❤️CALL ME VALENTINA❤️LET, ‘S RELAX TODAY❤️TIP ON MY TOY AND MAKE ME CUM❤️ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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Date: October 3, 2022

136 thoughts on “❤️CALL ME VALENTINA❤️LET, ‘S RELAX TODAY❤️TIP ON MY TOY AND MAKE ME CUM❤️ the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This is my friend.. she is afraid their kid will hate her if she “makes dad homeless” So she is not separating from her unemployed guy. I feel for her.. Everything is harder with kids

  2. Stick to your guns, and dump her now.

    She is lying through her teeth about her relationship with this other guy.

    Block her on everything, take time to process the fact that your relationship is over, and then find yourself someone who will treat you with the love and respect that you deserve.

  3. My thoughts exactly. This screams anxious attachment to me. OP, it’s not very healthy to be so emotionally dependent on a person you’ve been with for 2 months. To be fair, even if you’d been together 2 years and you reacted that way it would be concerning. It’s not going to kill you to be away from someone for a few days.

  4. Yeah it’s definitely a cultural thing on top of personal preference. My brother and I slept with our parents til we were like 8-10 lol. We had our own rooms, just preferred sharing the bed. My kids sleep in their own beds now because I like having space, but my nephews are 6/8 and still sleep with their parents most nights. I agree with you that it’s not unhealthy. Ok for OP to not be ok with it, but that doesn’t mean it’s inherently wrong.

  5. She may or may not be gaslighting but you can’t know what you don’t know. I’d straight up ask, “can you elaborate on the part you said…” However you ask but like I said, you don’t know what you don’t know, so just ask her, the conversation will have to continue anyway

  6. So what’s the problem? You’re about to get a PHD but can’t even solve a non issue. WTF is going on with men these days?

  7. I totally get it. When it happened to me I was super paranoid about being a crazy jealous girlfriend, but it’s really not an unreasonable idea to ask your bf to set boundaries like that.

  8. Yea man, ask if she's willing to draw that line. If she isn't, its time to move on. Relationships (if set beforehand) are about you and I, not you and we.

  9. As an offender of this nature and going through this problem with my SO. I would maybe start by talking in detail about the problem and his preferences and the sex that the two of you have as well in a very hospitable and judgement free way. That's the only way that I have personally experienced things to improve in our relationship, but each to their own. I personally can say that something that has led me to this. Was also a lack of mutual initiation. But again. This is only my personal experience. Dissect this as you see fit

  10. You just have to wait a bit more, continue with what you are doing now. Your guy bestfriend is sure to break up with his current gf soon, then you can finally swoop in and claim him as you like. Come on, we are not stupid, you and him are just playing with fire right now, stop pretending.

  11. Your BF need professional help from a therapist to deal with his insecurity and other issues. There is absolutely nothing you can do to have him feel more secure in your interest in him because he only believes what his insecurity tells him.

    If he refuses to get help, or if he's getting help and he isn't working on it, you have choices to make. Chronic insecurity makes relationships toxic.

  12. It's clear that this is an issue of insecurity on both sides of the equation. It sounds like your partner has been effected by his past experiences, leaving him feeling neglected and insecure in relationships, while you have experienced a traumatic situation with your ex which can be nude to move past or recover from.

    My first piece of advice would be for you each to focus on taking care of yourselves. This may include going to individual therapy sessions if you haven't already done so and focusing on addressing the underlying issues causing the insecurity within both of you. Once these underlying issues are addressed then it will become easier for both of you to manage the current issues without fear or apprehension.

    Second, communication is key! Make sure that when there any doubts or worries between either one of you, that it should be brought up and discussed as soon as possible – even if it might seem uncomfortable at first – as this could help reducing misunderstandings and build trust between partners moving forward.

    Finally remember: Love yourself before loving anyone else; only then can someone truly love and cherish them back!

  13. Unless you are the one to cut him, he'll be the one making the decision. And as far as I can see, he'd be doing the world a favour.

