❤️My names is Olivia ❤️ In this room all your dirty fantasy can come true ❤️ Private is Open!❤️ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤️My names is Olivia ❤️ In this room all your dirty fantasy can come true ❤️ Private is Open!❤️, y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms ❤️My names is Olivia ❤️ In this room all your dirty fantasy can come true ❤️ Private is Open!❤️

❤️My names is Olivia ❤️ In this room all your dirty fantasy can come true ❤️ Private is Open!❤️ online sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

145 thoughts on “❤️My names is Olivia ❤️ In this room all your dirty fantasy can come true ❤️ Private is Open!❤️ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. info: what was on your phone for her to misunderstand? is this playing live or did you go around the friend's house?

  2. This guy has shown you since Danny what a shitty pet owner he really is…. this is why most don't recommend youngsters to rush into getting too many pets together.

    And now you're adding a baby into the mix? OP….WHY did you think that this was a smart decision?

  3. I had a difficult time cumming from my exs blowjobs. My current girlfriend can do it in less than 5 minutes. It was definitely the exs fault.

  4. I was with someone like this for almost 5 years. He was clumsy and rough and always horrified and jokey anytime he hurt me. Turns out it was a combo of autism and OCD. I wouldn’t give up on him just yet but it also seriously upset me too, and he wasn’t even that much bigger than me. I would escalate how seriously you talk to him about this issue because I know how upsetting it can be. He would even roughhouse my dog when he was staying with me beginning of COVID and totally freak my dog out (he’s a big German shepherd, so no harm done obviously). He was a bit ADHD too I think because he was also super sweet but would forget stuff and get totally distracted.

    Anyway yeah, a really really serious sit down helps, and also repetitively reminding him to be gentle. A therapist told me once that boundaries, even for non-neurodivergent people, take multiple reminders before they stick. It’ll be a different matter if after multiples he keeps doing it. The same way I’m careful at night when my kitty sleeps with me, he can train himself to be careful with you.

    It is slightly concerning that he isn’t bothered by spraining your ankle though. I have a little tiny flag flappin around in my head at that

  5. No I think it needs to be said

    Idk about OP specifically so this may not be applicable to her but I know a lot of women who go after the same type of guy and wonder why the relationship ends the same way

  6. I’m happy for you!! Those military docs are pretty heavy handed with their diagnosis and the future it holds for you. Good on you for proving them wrong, and good luck to your son! I hope you have a good meal and a nap ready for him when he’s done ??

  7. My parents wouldn’t use Insta

    Emphasis on “my”, we're talking about OP here, we're talking in generalities, not your specific situation. ANd this isn't just about your parents, it's about your s/o's parents, your cousins, your aunts, your uncles, your s/o's cousins, uncles aunts, etc etc etc.

    It's just DUMB to follow sexually explicit profiles on your primary Instagram, it's not naked to keep family-friendly, it avoids a whole lot of potential awkwardness and it makes your partner happy. It's so easy to do, so why are you fighting so hot for the right to have people that shouldn't stumble accross your sexual interests?

  8. You're in an abusive relationship, OP. They aren't all physical beatings and one sided victim vs abuser. Sometimes people just become toxic to one another.

    You have a few choices. You can divorce. You can go to marriage counseling. You can pretend it's not as bad as it clearly is and keep going until it gets worse.

    I would suggest that when your husband gets home, before you find out if he made an appointment with a counselor or not, sit down and tell him that you were wrong to lay down an ultimatum like that, but that his behavior scares and worries you and it needs to change.

  9. Write down a pros and cons list. See it physically on paper in front of you. Follow that list with a sentence about what you want from a relationship. Refer back to those pros and cons lists. Will he ever be able to give you what's in that sentence? Probably not. Read and repeat.

  10. There was a post awhile ago where someone’s mother was doing this – it escalated to abuse. You should trust your gut. The way people behave towards the most vulnerable or easily exploited or those with less power, etc, is something we should always pay attention to – it’s the same reason why when people are garbage to waitstaff, it is a huge red flag. This is appalling and you shouldn’t ignore it.

