?Skye? is that cunt the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


?Skye? is that cunt, 22 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms ?Skye? is that cunt

?Skye? is that cunt on-line sex chat

Date: October 14, 2022

72 thoughts on “?Skye? is that cunt the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I mean… are you rich? Asking a 21 year old to go on a trip every 2 months is wild. Have you ever paid for this food, drink, or movie ticket?

    Most 21 year olds are broke as fuck. Its very hot to give advice without knowing what his financial situation is like.

  2. A) Discuss the possiblility of him leaving the city ahead of time B) Giving her a decent break up talk. You know… the whole “we need to talk” thing. C) Not immediatly blocking her on everything, so she has the opportunity to ask questions and process her feelings with him in the upcoming days.

    I can't believe you consider “Informing her it's over without any warning during a romatic date and then leaving and blocking her on every communicatio channel” breaking up “as kindly as he could”. That's like the most cold, callous way to break up with someone. That's something you do with an annoying one-time-tinder date who won't leave you alone, not with a serious partner of 7 months.

  3. Like I said in another comment not an excuse but an explanation. And explanation as to why for them it's not just that simple. Yes it is wrong of them to boundary stomp absolutely. But you can't just say “oh it's not that very hot to not say something” because for people that deep in the rabbit hole it is. Notice I also said if it's in good faith, I'm not talking about people who just use their religion as an excuse to get people to do whatever they want

  4. You need to move some things around in your life to make room for something social. Maybe join an exercise class or a sewing class or volunteer somewhere. Pick up a hobby so you can meet new people. It’s okay not to have a lot of friends, but even some acquaintances could make a difference. If you are not sure where to start, maybe check Facebook for local groups in your area or meetup.com

  5. Stay away from those white women my brother nothing good can come of it she’s gonna put you behind bars.

  6. I don’t want to sound harsh, but you should have thought of this before getting serious with your partner. These are his children.

    There will be no happy outcome from this conversation.

  7. “this is what it must feel like to be married to a loser husband”

    “I told her I would help if she just apologized and stopped acting so mean but no, she doubled down. She told me she thinks I’m trying to sabotage her…”

    I guess there aren't many attorney's offices open on a Sunday night, but I bet there are plenty that open in the morning.

    I don't know how anyone could “unhear” those types of words from a spouse without an ounce of remorse, regret, or even shame. You can't unring that bell.

  8. She’s young and naive. Five months is nothing; you guys barely know each other. Making life-changing career decisions to avoid a period of LDR in a relationship you just started would be, well, really fucking stupid.

    If this relationship has what it takes to go the distance, you’ll survive a little physical distance.

    Also, a life tip: people who are in a rush to get married within a few months of dating are giant walking red flags.

  9. Get the abortion and don't look back. As others have said, if you're worried he'll throw a fit, you can tell him it was a miscarriage. You don't owe him or his family anything, let alone the use of your body as an incubator for the next 7 months.

    Honestly, even if this was a perfect scenario – an established couple who wanted a baby and had all the financial resources and everything, telling his family like that would still be a dick move. There's a reason people generally wait until the second trimester (after the greatest risk of miscarriage has passed) to tell people about a pregnancy, and the “who to tell when” timeline is generally discussed and agreed upon.

    This guy wanted to bring his family into the mix? That's his problem, not yours.

  10. My thought isn't so much that “they” have accumulated wealth, but that “he” accumulated wealth, and very likely did so long before that ill-fated week!!

  11. For your mouth (asssuming it won’t negatively impact your health): brush really well, floss, and use mouthwash. You can use breath fresheners and mints periodically too.

  12. yea it’s so shocking when someone loves someone enough to forgive their mistakes and doesn’t immediately leave them for being human. /s. im happy for you OP and i hope that you and Ella have a great and loving future together.

  13. Maybe it's time to stop with the secret codes and just sit down with her and pop the question verbally – without any puzzles, riddles or codes involved.

  14. u/TrueDrake2023, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  15. Or you can find someone who right off the bat wants the same things you do. You don't have to wait years to get married if you chose correctly. Just don't linger with guys who don't want the same thing!

  16. I think everyone who gets divorced should spend a longer time alone. You have to weigh the pros and cons of staying and leaving, but the foundation of this relationship sounds very rocky. Maybe it would be better in the long run to start a new relationship and build a new foundation with someone that's a little bit more in reality from the get-go after you've done some healing.