  14. Nudes are sexual whether platonic or not because they still show sexual parts of who's in the picture so they themselves might see it as simply as them trying to see if the pic is good to send to you or not while the other person may view them as a sexual being instead of as a friend

  15. Not sure how you “broke his trust” by confiding in someone you thought was a friend but, it seems to me he's making a big deal of it so he doesn't have to confront the original issue and he can now use your guilt to continue being selfish in bed.

  16. You have a preferred type that does it for you and she isn't that anymore. I think maybe your love is more platonic than it is romantic, but that's something you'd know more than I would.

    Her getting out of shape sucks and it happens, but if you don't find yourself sexually attracted to her, then I don't think the relationship is worth saving. You can't make yourself like her physique. The only option would be for her to be forced to lose that weight. Even if she did lose the weight, I believe you would never look at each other the same way again, because it shakes the foundation of a deeper connection in your partnership.

    It doesn't help you guys are still young and physical attraction is a heavy part of dating, but it'll still be a point of contention as you go, unless she is really good at letting that stuff go.

  17. I went through med school/residency/fellowship with my now-wife so I get it.

    She's asking you because she wants to have this conversation, too. Fortunately or not, she needs to be planning the next several years of her life and all she's doing is inviting you to talk about it. Just be honest with how you feel, tell her she should be making the decision without regard to you, and that you'd like to at least stay together for now to see how it goes.

    Realistically she might not be OK with that, which is also fine. But who knows – you've been together 10 months, and her leaving is another 6 months away. You might break up, you might want to be long distance, hell you might actually want to move with her by then.

  18. The thing that obviously concerns me is his stance on the subject and the fact that he just crossed a boundary he himself placed

    Isn't that the key issue though? That's a warning sign. Dating a guy who has issues having friends who are women. 32 and 37 isn't an age gap, if he's immature, he's immature. You shouldn't feel the need to lower yourself to this ridiculous self-imposed boundary of nonsense.

    If a 32 year old is uncomfortable hanging out with a member of the opposite sex alone… that's not adult behaviour (unless trauma is involved. Is trauma involved?) Are you sure he's 32 and not 15? “Umm… girls make me scared” because that's what it sounds like.

    What's he scared of? The “female” being all amorous and him not being able to say no? Or maybe his penis is going to take control and be all “I'm the daddy of the underpants, hear me roar.” It all sounds very silly and childish.

  19. You sound like me. Giving giving giving but not receiving what you want in return.

    You're probably giving him things he doesn't value, and not expressing or communicating effectively. It's not Christmas yet. He probably has shit waiting for you. You might wake up with presents under the tree.

    Don't be ungrateful. If he's an ass after the actual Christmas day, leave him, plenty of good men would.love to but a woman gift for a woman who cooks and takes care of them when sick like your soup thing

    Maybe you didn't ask him what he wanted, you assumed. So he figured “fine i won't ask her what she wants and I'll just assume”

  20. Most yes, I am just illustrating it doesn’t have to be that way. I actually think jealousy over the hs sweetheart staying over is also irrational. We are all friends and married to other people now. That was over 20 years ago.

  21. i did that for a while. and he started telling me how he wants a woman that takes care of him and that his mom always puts his food on a plate for him and that it’s a sign of love. i told him loud and clear that maybe it’s a sign of his mom’s love, but that’s not how i show my love and it makes me feel like i have a baby. he only wants his mom’s love it’s so weird otherwise he leaves. i am scared of abandonment and every time i brought that up he was very much “well if you don’t treat me how i want to be treated bye”

  22. No doubt it's odd to want to use the same name, but your reaction seems completely disproportionate, and your interpretation contrived.

    At 18, you're now adult, so act like one and calmly tell your Dad and Laura why this upsets you so much, and work through it.

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  24. Looks like SHE’S the one with the crush. She’s just hoping you’ll “admit” to liking her too. Do her a favour and next time she says “I know you have a crush on me” either confirm it for her, or say “the thing is that I don’t have a crush on you. It’s ok if you do, but I’m not interested in advancing our friendship to something more. I’m sorry if that’s not the answer you were hoping for because I value our friendship, but I would like any subtext to be completely out in the open so that we can be honest with each other”.

