?????? ??? ??? the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


?????? ??? ???, 20 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ?????? ??? ???

?????? ??? ??? live sex chat

Date: October 30, 2022

12 thoughts on “?????? ??? ??? the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You are an asexual lesbian who is 28 and he is a gay teenager and you met role playing on-line and have never met in person and yet somehow you have this “relationship” that is causing an absurd level of drama? None of this makes any sense. You should leave this kid alone, and start looking for other local asexual lesbians to date. He should find a guy his own age in his own city to spend his time with.

  2. That’s what I’ve been thinking… I really would tell my daughter the same. But at the same time, this has honestly been the norm for me in relationships, and so I’m having a hot time walking away. I know that it’s not okay, but what can I say, apparently my taste in men is… at least the same for the past few years.

  3. Don't let the other jilted relationships sway you (as your experience/situation is different). Humans make mistakes. Either you realize you love her enough to continue (and truly forgive/forget!)… Or you realize there are other red flags you have to work thru as well…

    I just feel since it was so early in the relationship – there could be some grace as the first 2 months are when things are being emotionally “sorted out”. If that happened 2 years in… That would be vastly different.

    But if you can trust the past 6yrs – then I am hopeful for your chances… IF you want to.

  4. He basically insinuated in his other post he stayed with his girlfriend because she got pregnant, and she would leave the country to go back home. So guess where is ex and child will go? I hope his emotional affair (oh yeah, he’s having an emotional affair) is worth more than his son.

  5. Now he's mad saying that I took his d!ck away and that I'm too controlling and told me that l'm probably a lesbian because I want a feminine partner who l can control. Thoughts? I'm so lost and feel completely undervalued and unappreciated. I did it out of the kindness of my heart to make our lives easier. What do I do?

    Sell the house. Split the proceeds. Get a divorce. (yes, I know, typical Reddit hyperbole)

    This young man of 22 is calling you a lesbian for *checks notes* trying to improve the house you both own?

    Thats ridiculous. But also the way he said you emasculated him is very concerning. He may feel that he wanted to do this work, but the fact that he flew of the handle and went straight to insulting you is not OK. It suggests that he generally has an issue with emotional self control. Sounds very immature.

  6. Instead of accepting his mistakes he is love bombing you. He sounds super toxic and i personally would suggest breaking up

  7. Love, this is an abusive relationship. I would definitely look into talking to a therapist to talk through this incident and move forward from this. You deserve respect, you deserve to be treated kindly.

  8. Didn't mention it was a repeat, it's not happening again. Just tried to get another view on the story since a bit of time have passed

  9. This is for your bf, dude. we all like to have pics and videos of our gf, but come on, dude, she said no, so stop taking pics and videos

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