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37 thoughts on “crystaldiamondxxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. And what do you call all the mixed signals you were giving him?

    Do you really think it's okay to be lead people on and be sexually flirty with them when you have no interest in them? Is it okay to toy with people emotions like that? Do you think it's a good idea to toy with someone's emotions and sexual attraction while both of you are in mind altering drugs?

  2. You are going to have to be very clear and tell her that her problems are far beyond your ability to help and and you have so many issues of your own, you can not be absorbed into her situations any longer, as this is neither beneficial to you or her; it is in fact harming you. Do not answer her phone calls, texts or the door. She will get the hint eventually.

    If she threatens to kill herself, promptly contact her mom and the police so they can intervene. This is often a manipulation tactic employed by toxic people who are not really serious. In that case, getting the actual people involved that can intervene, might teach her a lesson about claims like this. If she is actually suicidal, understand this, nothing you do can prevent it, including allowing some one to hold your well being hostage uttering the threat to keep you in their life. The only way she could be helped is by the interventions that I recommended you do as soon as she makes the threat. So either way, if she is serious or not, involving her parents and police is the best you can do. There was a post on here about a girl afraid to break up with BF for the same threat here. She went throw with the break up, and he wound up seeking much needed mental help.

    Last. I can offer for advice is do some self reflecting and research toxic friends and early to later warning signs of them. Promise yourself you will never get involved with a toxic friend again and that you will promptly end friendships that show the earning signs. Good luck and please update when you can.

  3. It’s not your responsibility to tell her. You shouldn’t feel continued guilt. Cheating becomes less off a deal breaker to couples in their thirties trust me. Just don’t continue being with this guy if the situation makes you feel like shit.

    Find someone that values loyalty like you do, this person obviously shouldn’t be monogamous with their current partner or should end it. I’d stay out of the drama.

  4. Thank you for your point of view! Everyone is so different and that’s what I love about this platform. So much different feedback.

  5. I know how hard it is, but you have too chose what it best for you. Currently all signs are pointing towards being incompatible and it would likely be the best for both of you if you came to terms with this.

    She says that she will do anything for you, but her actions don’t show that she is actually willing to do so. She has had the past 2/3 years find out how she could access therapy, start it and get over her trauma. She says she wants sex, yet consistently rejects you, never initiates and never tries to show you that she is interested in having sex at all, ever. The only thing she has actually done is reassuring you that she will have sex with you one day and that she will work on it, but yet nothing happens. She is emotionally manipulating you by begging you not to dump her and insisting you propose to her while she hasn’t put in any of the work she has promised you she would do the past 2 to 3 years.

    You do have agency, you just refuse to take it because you don’t like the available options. You can either except that she will likely never want to have sex with you or you can end the relationship because you are clearly not satisfied. You cannot make her want to have sex with you or force her to do the work that she needs to do to make this relationship work for both of you.

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My girlfriend of 5 an half months technically cheated on me with men/man so that she could get drugs bc she was so addicted and she seems really sorry that she did it for drugs but when she also first explained she said that they kinda forced her to do it if she wanted the drugs and she did this before we were together but I found out she also did this in October and maybe last month and it explains why she's been more distant too but it could be from her guilt???

    I have no idea what to do and she went to these guys house mutiple times last month or October to do this for drugs like had to suck him/them off and get eaten out and then had to have sex to get it??????? this has been mentally screwing me up and me and this girl was literally talking about marriage and how in love we was with each other and I showed her tons of love but she wouldn't listen to me before when I was giving her advice to stop doing drugs but I had no idea only sucicpous that she was doing acts to get the drugs for free???

    I'm lost and idk if I should fully forgive her and ik the addictions are hard but now she said she's clean and her sister said she's clean… But I can't help but think she may do it again especially the fact that these mfs are in her neighborhood

  7. Yeah I just don't want to say something wrong and make things worse because as far as I know he didn't take our breakup very well (I forgot to mention this in the original post) but yeah I think I should text and be in touch.

  8. Do NOT mix St John's Wort with antidepressants!!! It can lead to serotonin syndrome which is very dangerous. (It's literally on the bottle of the stuff.) OP and his wife should not start any suppliments without checking with a doctor or pharmacist.

  9. This is his daughter and you are just girlfriend. I was on your side at the beginning until I read about the child. Weather you like it or not children come first in every circumstances even if the child cried bc she wanted to see her father he should leave whatever he is doing and go to her. What would you do if your father put some random woman before you?