  25. If you were worried about that you should have dumped him when he didn't follow you. You're asking this question 1 year four months too late.

  26. Dear god. Look social media is not real , it’s existed for less than 15 years, stop letting it influence your real life in such arbitrary ways.

    He’s with you, it’s been 2 years, what more do you want.

    If this is a sign of anything it’s that you need to work on yourself. Stop looking for problems , what’s next are you gonna count how many likes he’s given her compared to you ?

    If you want to know if there’s a real problem . Look at how he treats you. is he kind? is he a good person? does he spend quality time with you? Does he make you a priority? These are the important questions.

  27. The mis-matched libido issue will always be a problem, regardless of the apology. He lacked respect in that action and that is something you should consider also, that is also not likely to change much either. You're young, take this as a learning experience about what you will and will not tolerate and move on. The feelings you are having now will pass and it will get easier as time goes on…

  28. Hello /u/_cognizance_,

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  30. So give him time to figure it out. You said yourself you guys have busy schedules so there's a chance he doesn't know when his next free day is going to be.

  31. Right I’m so confused apparently it’s woke to not only agree with this but shame anyone who doesn’t agree with this.. like what? We talk so much about consent and being respectful of boundaries but how dare some not agree with this because grandma. My mother is practically my best friend but why does she need to get nude to bathe my daughter. I bathe mine perfectly fine… whilst keeping my Clothes on. That’s my opinion though. Everyone is entitled to Their own.

  32. At some point, you need to stop being unhappy about your circumstances and change them regardless of what he plans to do. That doesn't make either one of you a bad person, but if you aren't getting what you want out of life, it makes you an unhappy person.

  33. Hello /u/innestagram,

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  34. Can we just skip back to the 8 yr relationship… You were 15 with a 22 yr old…the fuck.

    The line is being crossed.

    she is going through her ex cheating and has said if I have any issues withers friendship she’d never talk to him again

    Seems like gaslighting.

    Would bet they're cheating.

  35. Because it seems the infidelity was with his ex of over a decade and there’s now a living breathing human that is way more innocent than any of the adults involved.

    Unceremoniously removing yourself from a child’s life (let alone one that sees you as a parent) is a far bigger sin than cheating.

  36. Where do you live!, OP? A lot of this sounds very culture specific and can come off as sketchy or strange when viewed from an American perspective. I know that young couples in Japan, for example, often book hotel rooms rather than staying at each other’s homes.

  37. Honestly, your husband sounds like a tool.

    Start squirreling away money, buy gift cards and forming an exit plan. Get your own money and bank account. Become independent. If you are staying for kids, ok, leave once gone

  38. No. And that full sentence is all you should offer him or your own heart when it starts pulling you through this insane analysis. No to him. No to trust. No to trying again. No.

  39. Like until he recommits to you there will be no sex, cuddling or anything else that couples do. Because he really is enjoying reaping the benefits of having a gf without a title.

  40. Do you send him good morning/good night texts? If not, he might be wonder the same things you are. You can initiate those types of communications without fear he will read too much into them.

  41. You have told her your feelings. Now if you just stop being in contact – you were not a friend – but just pretended to be there for in order to have her as your girlfriend/lover.

    You just continue with your plans for now – do not make any comments about your confessions – and see how things develop. If you feel that this has damaged your relationship you can slowly drag your lines back and cool of the friendship. If things are ok – you can wait a bit and ask her what to do – if she wants to stay friends or if she has thought about your comment. Again if not interested you can cool the relationship. If she is interested – then I hope you can figure it out.

  42. At least he told you the truth. That means he wants to fix it and improve the pleasure factor. Chill out and be a little more submissive, you dirty girl you ???

  43. So because you’ve met a bunch of nerds you infer a bunch of things OP hasn’t written and assume he’s like them.

    This is a you problem that has nothing to do with OP.

