♥LIAM RODJER and AMANDA♥ the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


♥LIAM RODJER and AMANDA♥, 18 y.o.


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♥LIAM RODJER and AMANDA♥ live! sex chat

Date: October 23, 2022

22 thoughts on “♥LIAM RODJER and AMANDA♥ the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well the only stuff on her Instagram are food cats and old med school pics, so not much to work on. Personally I don't find dating a dentist a problem ?

  2. It literally is indicative of who you are. It's obviously not the entirety of who you are, but come on dude. If you google weird shit, it means you're interested in weird shit.

  3. I pray to god this is Karla farming, no way someone can be that much of a doormat without selfsteem and incapable of growing a spine

  4. I would postpone the wedding at the least, if at all possible (not sure how big your wedding is supposed to be). Keep this in mind OP – your fiancé made you a promise and then didn’t keep it. Your fiancé knows how much his actions are hurting you but he’s dismissing it. When it comes down to it, he is not listening to you. And when it came to a choice between you and Jack, in a way, he chose Jack.

    Not sure I could marry in such a situation. I would want to marry someone who I’m 100% certain would have my back, in any situation, and every time. Your fiancé couldn’t even be bothered to tell Jack during camping trip to back off and leave you alone. Not a fight, and he remain people pleaser (if that’s the excuse) but just a firm “Jack, stop it” or “Jack, that’s enough” and take you away from that environment. Really sad!

  5. It’s not about what she gains, it’s about protecting other people. Since the beginning of time we as humans have warned the people we care about of dangers around us. She considers you to be a danger so she’s telling other women. She doesn’t care if “you’re going to be a better person someday” in the here and now she sees you as a predator and wants to prevent others from experiencing that. The bright side is that now you know it’s not a good idea to lead with your dick, you should ask for a date even if it’s just coffee or a one on one study date. This is a valuable lesson to have learned and I bet the way you’re feeling now will stick with you.

  6. Yeah, I wouldn't say you should divorce her for this, for it was not cheating with your best friend bad, but it was bad.

    Let me put it this way: she had this secret that she decided to keep because it would work out for her, and only when it was unbearable for her did she decide to tell you to ease her conscience. She was selfish then, and is selfish now – and that is a terrible trait to have on a relationship. If she wanted to really be honest with you, she should have done right after that week – hey, I just wanted you to know I decided to confess to Mark and he was not interested. If you don't want to date me anymore, I'd get it, but I thought that getting it out of my system before dating you would be better – and then let you decide if you still wanted to date her. Instead, she kept a secret long enough for you to get married and, now that the sunken costs have made their presence, she thinks it's safe to let it all out.

    Now you're a mess; all you thought you knew about your story, your relationship and your wife have this side of deceit. She's somewhat the person you thought she was, but there's a whole new side to her that you wish you knew before making an informed consent to marry her. It's not that you were second to Mark – that could have been dealt with while you were still dating if you wanted to -, it's that she knew this could have been a deal breaker and, since she wanted to date someone, she manipulated you to fit the bill. This is a massive breach of trust – especially if you consider all those years she had to come clean.

    And let's not even get into how this affects your self-image, after all those years feeling like the ugly duckling – which, at some point, she probably knew.

    Now, here's what I'd do in your place: as I said, I wouldn't jump straight to divorce, but the trust has been shattered and has to be rebuilt. There's no healthy relationship without trust. So, right now, if you decide you don't want to pull the plug without trying, you need to rebuilt trust. Sounds simple, right? The thing is, building trust looks different for different people. I don't know you, and what would work for you. So, as this sub loves to do, I'd recommend you to find a psychologist.

    Once in therapy, you'll get the chance to go through your insecurities back then and now, how your self-image is affected by things inside and outside your control, and how the marriage works for you – if it does at all. You'll learn how to express yourself better, how to deal with your feelings right now, and how moving past this issue in your marriage would look like. Once you have an idea about all that, you can sit down with her and start talking about how the marriage should be so you can feel safe in it.