  11. Therapy if it's in option of course. Now that you are starting to recognize that these behaviors are triggered by concerns of abandonment you have to start battling them. You need to open up to your partner. Its not fair to him either to shut him out of your life like that and it's definitely not fair for you. You're molding yourself to be what you think he wants you to be in the moment and that's not going to age well.

    Start opening up with him. Start small, and remind yourself you deserve just as much love and support as anyone else. And that you are a lovely person, and only non lovely people just abandon other people. Work on uour self esteem and remind yourself all the time you deserve and are worthy of love and good things.

  12. Yeah. I want to say I still love him and I miss him. But we were mostly live although we met and him sheduling for deletion his account doesn’t help. I feel like its gone.

  13. Yes I passed out and that’s it. No it’s not ok and it was a big problem but I did not ruin anyone’s wedding and the bride and groom made that very clear. I was having fun dancing and my body just shut down when I went to the washroom and there was only 10-15 people there, all extremely drunk, at that point.

  14. This guys sounds like a totally d-bag. I would lose all attraction and respect for him after knowing this. Just bleh. No to the asshole double standard. I would say bye and go find a normal respectful human.

  15. a couple friends of ours came over and told me to «get my girl» and how they would NEVER accept that behavior.

    Rightfully so, your GF is a loose cannon. She certainly loves the validation. She even adds to it by flirting in exchange for water.

    If this her being tame while you're with her, you have no idea how she acts while you're not around.

    Someone grabbed her ass… I don't know how much more obvious you can get than that for being hit on… and she exchanged IG with this girl.

    Does it sound like I'm overreacting? No… you're underreacting.

    What would you guys do? Put a very firm boundary that this behavior is not good. 1 shot at it. Fail? Then I am out. And that's being considerate. I personally would already be out the door.

  16. 5een mom here, and honestly? don't do it unless you want to, I am happy to be a mom but you don't seem ready for it all.. it's alot of selflessness, sleepless nights, and so on.. you aren't going to have as much freedom, you will lose people, and it can be a very isolating situation if you don't have personal support.. all in all, from what you've wrote, you should abort the fetus now.

  17. I ask for the bare minimum and even that’s too difficult for him.

    You simply aren't compatible OP. Finances are one of the top dealbreakers.

  18. You have two options, really. 1. You decided that these feelings/this situation isn’t healthy for you and you put some boundaries and distance in place to begin moving past this point in your life or 2. You explore this further but are honest with this person about how you got to this place. Maybe you arrange to see them in person?

    Ultimately it’s all situational. Only you know the full context and what’s right for you. It might just be that you feel isolated and if that’s the case, maybe try getting out and doing things more IRL with people important to you as a way of reconnecting.

  19. This is actually an awesome gift. You underestimate the potential this has as well as how grateful you'll be to have it when you unexpectedly need it.

  20. Big question: Will she run into the same people she ran in when she went to the party with the colleague? Maybe something happened at the party last year which is now causing her to not want to go anymore. Could have been her making out with someone (if she was single back then), could be something embarrassing she doesn't want to be brought up again, could be that she got into an argument with someone… lots of possibilities. So she might have gotten cold feet.

  21. u/throwaway0w72817w, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  22. Thanks again, and that's the thing, for her it isn't the first time. In the first month of our relationship, my rommate which also was a close friend, did not get along at all with her, and sent me a message that was harsh about her, and i responded to weakly at this for her taste, and i ended up also cutting this person from my life. But the thought of her that i always put others before her started there

  23. I'll be honest. I have ADD and my attention span is not great. I would not notice what the beginning letters spell. I would just be confused.

    I really think you need to rethink your proposal into something she would enjoy. A hobby, a place she loves.

    I do not think this kind of proposal would make her happy. You will not get the reaction you want. You'll honestly both be disappointed

  24. u/MasterpieceMother495, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  25. We've discussed this situation specifically a little bit

    So why not discuss it in therapy more. Couples therapy is a great place to discuss this and iron out your feelings.

