❤️ Eva ❤️ Domi is Active! My pleasure is in your hands❤️Private is Open!❤️ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤️ Eva ❤️ Domi is Active! My pleasure is in your hands❤️Private is Open!❤️, 18 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms ❤️ Eva ❤️ Domi is Active! My pleasure is in your hands❤️Private is Open!❤️

❤️ Eva ❤️ Domi is Active! My pleasure is in your hands❤️Private is Open!❤️ on-line sex chat

Date: October 31, 2022

13 thoughts on “❤️ Eva ❤️ Domi is Active! My pleasure is in your hands❤️Private is Open!❤️ the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. one of the biggest causes for divorce is financial stress, why do you want to double down and legally open yourself up to a much bigger problem that is unlikely to resolve? the BF and BF's mum have demonstrated no interest or action in improving the situation.

  2. If you want to have a child, I’d recommend keeping it. You’re 37 and quite frankly don’t have time to dick around. Sounds like you’ll end up raising the child solo, so if you’re ok with that I’d keep it. Also, if you decide to keep it and do end up a single parent, go to a lawyer to make sure you get everything coming to you in terms of child support

  3. Bluntly ask him why he keeps mocking you and your background. When he tries to defend himself by saying that it's a joke, ask him to explain the joke. Why is it funny to mock your accent? Why is it funny to mock your background? Come to think of it, why does he find it fun to mock you, his girlfriend?

    And while he's chewing on that, ask him bluntly, “Do you have a problem with me being half-white? Because it sure as hell seems that way to me.”

    I realize that this blunt approach may feel scary to do, but you need to do it. All-around shittiness, racism included, loves to hide in the twilight zone of, “It's just a joke! It's just a prank!” The best way to fight this kind of shittiness is to demand an explanation of the ostensible joke–it's the fastest way to reveal that excuse for the bullshit that it is. So demand an explanation. Make him explain to your face why he treats you and your background as a punchline and/or punching bag.

  4. I completely agree, I was very surprised about the kids but do I really hold the kids against him when he didn’t even intend for them at 15. Obviously that’s no excuse.

  5. OP, I totally understand how your ears parked up when hearing your own name.

    Please think long and nude from both perspectives, pro and con, before making this life changing decision. He sounds like a great guy and I think you could involve him in this decision and weigh the pro's and cons together. Talk it out.

    My point is, lots of parents talk about how great parenting is and having children really is great I agree.

    But people, not even your doctor, really talks about the medical risks. Like how from 2007-2016, 700 WOMEN A YEAR DIED during pregnancy in the USA. And that mortality rate has gone up 30% since the pandemic started. That's just pregnancy. The US has an estimated 26.4 deaths per 100,000 live births. So this is not a risk-free endeavor!

    That's death, but there's a host of changes not covered under “death”. This will change your body forever. I'm not talking about your waistline getting bigger or cosmetic changes. I'm talking about permanent changes that will change the way you live!.

    For one example: For many women, they have trouble holding their bladder when they laugh or sneeze or just suddenly have to go. Then you can't hold it in and it starts to dribble down your leg and through your clothes because you can't hold back the tide. This happened to my friend at the office and she was mortified in the bathroom when she realized she really needed a shower and a change of clothes but was stuck in the bathroom stall in the middle of the office in the mid-morning in smelly, wet pants!

    Before you allow your MIL and casts of thousands into your delivery room, even on the other side of the curtain, realize that many women defecate when labor begins. It smells. Something to consider when planning your birth!

    It's can be a beautiful experience. For some it is. For others it's hell and they don't have more than 1 baby for this reason. A friend had painful sex for months then years after, and the doctor immediately said it was a chronic condition that she “just needed to adjust to”, so her husband divorced her. Queen Victoria had anxiety attacks at the idea of repeating childbirth. She said it was the most painful thing she'd ever experienced in her life and she said famously something along the lines of “no woman would do this if there was any other option.” This was in the days before birth control so her options were limited.