  44. Canadian here. I live! in Atlantic Canada. I have a dog. I walk in -30 c weather twice a day. I wear winter boots, snow pants, a neck gaiter, hat gloves and a good jacket. That is some lame excuse that she can't walk outside in the winter. She can. She just doesn't want to.

  45. She’s not reacting in a healthy way, and if she can’t have a discussion about a pretty obvious financial topic (huge trips require a lot of money, do not have a lot of money), that raises serious questions for the future. You absolutely should not drain your savings to go on the trip. But long term, is she going to want you to drain the savings every time she wants to go on a trip? Is she going to pout when she can’t do what she wants because of money? How will her stonewalling affect other conflicts in your relationship?

    I would have a serious talk with her. If she starts stonewalling, I find that naming the tactic (not stonewalling, but saying something like “I feel like when I am trying to explain why this didn’t work for me, you shut down. I need to be able to talk this through with you so I know we are on the same page.” to explain what you notice and why it isn’t working for you) can be helpful. If you’re not able to have a serious conversation about it, I would reconsider the relationship because communication problems don’t go away without work on both sides.

  46. I bet he has no problem looking at other women but foam at his mouth at the thought of someone looking his property, pardon, his wife the same way. Control freak.

  47. People with Asperger's don't get a pass for rudeness. If he won't make a real effort to understand your feelings and be outwardly empathetic, he isn't trying. (I have Asperger's and yes, it is possible to be kind and empathetic anyway.)

  48. He was going to murder you. Do not go back to him or you will be a news story. Just like Gabby Petito. Do not see him as a victim. He is not.

  49. I have thrown around the idea that we could be really good friends but they just said that it would not be possible for them as they see me romantically. I do not want to hurt them by ending it suddenly and I do not want to loose the bond I have. It’s really a difficult situation for me :((

  50. Damn 5 kids and they’re almost tweens? And you’re gonna start again? Andddd you’re just boyfriend girlfriend for a year? Honey, yeet that fetus.

  51. She got that scar from DEFENDING you. From PROTECTING you. The man she LOVES.

    Instead of being grateful to her, you decide you aren’t attracted to her anymore?

    You should divorce her, because she deserves so much better than you.

  52. The only way for addiction to stop is when the person finds their reason for themselves. To be brutally honest, I've known some people that would sell their family out for crack. It's highly addictive. Tell her the only way you'd ever be with her is if she can get to being sober for 1 year. You gotta watch out for codependency as well, cause you can't do the work for her and you can't save her. No amount of love can force the neurons in her brain that crave it to stop.

  53. You have to want the same things to make a relationship work in the long term otherwise you both are going to be resentful. Are you willing to not complete med school to have children or struggle with juggling both? Is she willing to wait two more years to have children so you can finish school and establish a medical practice? The first months of a relationship are magic and it seems like losing that person would be tragic. But if you can’t compromise on your futures, you are starting off with conflict that only gets worse.

  54. You are not the one who needs to make it right. You have suffered enough.

    She's in the wrong and not the kind of person you deserve to be with.

    Kick her out or leave and find someone who is a good person because she is not.

    The right person will hug you and cry with you and tell you that they are there for you.

  55. She also won’t call unless it’s convenient for her and that’s rare. She’ll say “ goodnight I need sleep” then proceeded to be on snap or like ig for 2 hours

  56. It would absolutely be a deal breaker for me. It’s disgusting. I would expect that behaviour from a teenager not a 35 year old.

  57. I mean this in the kindest way possible.

    If you’re worried about being paid back, nickel and diming, etc then you can’t afford to be dating

  58. “thinks” that's why I thought it was just negative projection rather than what he may or may not do. Anyway it's important they both spend time with the kid equally, and work out the best way to support each other, the kid, and .. work and build or have that trust he can look after the kid too

  59. Do you WANT to get back with her? Also, what does the custody arrangement say? I would stick to that and listen to your lawyer.

    You give your ex money so that she can on-line comfortably in Thailand and provide for your son. You also set aside money for his collegefund. She wants to get back together with you after you denied to increase the amount of money. Huge red flag for me If you decide to get back together, get a pre-nup, keep finances separate and cover your butt.