  26. Arguing with you from small things means that she has at least an EA… But from here, to swx in your house…? What happened to her?

  27. You show him posts from reddit of all of the messed up parent/ child relationships with an emphasis on reading the comments.

    Then tell him this the path yall are headed down if he continues to allow his girlfriend to treat you horribly and doesnt maintain an actual relationship with you.

  28. I think most of us reading this can question how can his diagnosis be the final straw? Narcissism isn’t something you hide in your daily life. It’s part of your personality and if he had it for years to where you have to leave your kids…there would have been signs every day to week that he shouldn’t be around your kids.

    Furthermore, OPs simple(as in child like) and vague response in the comments makes this post even more suspicious of being fake.

  29. Your fiancé is marginally less toxic than your baby mama.

    Find somebody who will return the love you give.

    I’m sure you can do better.

    Good luck.

  30. You weren't responding to his messages while you were out of town because you “fell asleep”, and he likely didn't believe that one bit.

    Only you truly know what actually happened or not. But I can't blame him for his suspicions. There's likely more to this story, such as why he doesn't seem to trust you. Your story already admits that you “falling asleep” on him isn't uncommon.

    And since of course you'd omit anything in the story that could make you look bad, it's naked for us to say. Your story lacks details, and only contains stuff to make your bf seem paranoid.

  31. Hello /u/Live-Ad-2780,

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  32. Not only is she is half your age, you put her in the middle of a very ugly custody battle that would be traumatic for anyone, much less a woman in her early twenties. Even though the accusations were proven false, she went through hell for you because she loves your son. Now that it’s over, she needed to escape the chaos and sought comfort from others. Four others, sure, but she probably realizes that life with you and your ex will always be toxic and she needs to get out of it. Let her be with someone her own age who doesn’t have the baggage you have.

  33. OP says they are really close, so trust, shame, knowing OP is not going to blow this up and would be mature about it. I don't think the brother wanted an authority figure, but a confidant.

  34. Thanks for the other post though it ended up adding more confusion for me once I noticed a few dates she referred to. In this linked post OP says

    Then one time around June of 2021 when the three of us were hanging out the mutual friend said Jay and I should go out sometime. So we did……… About 3 months go by and I haven’t heard a word from him. And at this point I’m talking with my ex again.

    and now the first line of this NYE post

    So last night I went with my boyfriend of almost 4 years to his friends NYE/Christmas party

    so OP went out with Jay in June of 2021. then Sept 2021 she is talking with her ex again but now on Dec 31, 2020 she is with her current boyfriend for four years.

    Seems to me she is either all kinds of cheating on different guys the past few years or is straight up making up shit in her post(s) and forgetting what fiction she wrote before.

  35. It may be vaginismus, which is an uncontrolled spasming of the vaginal muscles during initial penetration. It can cause severe pain, burning, or tearing sensations. If that is what it is, you may need pelvic floor therapy, or a combo of a few things such as pelvic floor therapy in conjuction with vaginal dilaters and numbing cream. It is a condition that can be managed, and even fully relieved.

  36. Hello /u/Glass_Airport_1111,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  37. I would take the out tbh… Have a police officer escort you to get your things and be done with that prick.

  38. I didn’t know we were allowed to say penis and also I don’t like that word. And they’re my close friends, that’s why I felt comfortable sharing

  39. I mean he found out you’re willing to pretend to be interested in a guy in exchange for money. That should rightfully concern him. A lot of guys aren’t interested in dating sex workers.

  40. Pedophilia is an attraction to pre-pubescent children with a cut-off age of 14yo. While the brother's behaviour is certainly distressing and I am not justifying it, it is not technically pedophilia. There is a distinction between pre-pubescent and pubescent children and teens.

  41. I think sex deprivation is grounds for divorce but since you stated that is not an option, of you really love your husband its not fair to deprive him of that.

  42. Set up a fake female tinder account and start sexting him so that you've got more proof to send the wife that he's not only got a profile, he's actively using it

  43. It sounds like it was a family function. His sister is not obligated to invite you anywhere. If she wants to go somewhere with her dad and brother without you, she can. That's her family. You should be mature enough to understand that.