    She should be in therapy too. As I pointed out, she has been nothing but selfish in her decision making, and this does not work long term in a marriage. She should also understand the impact this had in your life, and how she has to make it up for you.

    If you two can then move past this, great. If you cannot see eye to eye in how your marriage should work for both of you, maybe then you can think about divorce.

  7. He has managed this situation poorly, and I’m not trying to justify but…

    It seems these girls are nasty and tough to handle so I see him caving to their favor demands to avoid saying no and the ensuing conflict.

    And he prefers not telling you to avoid another confrontation.

    He’s a bit of a pushover, take him or leave him, but it’s not the same as a liar with an agenda.

  8. Seems like you both need to work on boundaries, is your boyfriend aware that you have these kind of talks with this dude? Clearly seems like he hasn’t moved on and that you should distance yourself if you really wanna be with your boyfriend. And yes skip the weddinh

  9. Do you really want to be someone’s dirty little secret? No. He’s way out of line for not telling her, and she phones him to buy her toiletries ?? what the hell? She sounds very dependent on him and it sounds like he’ll always put her first. Save yourself the heartbreak.

  10. And she was likely a few years younger when a 30-something year old man started pursuing her sexually. He is 12 years older. So yes, it's an unbalanced dynamic and he's predatory.

  11. Also if I’m not too late, remind him that you are going to be (or basically are) his family before anyone else is and that no one else matters besides the two of you.

    It doesn’t sound like his family respects him in ways that he tries to show respect and needs reciprocated. He probably gets what he needs from you and he needs to remember that you’re there to build each other up.

    But tell him he needs to do it for himself too and strongly urge him to go to therapy. In fact, if this continues and you are getting tired, make therapy a condition.

  12. My brother did this on my nursing school graduation. He had his rehearsal dinner on that day. I had to go to his dinner by force. My family said because no one would be there for me at graduation, so why would it matter if I went to the graduation they asked. Well. Because I would be there for MY graduation. Because I did the work, NOT YOU. Fuckers never ever acknowledged my graduation gave me party or did anything at all for it. My graduation date was set well in advance (years) of my brother's wedding date and he chose it anyways.

    I moved to different state once I got licensed and I haven't looked back. I don't resent them for it, but I wish I would have gone to my graduation. Stuck to my guns. It's up to you to make yourself happy in this world no one else is going to do it for you. So take that for what you will as advice.

  13. I agree with the financial thing. She’s got a good thing going. Why would she want to pay more? But also I’d agree with you if you said you didn’t want to move somewhere that wasn’t 50/50 (or maybe smidge 40/60 just cos of the dogs).

    But her reasons for it are utter nonsense. I’m sure you’d like to know the person you’re with wants to take care of you too?

    In my own opinion though I wouldn’t even be thinking this. You’re both in your 30s so I assume relatively established at jobs, and know what you want from life. If you’re serious about having a partnership going forwards I’d be skipping all the messing about you do in your 20s when you’re still finding yourself. If I’m moving in with someone, it’s a committed sensible relationship. Therefore financial decisions would be made so you both have the same personal money left (so if you earned £2k a month and her £3k, and the rent and utilities and other commitments (dogs, savings, phone contracts etc) are £3k, I’d have one pay £1000 and the other £2000). Just because then you can both share your lives going forwards on an equal footing and are both contributing to you future.

    It’s 2023. Let’s stop telling men they’re not attractive if they need care themselves or want equal roles in finances and home care. I’m assuming again you’re old enough and ugly enough to keep a living space tidy and clean. So be clear you don’t need her to pick up slack as you will contribute fairly and so she must also contribute fairly.

  14. Maybe not as much as we could do, I can speak to him and see if this helps, although I do sometimes get into it and then when we are actually having sex I just want to stop. Thanks for your help, I'll definitely try it

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