  60. In my opinion, one has a spouse at home that they can do things with. Now going to Starbucks to meet with girl friend to talk is fine but a party is steeping over the boundaries as we all know alcohol and bad choices go hand in hand

  61. you sure you wanna marry this guy?

    it seems like there’s a lot going on that he’s not talking to you about

    He’s not real big on communication

    The way he talks to you makes it sound like you’re pretty interchangeable with another woman of equal street value

    You barely know this dude. He doesn’t want to tell you stuff. You try to find out it’s a recipe for you throwing me 10 years of your life on a cold creature who is made you feel dependent on him

    I might be wrong, but go see if anything over here looks familiar r/narcissisticabuse

    Always respect yourself making someone else your “whole life” isis a recipe for disaster

  62. I like dark humor as much as anyone but be careful here. Live! makes people do crazy things and crimes of passion can never be taken back. Just the other day I saw a woman on a ring cam video shoot her boyfriend who she suspected of cheating. Sometimes it doesn’t take much of a nudge to convince someone to do the same

  63. Ask her why she wants that guy specifically. Chances are they either have great chemistry or he has/does something she likes (big dick, toys etc). She clearly likes you but also enjoys sex with this other guy

  64. If you insist on going, you should bring your husband. But I can't understand why you would go. Your husband just said what he felt like he had to but I promise you he is not cool with it.

  65. I would say enjoy your free pass for the gym as I am the one paying for it I will use it when and where I would like.

  66. I thought I was over exaggerating when I said I felt like I was being gaslit :/ thank you! This is so frustrating 🙁 if the roles were reversed yes I’d be hurt for a little but also will come to an understanding that dreams don’t really mean anything. You’re amazing for responding thank you

  67. She says she isn't doing it? You have nothing to hide? Change your password to something like “Snoop-y” or “not looking” and call her on it when she gets mad trying to look, then blows up her own shadiness when she tries casually asking what happened and you give her the “oh, right, I changed it to THIS…” … because she will definitely act like you're the one being shady.

  68. Truthfully I’d be upset too, but not to this level of course. I’d be upset with a friend who has fucked up morals and sees no problem with talking to married men. Yes the boss should of known better more than her but she still knew he was married.

    I’m not condoning his behavior trying to get with somebody who isn’t interested, BUT, I can understand why somebody could get upset. Even if I didn’t want to be with that person, that type of thing makes me look at them differently

  69. Not for me. You don’t seem super able to have a fwb with her. I’d cut her loose and spend my time, energy, and emotions elsewhere.

  70. You did not. If there was once feelings there they can be stirred up again. I do not think opposite genders could be friends if there were feelings there on either side.

  71. She told me she would feel jealous, but also jokingly told me that it’s okay because she’s a girl

  72. She told me she would feel jealous, but also jokingly told me that it’s okay because she’s a girl

  73. She told me she would feel jealous, but also jokingly told me that it’s okay because she’s a girl

  74. “Eh, I thinking just asking the wrong guy, because that's not the reaction I get from other men. I'll ask someone else.”

  75. Trust me when I say it's an even harder reality to live! when you get so deep you feel like you can't crawl your way out again. I can't reach back in time and tell myself to make different choices, but maybe I can convey the gravity of the situation and help you save yourself. I read your post about having anxiety. I am telling you right now he is the source of your anxiety. Your body is screaming at you to get away. Please listen. ?

  76. This man treats you like a child and age gap explains it. He got with you because women his age won't tolerate his bullshit. Youre easier to mold and patronise. He isn't the one for you.

  77. I mean she did lie about texting him, hanging out with him, and at the very least gave the guy hope that his feelings for her were reciprocated. he doesn’t really have anything to gain by lying, and she already got caught in a lie multiple times.

  78. I’d say that’s a monstrous sized ? And to think, this is just the very tip of the iceberg to what is yet to come if this guy continues to date this bright neon walking red flag of his.