  44. So she ended up calling me on the 10th and she’s changed im not even sure I want her as a friend anymore saw her on New Years and I don’t like the person she’s become just not nice or caring at all like she used to be.

  45. You need to have a talk with your bf or just show him this post! He is going out with someone who is not his gf! That is total disrespect! Also your bf has already started changing. On day you will realize he is not the man you love. It’s better you start discussing with him now his true feelings for her than waiting for this bomb to explode! Good luck and please update us!

  46. That’s fair, your original post gave a very different impression of the activity thing. I still think the heart of her reaction is a combination of wanting input, trying to act on your money concerns, and FOMO.

    So if she wants to extend the trip beyond what you’re currently planning for, and your costs already account for some of her preferred activities, you guys need to sit down and go through your options. Would she be willing to put in some money to get a longer trip and repeat activities? If not, then working with your current time and budget, what activities or changes to the current plans would you both agree to prioritize? Can you go with a cheaper hotel, is there parking for ATVs at all of the locations you want to go to including hotel, etc.

    Also take into consideration if this is a trip you may want to do again in future or if it’s a “once in a lifetime” trip – if the latter, then you guys might be better off doing a cheaper birthday trip and (both) saving up more for the blow-out version of this trip so you don’t have any regrets. If it’s the former, then sometimes it’s good to leave things to do for next time! I would also suggest never underestimate the value of rest days that are just hanging out by the pool/on the beach/in a cute town, as opposed to scheduled spa relaxation days.

    My partner and I have done “repeat trips” to two different locations: the first location we hit all the big activities the first time, and they aren’t really the sorts of things that change frequently so on the revisit they weren’t quite as enjoyable as the first time and we had to scramble for things to do when we didn’t feel like another rehash. The second location we did some of the big things on our first trip there but not all of them, so on the revisit we had plenty of new-to-us things to do as well as our previous favourites to do again.

  47. What is her specefic issue? How does she think you should be spending your free time? How is household labour divided? What would happen if she worked less- would your work make up the financial loss?

    It's important for people to have down time, but if you're living together, she's working 2 jobs and going to school, and she comes home and finds you playing video games when the kitchen is dirty and she's expected to make dinner, I could see why she'd be irritated.

  48. Additional info: I can’t come because I can’t afford it and I told him this. He said he’d take me some other time. I’m not going to demand they call off the holiday or anything but I feel like I should do something.

  49. You are being extremely naive.

    When you entered this situation their was boundaries that it was sexual in nature.

    Your boyfriend and so called friend have already moved those boundaries into a romantic relationship.

    Now they are moving them to displacing you in your own home?

    I dont actually believe in polymorous relationships. I think that someone usually ends bending to the will of others in a desperate need to keep their partner.

    I also don't believe they are healthy and can cause untold significant emotional damage.

    Why is your need for your boyfriend to be happy more important than your need to be valued, loved, respected and emotionally safe in your own relationship?

    If you are determined to keep him at any cost get your counselling with someone qualified in these type of relationships.

    Otherwise you are risk of watching your self esteem, respect, emotional security going down the drain while those two build a relationship that is all shiny and new.

  50. You are dating someone who doesn't want to get rid of lice, because it's too much work. And possibly is reinfecting other children in her care.

    This is wild as fuck. I am a woman and I'd shave my head bald in a heartbeat if I had to. Can't imagine living while being constantly eaten by the little fucks. And she just, accepted that this is her life now? And is trying to convince you that this is normal?


  51. Why oh why are you living with someone you only dated for a couple months!!! You need therapy immediately OP. Do you not have ANY friends or family around you to help you see this? Your chooser is broken and you’re setting yourself up to be in the exact same situation a year from now! Just buy what you need to get by, marketplace/ OfferUp/ craigslist etc. Cheap, temporary and just to get by, like this relationship. I’m sorry you’ve wrapped yourself up with Jane so quickly, good luck.

