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(, ⌐■_■) [̲̅L][̲̅U][̲̅I][̲̅S] / Instagram: im.mrluis, 26 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms (, ⌐■_■) [̲̅L][̲̅U][̲̅I][̲̅S] / Instagram: im.mrluis

(, ⌐■_■) [̲̅L][̲̅U][̲̅I][̲̅S] / Instagram: im.mrluis online sex chat

Date: October 25, 2022

25 thoughts on “(, ⌐■_■) [̲̅L][̲̅U][̲̅I][̲̅S] / Instagram: im.mrluis the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Unpopular opinion. Mental health issues are never an excuse for being abusive. All relationships have a breaking point and no person should have to be another's personal punching bag. They resent you because you pose a safety risk to their son, that's understandable. They want what's best for him and maybe that isn't you. However, if he chooses to stay then that's between you two and you will both have to face the consequences of your actions.

  2. u/Agirlneedshelpplis, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Hello /u/KoolKat03,

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  4. I also highly recommend attending Al-Anon meetings for yourself. It will help you step back and see that you are actually enabling at this time. And help you make decisions that are best for YOU.

  5. What a horrid girl! She is old enough to know better. No one is above another person. Every job is a job that needs doing, someone has to do it so she should show some basic respect. I'd have been out of there and ditched her by now.

  6. Wtf you made your hubby get the snip and now that he can't have it reversed he's less of a man? Obviously you should leave him if having a child is more inmportant to you.

  7. What else is he going to pressure you into doing? Making you take drugs won’t be the end of it.

    People sometimes change. You changed, and now you’re not compatible with your current boyfriend. Break up with him and find someone who has the same opinion about drugs that you do – or who at least won’t try to guilt and pressure you into doing something that you don’t want to do.

  8. Sounds like you're not a priority for him and he's treating you as just a booty call or friend with benefits.

  9. I think this relationship sounds incredibly toxic and you need to have more respect for yourself and move on. He’s lied multiple times about having contact with someone he agreed to end contact with (although I’m not sure I agree with you forcing him to end the friendship) what more do you need? There’s literally zero trust in this relationship. You both sound incredibly insecure, and judging by your comment about him not even wanting you to have male friends or talk to other guys, he sounds like someone who’s definitely cheating on you and worried you’ll do the same. I’d bet money on that. Who wants to be in a relationship where you’ve gotta keep tabs on someone and second guess what they tell you? You’re young. You can do better.

  10. That's a pretty big age gap between you two. She probably has kids close to your age and treats you like one of them, so i doubt you'll see much sympathy or patience from that one. I wouldn't take this like it's the end of your relationship or like your family is purposely leaving you out though. Sounds like it was a spontaneous call. Your mom obviously thought about you and messaged you. Maybe you can start the chat next time.

  11. Evidence is not just for at fault divorces, it is also relevant in spousal support, child support, custody, and every other aspect. Lawyers are cheap compared to cold support and alimony so if he can reduce that, it potentially even eliminate it, it would be worth it. But you do you.

  12. To be clear, I’m not considering throwing away my husband for my ex…my ex is married, I am not in contact with him, I will likely never see him again…I am questioning why I would feel like this toward my ex. Even if my marriage ended tomorrow, I wouldn’t contact my ex, he wouldn’t even know that I wasn’t married anymore.

  13. No. He lied. If there was nothing to worry about, why did he lie? He may not have cheated, but he told a really big lie. No way I would trust him again.

  14. You didn’t do anything wrong and your friend isn’t a friend – she’s too self-absorbed to consider that other people might have a different perspective or choice on their own pronouns. If you spend time together in a group, just ignore her or be bland and like “that’s nice” in response to her.

  15. Just give it some time. Regardless of her feeling initially she really loves and cares about you and that’s what matters.

    A while after evening married my husband confessed that he wasn’t physically attracted to me when we first started dating, but he liked me as a person and figured it things went well he’d find me attractive later. I felt super terrible when I found this out, but honestly it hasn’t changed anything. I love him, and I know he loves me and is attracted to me now. It is actually a bit comforting because I am not feeling like I have to look the same way I did in college or he won’t find me hot.

  16. Thank you for saying this. I hate hate hate to see the “drunk words are sober thoughts” phrase applied unilaterally because it’s simply not true.

  17. You're a bleeding heart. Stop making your own blood spill to satiate the thirst of others. The only thing you're feeding is his demons, because he knows that no matter what, you'll always come back.

  18. I don't think you get the fact that it's not about him, it's about you and the fact that you betrayed her.

    You gave him your number (when he was coming to pick her up for a date no less), you flirted with him and then you had sex with him all behind her back. If any part of your truly believed that she wouldn't be hurt by what you did, you wouldn't have tried to hide it in the first place.

  19. No, most guys are not like that. Of my siblings, my brother is much tidier than my adhd ass. I'm not gross, but I'm not meticulous either. And a lot of other guys I know are the same.

    It's also fucking amazing your advice is to essentially do MORE work as if this is her fault and her problem. I feel badly for any partner you have. What a tool.

  20. I'm married and I still have my own credit cards, that I pay for….and he has his own, that he pays for…..and separate finances because neither of us should be responsible for bailing the other out. We split the household bills. I don't think there's anything wrong or bad about not combining our money.

  21. I care about him, but I don't feel like I should have to send him money just to make him interact with me, it just seems very….forced. the second point is a new perspective for me, thank you 🙂

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