  79. I see the logic in how it could be toxic but the MFF is something her and I both wanted, and she was definitely pushing more for that than I was, so I saw it was something for both of us. I'm not sure how I was denying her feelings but I will need to think on that, thank you for the perspective.

  80. You seem to be mad at your sister for ruining the potential to have a relationship with that guy, but can't understand why she is mad at you for the same? You causef all this drama. The guy doesn't want you, so all you could do is try and not pursue him further to save at leats one relationship. You want both. You can't have it. All parties made that clear. Also, how does gicing your number out for emergencies end in flirting? You know what you did was wrong, but don't want to deal with the consequences.

  81. Yeah, it sounds like OP takes great offense to her friend’s behavior, and I totally understand being hurt by it, but it seems super weird to me she’d think it’s “petty” not to invite a friend on a work trip. It kinda reflect the idea she thinks she should be invited on these trips and so not getting invited is also petty, which like you said, it sounds like OP is expecting a best friendship while this friend only considers OP part of her general friend group rather than a close/best friend. I’m pretty sure if OP tells the friend about the trip, there will be 0 expectation of being invited. I’d never expect even my best friend to invite me on this trip, personally. It’s meant to take a significant other, as reviewing a luxury resort for a week without your partner might 1. Reduce the experiences you take advantage of and 2. Might cause a worse experience overall as people like being with their loved ones on vacation, but it isn’t really meant to just give away a free trip.

    Hopefully OP reflects and realizes maybe she isn’t happy with the state of her social life and works on getting that into a good place rather than projecting the dissatisfaction on her friends.

  82. I am so fucking proud of your son OP. So fucking proud.

    There is an old curse: may you get what you want. And you did.

  83. >>I want a solution to end this awfully toxic dynamic between us and confront him in a way that wouldn’t end in any of us being hurt.

    Magic isn't really a thing, OP. “It never works” is passive language designed to let you off the hook for your own lack of resolve. I do get it, but you can't have a solution because there isn't one aside from the one that you don't like

  84. man the American dating culture is crazy. you're sexually exclusive, live! together, split bills, yet he's “not in the right headspace for a relationship”? what the actual fuck lol. “yeah i never eat any animal products, but i'm just not in the right headspace to be vegan”. nonsense. “he doesn't want to date”? you're way past dating here already.

    tl;dr: leave this clown, you're not a bangmaid.

  85. Seems like it's time to be blunt. Either you say it or this is just gonna be your life now.

    “You've gotten fat and I'm finding you less and less attractive.”

  86. Toys. Toys toys toys. There’s no shame in this and I hate the male toxicity around it. It’s awesome and fun and helpful.

  87. It is lovely to hear how much better your life and hers has gotten. I wish you both the best in life. Please give you little dog a scritch on the head for me.

  88. No, misogyny and racism is not ok. He is acting on his own experience which is where I get tripped up. Like who am I to project, I wouldn’t want him to do that to me and he doesn’t.

  89. Sorry I was very vague, it was more of a rant because of rule 3, No Moral Judgement. But I am just not sure if I made the right choice or a selfish one

  90. Of course not.

    You dont get to choose to visit only your direct blood related relatives. Otherwise, every married couple would travel separately, people wouldnt be able to organize even a simple gathering.

    Dont set a precedent where only he gets to choose things he enjoy. Nip this in the bud or it will get worse and you will resent it.

  91. I agree that it takes to 2 to tango for having a kid. Who knows what the whole story is (we only get OPs side).

    If she keeps the child, I wish her good luck. I hope she doesn't become another tally in the single mom stat.

    Thank you for being one of the few that see the struggle on the man's side that want kids but their partner aborts.

  92. Yes i did communicate this and he says he's sorry n he'll do better and tells me like once. And then its back to same routine again. He is actually very forgetful about a lot of stuff but when you forget me it just makes me look stupid.

  93. He is an angel. His mother is a heroin addict and his grand-parents hate their son (my boyfriend) and didn't want to help him in any way anymore. Thanks for the advice.

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