  17. You think about what you want as a couple. If this bothers you and you want it to be out there then you tell them. If you decide that it's actually none of your bussiness and if the other guy is fine with what happened then you keep out.

    If you found some really wierd sex dungeon in your friends basement would that change anything about your relation? Do you also feel the need to tell them you know about their sex dungeon? I have no idea how your relationship with that other couple is but I think this is something that only you can decide and that getting votes from strangers on the internet is not the right way to make a decision here.

  18. Tell him what you’re feeling. Keeping it to yourself won’t fix the situation. Maybe he’s feeling the same way, maybe not. But wouldn’t you rather know?

  19. Hello /u/skygazer101,

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  22. He is struggling with the grief and loss of his dream about you being pregnant with a child with him. He is sad. He feels shame for wasted time and is struggling. Maybe you are too. At this time it should be the two of you versus the pain not you vs him. Compassion.

  23. Also if you can get any proof of his threats, get it and keep it hidden until it's time to report. Written statements from him, written statements from people who witnessed it, verbal recordings, verbal and video recordings, a statement from the person who was threatened, text messages from people talking about it. Get that stuff and save it on your phone or laptop. When you report this they're gonna wanna see evidence.

  24. He dates women 17 years younger than him because women his own age won’t put up with his shit.

    Don’t worry, you’ll age out of this relationship soon.

  25. If I can't convince her, how do I open myself up to an open relationship and make lemons out of lemonade?

  26. Get a slightly too big one and get it resized. Even mine that was so big I could put it on my thumb (I normally don’t wear rings and have small hands) could be resized.

  27. So you think the relationship with his AP is for the best? But for who? Only for your dad apparently because you said your mom isn't doing well at all! Which I'm sure shes not! Her husband was cheating on her and had a child with his AP and is now married to said AP! She's probably crushed and feels beyond betrayed!! So how can you sit there and say it's for the better?!

    I'm not saying you should choose between your parents because t all in hearing is you defending your dad and how this relationship is so much better but literally you haven't shown you give a shit how much it broke your mother and I'm hoping, desperately, that you don't say these kind of things to your mom!! You don't sound empathetic to her much at all and if I were you, I wouldn't be surprised if she cut you off!

  28. Seems like her biggest issue is that he jokes and fools around too much.

    A potential approach is to not entirely corner him but rather tell him, “listen I know you say these types of “jokes” to lighten the mood or express yourself and I know you don’t come from a malicious place. But I just want you to know that I feel embarrassed when these types of things are said around the family, Juliet doesn’t know you like how I do so when you say these types of jokes they’re not received well, I want them to see you as the good man you are that I love, not these misconceptions they’re starting to get from these jokes, just promise me you’ll cool it down from here with these jokes and keep this cordial with them, I’d really appreciate it.”

    Obviously not say this word for word but you get the jist.

    My point is there are ALOT of things that can be said and done to get past this issue. Not just jump straight into divorce over a literal stupid joke.

    These people give us one tiny bit of a glimpse into their marriage and people assume the worst about the other and say divorce. That’s not helpful.

    The only time a straight “divorce” response is 100% appropriate is when people come on here talking about how much physical or emotional abuse/manipulation their partner gives them. Or is stealing from them or has a constant track record of lying/being manipulative.

    Not a dumb tone deaf joke

  29. I feel like you sexually at the moment.

    Can't bear any touch at all hate being ogled at or fancied, hate people caring or worrying about me.

    I fee like I've gone completely asexial and am even repulsed by and resent my bodily functions.

    Maybe I'm just done with major health issues for the last 7 years. IDK

  30. Don't be that guy. If you're worried about something pertaining to her, the best thing to do is talk to her about it. I understand you're trying to be respectful and cautious due to her situation, but trying to go at it alone is not the way to do it. For something this big, communication will always be key, and you'll only know what she truly wants by hearing it directly from her, not from attempting your own solutions.

  31. I think the American version is named after the appliance, not the place – like hoover and vacuum. But some of them did used to have people employed who could do a wash and fold for you if you paid them a bit more. Like everything that gets modernised they have been mostly been phased out now and it used to be people who were less physically able to do their own washing in the machines would use this service.

  32. If I spent time reporting every woman who complains about men's weight, age and ethnicity preferences then I wouldn't have any time to live! my life. The venn diagram of women who want body positivity for fat women and women who have no sympathy for short men is a circle.