  52. my husband wouldn’t see it that way and would try to stop me visiting.

    Why can't you see your mother without visiting the whole family? She can come visit you at your home or meet up with her in public.

  53. As others have noted, it’s impossible to know if he’ll always be this much of a zealot. He may always be a little AAnnoying. It does become a lot like a religion for a lot of them – still, it’s better than drinking.

    It will probably always be best not to drink around him, but it’s ok for you to push back on his definition of alcoholism.

    Over time, you’ll need to decide if you can live with the new him.

  54. Her sexuality isn't a commodity with a value. If she wants to sleep with someone she does. Your analogy about 'giving it away' is rooted in women's purity being worth something- it's a deeply patriarchal misogynistic mindset. Are you worried about her trade in value?

  55. Yes, editing… I knew I'd get downvotes but if a person didn't clear their head of a crush they could be stuck on them for life.

  56. This is really good advice.

    I think the age thing comes into play, people do make mistakes. The mistake on top of the first mistake was not being honest. Carrying that guilt around can't have been easy either. But, I dunno.. cheating has affected me personally SO much that for me it would bring up all the other times and therefore would be a zero tolerance policy. But I've never been in a situation to find out 10 years later. That's a kick in the teeth nobody deserves, especially when you believe you've found the perfect partner.

    It's made me very guarded with my feelings and I've been dating for years and not been able to accept anyone long term after I begin to get feelings, something shuts down on me. It's like a PTSD thing

  57. It is insecurities, and you are the one sexualizing her clothing. It is not the job of a woman to wear different clothing because a man can't keep his mind out of his pants. Men are the problem, not her.

  58. I have some underlying trauma from past relationships so I can't really help but get jealous or worried when I'm not with him.

    This is part of the problem, and you seem to know it so I'm not going to rehash it much more than this.

    he basically thinks I'm ridiculous and should just “dissociate”

    This is also a problem because what the actual fuck is this response. What loving partner hears the anxious thoughts of the person they love and goes “lol get over it”?

    My partner and I on-line together and are both introverts too. Time without your partner can be so so important to keeping the relationship level and stable. Doesn't mean you have to go weeks without talking or seeing each other. Just means that it doesn't have to be every day yk? I'm not going to suddenly decide to go have a one night stand with a guy just because I spent some time without my bf, and if your partner IS like that you deserve better anyways.

    I know it can be very hot with attachment anxieties, and I commend you for recognizing it in yourself (that's the hardest step!). I'll throw out the typical “therapy” response of this subreddit, but there are lots of CBT exercises out there for free live that could also be of use to you!

  59. I bet you it’s more than some crush. I bet you it’s jealousy, feeling like she’s lost her 20s and seeing someone be good with her children and wife. The crush is an easy excuse. This girl is insecure af.

  60. Honestly, file for divorce and find your own fun.

    He is a sick, selfish and disgusting pos person.

    If you can tell their hr and they will do something about it, then do so. It seems their work colleagues might have been aware. But if he paraded you about, they might have been trying to cover up. Let the bosses know. If there is power imbalance or possible influence on raise, projects, reviews, then an ethics violation occurred. Most companies will have policies against it.

    If you can sue the affair partner, then do it. Some states let you do it. If the state you live in has adultery as a criminal offense, file it. You don't want your children exposed to the affair partner.

    Do not try to hide this, because those losers will try to paint you as the bad guy. You need support from family and close friends.

    He probably started an emotional affair much earlier, then he stated if she is calling herself workwife. He will never tell you the truth. You need to look through phone records and credit cards to find more evidence and answers.

  61. You guys are girls. If you were a guy you would know how naked it is to pee with a hot on. It really hurts and is not a natural voluntary thing. I would lean on it being an uncontrollable accident due to the nature of it and how he immediately reacted.

