to him is the only way to protect yourself. When you leave, take the bare minimum of belongings. Tell no one where you are going and when. If you can deactivate your phone and get a new number, or a burner phone do that the same day. Call the person or organization helping you leave, and that is all. If it is an organization, you follow their directions TO THE LETTER. No deviations. Please be safe. All the strength and hugs the internet allows.

  12. Thanks for understanding me. She doesn’t really have friends at the moment. No siblings or cousins she can talk to!

  13. It sounds like she has a lot of trauma from her upbringing that is making it hard for her to feel the same way about sex that you do. And I get it. I was raised in a similar household where it wasn’t necessarily religion that made sex weird, it was just my parents being kinda weird about the topic. I never even tried to masturbate until I was like 19 and living on my own because everything was just so taboo growing up.

    And you say guys just moved out of your parents’ houses? Because she probably needs some time to adjust to being independent in general and kicking the internalized judgement she has about sex is going to take some time.

    Also, I’m sorry but she’s never had an orgasm before?! That’s kinda your job and may be a big factor in helping her become more excited about sex. I liked sex but didn’t looooove it until my boyfriend and I figured out what needed to happen for me to consistently orgasm when we have sex. This also may take some figuring out on her part, but she needs to feel comfortable with herself and her body to do that and honestly it doesn’t sound like she’s there yet.

    What I’ll say is, give her some time. If everything else is good and it’s just the lack of sexual chemistry, give it some time. Make her feel like you want to make her feel good, but don’t pressure her. Because I’ve also been in that position where I felt like I was disappointing my partner by not having an orgasm. And that doesn’t help the situation either.

  14. Your ex is throwing that out to see if you're down to cheat with him.

    Bet you're not the only one he's doing or done this with. I feel so sorry for his poor wife who probably had no idea and who he probably makes feel like everything in their marriage is great while he might be complaining about her to his side pieces.

    Your ex is a lying ass cheating mother fucker. Do not fall for his sweet talking BS and fuck up your marriage and family.

    I have an ex who would try this fuckery if I let him. He's an A class cheating mother fucker.

  15. Her timeline doesn't make sense. She was at a restaurant (presumably eating?), then it took her 15 minutes to get home with a ride from the guy in the restaurant, and then she immediately left with two friends to go get dinner?

    Regardless, she should have called him as soon as she got home. He should have been more chill, unless there is more to the story. But in the end, he is her ex-boyfriend now and there isn't enough information for us to give her additional relationship advice beyond this relationship is over.

  16. Polyamorous guy here in a 5 year poly relationship. I promise that if you agree to an open relationship that you don't want and aren't okay with, it will end very badly for both of you.

    I sounds like you two aren't compatible. Sorry dude.

  17. If she just asked, it would be different. I am firmly in the “don't ask questions you don't want answers to” camp. But it's his behaviors in this one. And he did answer about boobs, categorically, as an indirect way to say he didn't like hers. I can't tell if you can't read between the most simple of lines or just want to yell at this girl. Not sure which is worse!

  18. Totally that.

    The daughter is taking the entire family hostage, highjacks all cometogethers to make them about herself and how they are being unsupportive.

    But one can onky support someone who.LETS you.

    It also looks as if on the one hand daughter takes mothers support, and all she can get.

    When on the other hand complaining and not even acknowledging all that she gets.

    Sounds as if it were time for the daughter to stand on her own feet.

    And get therapy. To be relying on her mother at 33 and going house tyrant/ weeping willow is not that normal.

    Also: her lack of empathy combined with her feeling of being unsupported may be caused by some mental issues or some hormonal hickup.

    OP, has she been assessed medically?

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