  33. Agreed. Not all straight men do this.

    A lot of men in happy relationships (straight or gay) understand that their partners don’t always enjoy them dribbling over half very hot people who aren’t in the relationship with them.

  34. No, he lied. He hid all kinds of things, and I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. That polyamorous lifestyle, it destroys monogamy for a lot of these people.

  35. Alright. So people can say I am leeching off my dad as if it isn’t normal for an 18 year old to live! at home but then when I defend myself and explain that I do contribute and do take responsibility, I’m throwing a tantrum?

  36. Legal: yes

    Moral: probably not, you’re still not old enough to do many things and your brain is still developing until you’re 25. Take the trip somewhere else and enjoy what you can

  37. I trust her and know she's wouldn't cheat. Thanks for the advice. I'll work on the backup. With what you said, i can see better where she's coming from

  38. I also love how you reported my comment so much to the point I got a Reddit message saying “A Reddit user is concerned about you” ?????? good one. I’ll admit, that made me laugh

  39. Break up with him. You were not feeling well and he proceeded.

    You say you did not object or say no. Yet you continued with seeing him. He violated you again. You “swept it under the rug”.

    There are some deep and dangerous things going on with you here. For your safety, break it off with him. Date no one. Get really intense therapy. Sort yourself out.

  40. Taking a step back? They’re engaged. If I had been traveling a lot when I was engaged to my wife I would have told her if this is the case. I certainly wouldn’t have become defensive and distant.

    If they were just dating or not that serious I would see that being reasonable but she’s clearly being evasive in a very inconsiderate way.

  41. This genuinely makes me worried about this girls safety… I hope she takes legal action to get a restraining order soon. If he is still acting like this for a break up that happened 7 months ago, she is not safe…

  42. We can't help here really. There could be any number of reasons for this from really awful to potentially quite nice. I think the best thing to do is let her know that it's OK and she doesn't need to be sorry and you're there for her if she feels comfortable talking about it.

  43. That does make sense, it is very hot to do for like more than a few weeks at a time but im definitely willing to try

  44. u never had feelings for someone and had to break up because u Had to not because u wanted to? I still like him

  45. I’m being so genuine when i say this. you’re being so mature it’s crazy. the level of maturity you’re showing in this situation is honestly admirable. can’t stress enough how much you’re handling this situation in the most perfect way. don’t contact them anymore. don’t entertain their reach outs. just move on. hats off to you

  46. I’m being so genuine when i say this. you’re being so mature it’s crazy. the level of maturity you’re showing in this situation is honestly admirable. can’t stress enough how much you’re handling this situation in the most perfect way. don’t contact them anymore. don’t entertain their reach outs. just move on. hats off to you

  47. Gun enthusiast here. Don't go back! No one with any training or manners would just immediately have a gun in hand and point it at you. It breaks all the rules of gun safety. And, is their home situation so unsafe that this is something anyone would consider normal? Was the house just broken into the day before and they are on edge? I bet not.

    I wouldn't go back. Not a cool living situation. And this is coming from a gun enthusiast. Actually pointing a gun at a persons body with finger on the trigger and you are 1/4 inch from death. Not acceptable.

  48. Well you can always record him when he’s doing this stuff to show him how he is. And let him know you no longer will hang out with him if he drinks. He needs to get his shit together. He’s too old to not understand how he is and how it affects him and people around him.

  49. Tell him to back off. If he continues report him to the HR department for harassment. You will need to explain the situation though.

  50. The earliest I could possibly do it is Friday night. Her and her friends took a girl's trip, so I'm gonna wait until she gets back to have this conversation.

  51. He even hooked up with someone he didn’t want to hook up with because he felt bad for her and didn’t want to reject her and make her feel bad about herself.

    I can't. I just can't. ?‍♀️ Girl, you have got to stop believing lines like this like you were born yesterday evening. Next guy'll tell you he's too big for a condom, or that blue balls are real or she was just a friend nothing happened even though they slept in the same bed…

  52. I was only sexually active with that one person. The 4 times that my boyfriend had visited me, we never did anything and I never intended to. Until I’ve visited him, I truly felt like I loved everything about him. I’m not justifying that even though I wasn’t sexually actively with my bf at that time, seeing the other person was right. But you’re right that he has every right reason to be upset.

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