AnaFernandez live sex chats for YOU!


AnaFernandez Public Chat Channel

Date: November 7, 2022

33 thoughts on “AnaFernandez live sex chats for YOU!

  1. It’s still stalking if your not hiding…as is making 30-40 fake numbers trying to get in touch with him

  2. I would dare say he directly disrespected you and yours, absolutely. I’m sure they made accommodations and plans around his impending presence, and that’s energy you can’t get back for them. The very LEAST he could’ve done was come down and tell you like an honorable man, but the fact that it was just a text is damning.

    Just remember though- you can always do better, and you guys realistically weren’t together that long! It might serve both of you well if you send one last text telling him exactly how done you are, so he doesn’t continue trying to fix things; after you lay it out, maybe consider blocking his number for a while so you aren’t plagued by anything that comes after.

  3. Invite the wife out to lunch or coffee and bring up the issues humorously, “ your flirtatious ways and words can send wrong messages, you know some men are oblivious haha.” If she still displays the same behavior in your next gathering then drop the couple out of your lives, no need to explain to your husband, just tell him that you don’t enjoy their company, no commonalities.

  4. I’m wishing you the best hun ☺️ I’m 28 now, but I remember how I felt in my early 20s and I think a lot of people just like to pretend they were always as smart as they are now.

    Don’t let this loser of a man drag you down, you can still cherish the good memories you two had without forgetting the hurt he put you through. You weren’t stupid for trusting him just like you weren’t stupid for following your gut. He was just a bad boyfriend.

  5. Going to her place of work was creepy that soon after first meeting (honestly creepy at all unless communicated that it's okay by the other person)

    Other than that who knows maybe she just changed her mind or maybe she didn't feel comfortable telling you to your face that she wasn't interested, so said she'd try while you were together, it's common for women to do that to protect themselves.

    Either way she clearly told you she is not interested so the only thing for you to do now is leave her alone.

  6. There is nothing to be confused about….he doesn't care about you. He likes your attention and that is all. If he wanted to move forward with you than he wouldn't have all those excuses. He is not interested.

    Side note… Not sure why people think people are that confused and broken…..we all have issues, but of you are going to have that stop you from doing something or someone….they are not that interest in that thing or person. It truly is that simple. When you want someone or something….you don't let your BS get in the way

  7. You can’t love or berate someone out of an addiction. He’s not doing it anymore so I’d celebrate that and keep an eye out for signs he’s using again. You

  8. Ps: you should also add to the edit of your post that your older brother knew this girl as a minor and started dating her when she was 18. That's important detail to leave out for a lot of Amy's actions. Both the obsessive way she talked about him during the relationship and her being afraid of him now.

  9. u/hellokittyloverr, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. Every time you talk or text this friend do you always end it with a “I love you”? Some partners might be fine with it if you explain it at the time you introduce your future partner to this friend. But if you future partner isn't okay with it then just stop that habit of ending any conversation with a “I love you”. Like they should know that you already love them so you don't have to remind them of that every day or every week.

  11. You're going to need to stand up for yourself then, if you're not getting anything out of sex stop having it until he's willing to work on it. Or drop him and find someone better.

  12. Here's how you have this conversation:

    “I went through your phone last night and saw your messages with __________. I'm breaking up with you. If you wanna be single so bad, there yo go, I got better things to do.”

    “You went through my phone?!”

    “Yeah, I guess that measn I don't trust you. It seems I was right not to trust you. Regardless, why the hell should we stay in a relationship where I don't trust you and you aren't happy? Lets just end it now and not waste more time.”

    Presto, what can she even possibly say at that point?

    “I can't believe you went behind my back and invaded my privacy like that.”

    Okay. Then leave.

  13. I don’t see why your wife would be upset. Unless your mom has been in the ICU for the last 30 years then I don’t see why she can justify being upset. Did she ask you to plan for this way in advance and you waited to book a time to see your mom and this is a reoccurring type of behavior? One night doing pick up, dinner and bed time alone isn’t that bad. If she’s saying to find somewhere else to stay, then she will be doing this alone till you’re back. Sounds like underlying issues.

  14. I'm a paralegal, you're a hundred percent correct! I get a relationship ending but this is a horrible financial decision.

  15. Well, you can still break up with her. You need to tell her that as the two of you don't live! together, and won't because she's a lazy slob, she will not be able to afford to be a stay at home mom. You will pay child support, but that's as far as the money train goes.

    “This relationship has not been working for me for awhile now. I'm willing to co-parent with you but that is all I'm willing to do. I am not supporting two households and we are not moving in together. I will have a fair custody agreement (complete with a child alienation clause) and child support agreement drawn up.”

  16. You're right. ” They're reading about a snippet of my relationship and don’t know anything else.” However, the snippet is what you wrote with your own words. Based on your words, you are being used. Partners pay for each other, but they don't hide their own money only to use it for their solo enjoyment. That's the definition of selfishness. And, unfortunately, selfishness is a trait that isn't particular to just one aspect of the relationship. I know friends/family are biased but I rather they skew for your benefit than you wrestle on your own. Something to digest, if a man can make you feel crazy today, he can make you feel crazy tomorrow. No man is worth that. As for me, I need my sanity yesterday, today, tomorrow, and beyond. I'm glad that you have a therapist that you trust.

  17. The ultimatum may be the way to go. Just make sure you’re 100% prepared to follow-through if he says no or if he doesn’t follow through on his promise.

  18. but I'm 100% sure that we can do it together

    No you are not. This is the level of blind loyalty that comes along with being groomed, and it's dangerous. If you are going to be a mother, you really need to think about what's best for you and your kid, and that's probably not going to include your husband because he's already explicitly told you that he doesn't want this.

  19. As for the second point, I think OPs replacing the urge to drink with the urge to smoke. Which personally, I think is bad. Both are unhealthy habits that will kill you, and it’s better to find other outings to relieve your stress. But hey, OP’s life not mine.

  20. No one wants the copy pasta from your girlfriend. We want you to listen to what people are telling you – this relationship is unhealthy and her demanding you change therapists to one of her choosing is disgusting and manipulative behavior.

  21. I just want you to know, you're doing amazing. I can't imagine going thru a trauma like that and dealing with a complete doucher while recovering with such skill. I barely feel that I can handle pregnancy with a supportive partner. Honestly your strength just from this little story is readily apparent. You sound like an amazing mother. But honestly, if you're already doing this on your own, might as well really do it on your own. That way you'll still be killing it and you won't have to listen to all the bitching .

  22. While it’s true that his problem is the abuser but he would benefit from therapy both internal with how he deals with it but also giving him direction on how to handle scenarios with his abuser. Instead of random people on Reddit, it would be an actual therapist giving him advice.

  23. Wtf is wrong with you? You are acting like you are in HS. Grow up. It is completely inappropriate to vent about your gf at work, and even more so given that your gf works there too. She should dump you, honestly.

  24. Shes been hiding it, and lying about it… That's pretty much a solid base for cheating

    If it was a friendship, she wouldn't have a reason to lie.

  25. Of course you don't become blind to attractive people. Commenting on tik toks of hard guys flirting etc is incredibly disrespectful though.

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