❤ Mary ❤ the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤ Mary ❤, 99 y.o.


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❤ Mary ❤ live! sex chat

Date: October 23, 2022

17 thoughts on “❤ Mary ❤ the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. So the other girls in your group also get left out of group chats often? Or is it just you?

    OP, you seem really nice and non-confrontational. You remind me a lot of my sister. I spent a big part of my life protecting her from shitheads (even though I’m the younger sister). And even in adulthood, she finds herself being taken advantage of because she’s too nice. Unfortunately, she refuses to develop any kind of backbone and this has led to her getting screwed over emotionally and financially because she’s trusting the wrong people. I’m actually LC with her right now because I got tired of trying to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

    Please take a moment to deeply reflect: -has your roommate apologized for her behavior at all? -has your roommate owned up to her actions in front of your other friends? -are you the only person who gets excluded from group chats? (Btw, it baffles me that your roommate would easily send a text to wring group chat BUT send all the pics to the right chat. She was 100% trying to exclude you and make you feel like shit. Now she’s trying to backpedal)

    If I were you, I’d tell your roommate how hurtful her actions are. Seems like she’s been excluding you from texts for a while. You need to tell her her behavior isn’t acceptable, and you also need to tell your friends what’s really been going on. You can say “hey guys. I just want to let you know that “roommate” and I have been getting into a few disagreements lately and we’re not renewing our lease for next year. Initially, I thought her and I were still cool, but turns out she’s been excluding me from group texts and events. I want you all to know that I haven’t been missing these events voluntarily, and I’m really hurt by “roommate’s” actions. I’m currently trying to figure out a solution”.

    Right now, your friends think you are ignoring them. My best guess is, your roommate wants to slowly ice you out of the group — and she’s doing this with micro-exclusions to weaken the emotional connection you have with your friends. If you aren’t invited to enough events that she’s the host of, eventually your friends will believes she’s a real friend and you are not.

    I’m telling you, don’t sit back and take this.

  2. “I don’t think this is something I would leave her for, but it still sucks to have it kill my mood for a while.”

    Then you are hapy with living being a doormat. Enjoy 😀 You should REALLY grow some self respect and open your eyes. She ¡s moaning her EX name because she's thinking of him when he's fucking you.

  3. IKR?

    Calls himself a 'love guru,' then acts like an utter child by completely ignoring OP for a month…

    Good riddance.

  4. Then thats a discussion your girlfriend needs to have with her parents. If they say no she needs to respect that and stop making you feel uncomfortable.

  5. Shes fucking 22 and your 31. What the hell are you expecting here? Her frontal lobe isn’t formed you nimrod.

    I swear, I’ve seen more 30-something’s go for 20 year olds lately than be shocked when they aren’t mature?! Who could have guessed?!

  6. That's fair. I did not understand (and honestly still don't) Beth's initial reaction. But I'm also not impressed that Amy has rejected the idea of all of us traveling together, especially since she did not offer and explanation.

    Beth is not aware that Amy said no, but I sure as shit wouldn't be impressed if the shoe was on the other foot with that one.

    If you don't mind offering some more advice, I would be really grateful. If you were in this situation, what would you say to Amy? Me rejected a holiday is out of character for me. I don't want to cause any rifts here. Beth would also be paranoid that Amy may think that she is the one the one telling me what to say. I'm a bit autistic, seriously, and struggling with how I need to word this.

  7. She deserves to have that romantic connection with someone who actually wants her sexually as well and not with someone in the closet who doesnt have the guts to tell her they dont even like women and never meant to date you in the first place??? What is going on in here?

  8. Unfortunately you can’t keep short conversations like that “interesting and fun” when you barely get to talk while also maintaining an actual relationship. You’re going to have to use that time to talk about real things, emotions, how you’re doing, problems, etc. It isn’t going to be “fun” when you’re both struggling and barely get to communicate.

  9. Contact someone you trust, pack everything you care about while he’s gone and cut him off completely. I know you love him but that isn’t enough. He’s abusive and you should not feel like this/be treated like this.

  10. Or it’s possible the roommate is irritated OP spends every weekend Fri-Sun in their apartment and doesn’t pay rent or utilities. They’re basically a third wheel in their own house now.

    It’s time for them to get their own place or spend more time at OPs house.

  11. So your expectations for which he comes to are the opposite of his probably. A half marathon (or full) usually starts much earlier and is 2-4 hours. I have run a couple of the former and I would not expect anyone to come.

    I would say reasonable expectations would be a) he doesn't belittle or question you wanting to do them, b) is supportive and asks you how they went etc and c) maybe comes to one or two 5Ks or something.

    It seems he isn't even willing to do a) and b) and that is a huge problem. It speaks to a lack of basic respect and love. Just because he doesn't “get it” doesn't mean he has to insult the hobby

  12. It does sound like you are emotionally cheating without really realising the extent of what you are done. You are actively hiding your relationship with your colleague and lying to her. I can understand the ultimatum. Is this friendship really worth the loss of your relationship?

    I can also say for your wife to give you such an ultimatum, she will have discussed the problem with you many times over and given you plenty of chances.

    It’s likely you have already eroded the trust in your relationship, hence the ultimatum.

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