    Personally, I didn't think birth itself was all that painful, but that's me. I did develop a disease that's been with me ever since. And will be forever. I have considered suicide so many times because there's days it's a living hell. But I love my kids and don't want to leave them without a mom. So I'm trapped. It could have been prevented but the doctor ignored the warning signs. Doctors often ignore women, especially women of color. He told me to stop being so hysterical and desperate for attention.

    Also during pregnancy, I told my doctor repeatedly I was in pain that felt like stabbing in mid chest area. He said it was probably just gas and waived it off. Turned out I needed my gallbladder removed but had to wait until after the pregnancy for the surgery. Every Time I ate, even bananas/applesauce, I'd get those stabbing pains.

    Many women develop diabetes while pregnant. Sometimes it goes away after childbirth, sometimes it becomes a lifelong ailment.

    Sometimes your organs permanently shift and their new positions aren't as good. Sometimes you need surgery to put things back or strengthen or reinforce places that got weak in pregnancy/birth. (Remember all those commercials for class action lawsuit about needing abdominal mesh implanted in your body following birth? Those poor women went through hell.

    Or you decide not to take the risk and you live! with the pain or inconvenience. And surgery is ALWAYS a risk. Sometimes those surgeries aren't successful or there's complications. Some women still die in childbirth especially women of color who are more likely to be ignored. If you have a benign tumor for years, suddenly those pregnancy hormones might start it growing like crazy.

    I'm not trying to scare anyone. I just want to balance the tables a bit. When your colleague comes back from maternity leave she's not going to stand up in the team meeting and say, “I love my kids but I wish I didn't have these hemorrhoids so it hurts and I bleed every time I poop, and it's not going to fix itself unless I want to risk surgery. Yay! Now let's all overshare!” Especially if men are there, they are probably going to object to hearing about it,cuz most men don't like hearing about “female body issues” like periods, UTIs, and birth.

    This leads women to the false conclusion that pregnancy and birth are ALWAYS peachy, just because no one wants to be a Debbie Downer and say what really happened to them!! I wish women felt more freedom to share.

    Best of luck to you, whatever you decide!!

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (28F) have been married to my husband (32M) for three years. We just recently a few months ago welcomed our first child (withholding age and gender in case someone recognizes me). Prior to our child, he was the most amazing husband a girl could ask for. Once we had our child, it was as if a switch went off and who I once knew was gone. He is an amazing father, but a mediocre husband at best. The once loving man who would send me flowers once a week “just because” started to verbally abuse me and say things I can't repeat, as well as always throwing divorce in my face. My postpartum depression was so bad at one point, and I knew the source of it was him. I am extremely passive and typically tend to let things slide. I endured months of taunts, comments, and overall horrible things being said to me. Yesterday I had finally had enough and told him he disgusts me, I would never forgive him for the things he said, and that he is emotionally abusive. He told me what I said was the worst thing he has ever heard (I'm not withholding anything, that is what I said and that he wants a divorce. For context, he is a multimillionaire. Early on, we decided if we had kids, I would stay home with them u til they are old enough to be in school and then I could work if I wanted. Therefore, I have no income. I moved across the country to be with him, so I am alone. I don't know what changed, but it's like the man I married just vanished one day. Any advice? (If there are any more questions so you can have more context, please ask).

  7. You are being sexually groomed. Please contact the authorities or a trusted adult.

    Rule 4: Things this sub can't give advice on: rants, unsolicited advice, medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, “body counts” or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, or situations involving minors and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc). All of these will be removed and locked.

    Please note that this is not an all-inclusive list.

    Your post featured one or more of these and has been removed and locked.

  8. If you're sick your partner should not be getting mad at you for not meeting their wants. When your needs are more important.

    If someone is treating you poorly over something like this. You have to ask yourself is that something you want for the rest of your life?

    It's likely not something that's going to get better. And someone who can't show basic care when you're sick isn't a very nice person.

  9. Yep, she very well could. She could also feel intimidated into doing so out of fear. There's lots we don't know about their dynamic.

    You appear to be getting sidetracked now so I'm going to end the conversation here. Have a good day.

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