  62. A friend had a bf that was great for over a year. Then some subtle controlling stuff and breaking her confidence a but. A real dream until turned into a nightmare. There were low key signs that he was manipulating her but they really only made sense later. Can't go into much detail. But the week they were supposed to move in together out of the blue he raped her. This was after around two years of dating. Nothing even close before that. During the aftermath of breaking up and not moving in together he texted the scary as message that he hated himself that he couldn't just wait a bit longer until it was harder for her to leave. I know this case is way more extreme than yours. But just to point out how much some people keep hidden. He still didn't think he did anything wrong just that he did it too soon. He had planned on her leaving her job so she would be financially dependant on him. Still tried to convince her it was just in her head while at the same time saying things would be great when she couldn't just leave and he'd know her every move or some shit like that. Knowing for sure she wasn't sleeping with anyone else so he wouldn't “need to force himself” on her to keep her happy or some fucked up shit like that. He had before that gotten her to cut a few people out of her life. The people like me and another close friend that could have helped her. He actually faked getting into a fight with me and said he was uncomfortable her staying in touch with me. He had bruises even. I had never even met the guy. The other friend was a girl and her turn was later. Said she made a move on him which never happened either. Now she was pretty dependant on him since she had no other real friends in the city. Stalked her after the break up and tried everything to get back. Ambushed her multiple times etc. Shocking how people can hide things like that kind of extreme shit.

  63. yeah, at the time she couldn't work much for personal reasons but now she is able. nothing is stopping them from supporting themselves if they have to. thank you for your input

  64. I think they were advising you to specifically not use it live or anonymous. That in particular is attracting guys who are only looking for hookups and nothing else.

  65. Your wife is lacking all common sense. I understand your worries and I too would not want my wife going on this trip for the same exact reasons. I'd also be weary about it because, clearly, she has the hots for this survivalist guy. I would forbid her from going. And if she goes anyway on this kind of trip to meet another man for days or weeks on end, my marriage with her would be over. You nor her know any of these people, so you can't possibly trust them in any way shape or form.

  66. Who knows what lurks in the minds of girls? I do know this much: the older I get, the less I pursue them. Let them come to you. This much is true, believe it or not: the woman picks who she wants to be with, not the man. Believe it or not.

  67. Look, he's probably insanely stressed. You didn't expect to be unemployed this long so it's a safe bet he also did not think that he'd have to carry the household financially this long. He probably blew up because he's been keeping all his anxiety bottled up so as not to make you feel bad about being jobless, and he's just reached the end of his rope. You all need to sit down when he's calmed down and have a conversation. Look at your finances and make a budget and a plan. And you should contact a temp agency or something. If they can't find a job in your field you can get work to tide you over. I worked for a temp agency during my grad school summers and I got paid a pretty decent wage to do secretarial work. He's under a lot of pressure and it sounds like he's breaking, so it's time for a conversation.

  68. Lawyer to determine if he has broken the law by recording you without permission. If yes, then police next. Then get ahead of his story by telling your friends exactly what’s happened. Blackmailers rely on their targets being too ashamed to do anything. By showing you won’t be intimidated you rob him of his power.

    And if it turns out you can record people in your area without consent, then you’ve got the last recording you made that you can use to show people what an A-hole he is.

  69. This guy is laying the groundwork to cheat.

    Then he can blame you and the ‘fact’ that you let yourself go.

    Mark my words.

  70. Think logically. Why would a hacker want to use his tinder to chat to other women, and why would he keep it on his phone?

    He's playing you.

  71. I mean if you bothered to read any of the previous comments, you would understand what that “knowledge” is – but clearly you barely read anything before you jumped behind the keyboard being all emotional lol.

  72. Do nothing. She has completely shut you out. I don’t know how long this has been going on, but you need to stop reaching out to her. See what happens.

  73. Yeah, maybe don't fly to another country to meet someone you don't know.

    Get to know each other first. Add each other on social media sites so you can see what are like, what their friends and family are like, and how they interact.

    If he won't talk to you on the phone or on video, don't go and meet him.

