MeganTyler live sex chats for YOU!


accepting privates

Date: November 7, 2022

5 thoughts on “MeganTyler live sex chats for YOU!

  1. It’s probably just a term of endearment, it’s not like calling your partner baby means you think they are a baby. That would be weird. So i wouldn’t read too much (or anything tbh) into it.

  2. Someone DMd me and I accidentally ignored it. But jesus christ i just want someone to talk to about this that doesn't know me personally

  3. he seems like a very insecure person to be honest. This need to sing AT you and to get compliments about his voice. It’s very off putting. I really feel for you, what you describe sounds like such an awkward cringey position to be in.

  4. What are your respective incomes? Imo the most fair split is one proportional to income, not necessarily a 50-50 split. It's also fair to expect you to pay any pet deposit and pet fees.

    If you earn about the same (or if she earns more), then I would consider her expectation unreasonable, assuming you want a partner and not a child or another pet, and she may be right that your expectations of your respective roles in a relationship are incompatible.

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