  10. Thank you for your words! You and some others definitely helped me out, I’m more sure of what to do now, and I’ve honestly never thought complete strangers would give me this awakening. Appreciate all that helped out!

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  12. She repeatedly asked you for space. Repeatedly. I know this is painful for you, but you must leave her alone. You are clearly stressing her out. Don't send letters. Don't reach out. She has told you what she wants and you are not respecting that.

    Leave her alone.

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  15. Op: tells fiance multiple times she isn't going and doesn't get ready

    Fiance: goes without her to a planned event he tried multiple times to get her to go to.

    Op: surprised Pikachu face when she spends the night alone.

    Lmfao grow up.

  16. I hope the majority of the responses have been clear.

    It’s not whether she’s planning to cheat or not. I’m sure she isn’t. But travelling solo means that she will meet a lot of new people, some of who will be single men. The temptation will be there.

    But it’s not even about that. As others have said, when she returns she won’t be the same person she once was. You may find restarting the relationship harder than you think.

    And bottom line, she’s not as committed to this relationship as you seem to think she is. If you were the one as she claims then she wouldn’t want to be away from you for any length of time. She would’ve changed her plans and postponed the trip until you could travel together. Or tried to arrange for you to travel with her, at least for some of the time. She hasn’t. This solo trip is more important to her than your relationship. That’s what her actions are saying even if that’s not what she is saying.

    I can almost guarantee that one or two months into this trip you’ll get a phone call from her telling you that she’s not sure when she will be home and it’s probably better if you go on a break.

    So save yourself the time and the heartache. Break up before she leaves. (That’s a breakup not a break). Then I suggest you plan and go on your own travel.

    Incidentally, this is also protecting her, because who’s to say you’re not the one who after a few months away from your gf meets someone who you have a stronger connection with.

  17. It’s got me confused because she talks to me about all the other guys that hit on her at work but she says she rejects them. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t have any problem finding someone else to give her a ride.

  18. Thank you for your honesty. I don’t have a lot of friends to talk to about this, so I really appreciate your response. I wish I would have had this discussion with him before I left…. Breaking up with someone over the phone over a thousand miles away seems so shitty…

  19. Haha lol fair enough ?, she keeps saying that what I do in my life is my life but I feel like shouldn't our lives be intwined because we are together

  20. First of all, does your bf know about this other guy? Are you two in a fully open relationship where you can also be with someone else?

    Second, if you have known this other man for 1/5 years, that's long enough to know about your possible future with him. Does he feel the some way about you?

    Third is it possible that you can feel safe with your second guy? Maybe he can give you that too. In that case, what is stopping you?

    The proper advice you can get from here depends a lot on the answers to these questions.

    One thing I can say is that staying with someone with whom you feel familiar only because of that familiarity is not a great reason to be in a relationship. If you can't really dedicate yourself to that relationship with love, then you are never going to be happy. There will always be a “what if” in your mind.

    Maybe therapy would be the best option for you given what you have described about yourself here.

  21. I agree. I feel awful because I can't even look at the puppy without feeling annoyed and it's the innocent party here. This is not the dogs fault.

  22. I said being fussy about being in coach (with her parents) at 10 years old is ridiculous wording.

    Op was going to book first class tickets for everyone, and her sister said the kids could fly in coach together and that there's no reason that a kid needs to be flying first class. This would mean that the parents all get first class tickets and the kids sit in coach without their parents.

    It might be an odd word choice to you, but it makes sense. Why do you care so much about one word?

    And if, at 10 years old, she can’t handle 6 hours in an airplane with movies and activities without having a tantrum, that would make her not at an age appropriate developmental level.

    Getting fussy doesn't mean she throws a tantrum. It can just mean she's irritable or easily upset (according to the Merriam Webster dictionary). It's normal for people to be unhappy while flying at any age, it's not the most comfortable or fun experience.

  23. I feel so awful for your husband, even how you describe him makes it obvious you think you’re out of his league, you can’t just toy with peoples feelings like that.

  24. When you say marks on underwear you mean discharge? It would have to be crazy timing to get that from just tryin underwear, depending on where in her cycle she is. Almost impossible. Discharge doesn’t only come when aroused but it also isn’t a steady stream. Sorry.

  25. he's been watching too much porn or something. I think you are normal, but no idea how to get him to think that.

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