  74. As predicted he couldn't get up on time and while neither of us were late there was no time to drive me to work and I had to take public transport

  75. Some people confuse love with possessiveness but others confuse insecurity with healthy boundaries and agreements. No, it's not okay to violate trust in a relationship and to violate its boundaries. If that woman and her husband have an open marriage that's their lifestyle to manage (though they probably don't – he'd probably have left her if he knew, she was probably just talking out of her ass to try to keep him in her bed), but not all people are interested in or comfortable with non monogamy and that's not insecurity, it's establishing personal boundaries. Lots of people would be happy to be in an ethically non monogamous relationship. But if that's not you, that doesn't make you naive, just means you'd prefer monogamy like a good chunk of the rest of the world.

    You need to sit down with him and discuss expectations and boundaries for your relationship. If you two can't agree, then you're not compatible and you should end things and look for someone who's a better match.

  76. He knows you’re too weak to leave so he’ll continue to treat you like this. How long can you do this?

  77. You may be surprised to learn that not everyone feels the same as you do, and just because you would leave someone in the same situation… that says more about your character than OP's boyfriend.

  78. That shit will make someone feel like they aren’t enough. Like they’re not good enough to please you in any way. I’m willing to bet you made her feel worthless. She’s got it in her mind that you want someone else, and that she’s not good enough for you, or that you’re just bringing it up because you already have someone else and just want her to be okay with it. I’d pull away from my partner too if he said that shit.

  79. You’re not going to get praised for not cheating for 4 months. If you care about her at all, you’ll leave her alone.

  80. He can not find anything cheaper . The smallest bedroom in a shared house is 1.000$ monthly . Studio apartments are 1.500$ .

  81. No no no. She's here claiming to have the perfect relationship and looking for judgements and rude comments. /s

    When did this sub become women bashing other women? If we were perfect partners or in a perfect relationship, we probably wouldn't be asking questions in the first place. If she's responding to comments a certain way, it might be because she still has some work to do on herself. Like maybe therapy? Either way, there's no need to be a jerk about it.

  82. It worked out for me and my girlfriend we had the exact same age gap and we've been together for more than a year now.

  83. I mean I literally said call out the other person too not necessarily their SO. I didn’t say it was the best option but the nuclear one. Honestly idk how naked OP or his wife try to shut it down. But yes if someone feels the need to comment on someone else’s relationship and when presented the evidence that they’re two of age consenting adults, and they still want to make snide comments, then those commenting are opening themselves up for similar levels of verbal harassment. If you can’t handle getting clapped back on don’t say peep. Let me reiterate: especially if they have proven with strong evidence that they are TWO OF AGE CONSENTING ADULTS.

  84. Just send everyone around you a picture of your both licenses if it bothers you too much.

    And yes she will start looking older….

  85. OP u don't want advice u want validation to stay in an emotionally abusive relationship with someone that likes playing on ur feelings and manipulating u.

    Good luck to you sir! Feeling drained from a relationship isn't a good trait. And putting it under oooeee so u knw if u care then ud deal with it.. bullshit.

    If she cared she wldnt be behaving like this and if u had any self respect for urself u would know that.

    Just do urself a favor and don't procreate with this woman. Get some condoms please! We don't need the both of you bringing kids into the world that think this shit is normal! Either they will be doormats like the dad to a abusive controlling mom or be just like the mom!

  86. u just really sliced through all my other thoughts and emotions….which is something i need sometimes as an emotional person. thank you. and i thought so too… i told him “i don’t wanna change that for the next year” and next thing you know we’re in walgreens for condoms. i hate that i allowed that to happen :/

  87. Possibly.

    He dropped the ball massively here, no denying it.

    It sounds like he doesn’t do much around the home as you do it all, so from his perspective it probably seems like he did a lot, even though he didn’t, in fact it actually seems like he made more work for you.

    The problem possibly comes if he thinks that as he’s the one bringing an income into the home, that he took time off for you, and he was doing something for you, to help you.

    If he does, then he’s going to look at your complaints in one of 2 ways – a wake up call to do better, or that you don’t appreciate anything he does.

    If it’s the first, then he’ll slowly start making improvements to his behaviour and help you around the home.

    If the second, he’s going to resent you, and that causes it’s own problems in a relationship.

  88. If that was the extent of it, then I doubt OP and her bf would be having any conversations about what to do with OPs cat. So OP is leaving bits out.

  89. Here's just a tip for your own peace of mind. If this, or something like this happens again, the answer is 'that's a silly question which is just going to end up in hurt feelings and I'm not participating.'

  90. I’m so sorry, I can understand the codependency you had with one another. Ultimately you will feel sad for some time. You will pour over the good times. But you made the right decision for both your sakes to exit the marriage. Hopefully he is able to heal himself and thrive as well. Healing and thriving will be so freeing for you, your best years are still ahead of you. Focus on you, share your story, help others. In doing so you heal yourself ❤️

  91. While I agree with the middle of your post, the first sentence and the last one sound a lot like you’re blaming OP for not knowing any better because she was manipulated at 16 years old. I don’t think that’s fair. She is doing the right thing now, based on her post, so I’m not sure that it was necessary to respond so incredulously. She was groomed and manipulated, of course she’s surprised.

    Someone who is going through something like this doesn’t need to be admonished for being manipulated, or told “this is ridiculous” in the same sentence that it’s suggested they get therapy. She does need therapy, but she’s been through a lot, and is doing a good job of getting away from this guy, so maybe be a little more gentle?

  92. Sorry about the age confusion. I wrote the title wanting to obfuscate the actual ages in case she sees the post. Though she'll probably know it's about us from the title anyway.

    I don't care if I'm her only option, all I want is a good upbringing for our child. From my side she's probably also my only option, who would want to date a middle-aged single father lol.

  93. OP she earns 13% more than you but pays 250% more for groceries than you pay for internet? Is that right?

    How is that fair?

  94. At the library, I saw her drawing the Demon Days album cover, and I love both Gorillaz and drawing

    There's your ice breaker right there

  95. You don't need to worry about that. Debt isn't inherited when the debtor dies (unless they're spouses of course) so the worst thing that you and your partner would be facing regarding her debt is that her creditors will recoup their losses as much as possible through her estate by way of any assets she has.

    I hope that helps you not stress needlessly anymore. ?

    p.s. congrats on the future wedding!

  96. what do you mean by suspicious? we were sat together in the living room and i was looking at an ig post on his phone then he left to go to the toilet and i closed ig and saw reddit in suggested apps so i got a little curious what he was using it regularly for lol, that isnt really supposed to be the main topic of discussion though lol

  97. Wow, what a thing to defend. You really want to back the rape “joke” guy in this scenario? And way to minimize the very real grooming and abuse that happens to young girls by older men.

  98. If you cant get in contact with the parents, go to the police. Tell them everything you've told us. The kid is at risk RIGHT NOW because he's been SA'd.

  99. Can't you also try to win money with darts? Doesn't he now not do another kind of gambling?!

    Please, don't go back together! And you don't believe what he said about the polaroid?! He lied to you all the time to get away with his shit! As if he now would tell you the truth.

    You have over 50 years in front of you. You can spend those years with a great guy you can trust! Don't look back to the five years you spend with a liar,look for the future and all the other possibilities that you have if you just let him go forever.

  100. What advice is there to look for?

    Doesn't care about your safety by asking you to go back into the fire. Threatened to physically harm you over money.

    What is there to say besides leave him because he's clearly a piece of shit.

  101. Block him and leave him for good. He doesn’t care about you. For example, when you brought up how much it hurts when he doesn’t call and he responded with he’d rather play video games. You communicated again about how you’re feeling and he once again showed you he didn’t care by invalidating you. You can’t compromise with someone who doesn’t care or doesn’t see a problem with their behavior. You deserve better and I don’t think your bf will make you a priority.

  102. Contact law enforcement. The girl is the victim in this situation. The police have more investigatory tools at their disposal to identify her and get your ex away from her. The only thing that puts the kid at risk is to not report what you've found.

  103. Wait, your working your butt off figuratively and literally to keep and support your relationship? What is he bringing to the table? Outside of a side of AP?

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