❤️ Mika and Sandy ❤️ Domi is active! My pleasure is in your hands ❤️ Private is open! ❤️ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


❤️ Mika and Sandy ❤️ Domi is active! My pleasure is in your hands ❤️ Private is open! ❤️, 19 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ❤️ Mika and Sandy ❤️ Domi is active! My pleasure is in your hands ❤️ Private is open! ❤️

❤️ Mika and Sandy ❤️ Domi is active! My pleasure is in your hands ❤️ Private is open! ❤️ online sex chat

Date: October 15, 2022

31 thoughts on “❤️ Mika and Sandy ❤️ Domi is active! My pleasure is in your hands ❤️ Private is open! ❤️ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Look up how to deal with rumination. Essentially you need to accept that these are not problems you need to solve

    You can spend your whole life wondering “what if x”, but nothing you do or think will ever solve x. The only solution is to realize there is no solution and to focus on the things you can. Easier said than done i know…

  2. No, she shouldn’t have threatened to end their marriage over bars/clubs if this was acceptable behavior.

  3. Your ex is six years older than you and actively cheated on you multiple times over three years and refuses to take accountability or admit fault? Sorry if this is extreme to you, but are you sure you want to give birth to this man’s child? Unless you’re able to not put him on the birth certificate, that would put him in your life forever no matter what he decides. There is nothing wrong with you, this is a problem with him; he is the one who can’t be faithful or communicate.

  4. Do you think he’s going to a have a acceptable response to this if he’s not ready for even dating? Because I don’t think he will. 50% of the DNA might be his but he still has no say in the situation. He doesn’t get to decide if she keeps it or if she doesn’t. So why exactly does he need to know?

  5. If you do not feel safe with him this relationship is not going to work. When you're in a relationship you must always feel safe and if you do not then it's up to you what you're going to do

  6. Would have been nice is she discussed before just announcing this. Maybe get a church calendar she can fill out in advance of no sex times.

    It is her body but changing a sex dynamic like that should be brought up before you start being intimate so that expectations could be set.

  7. Don’t take advice from this weirdo, every single person is different. It sounds to me like your boyfriend has an avoidant attachment style while you have an anxious attachment style. Most relationships in the world follow this trend of two almost opposite people dating. I suggest reading about your attachment style and his, you could learn a lot. In my own personal relationship I am a man with an anxious attachment style and my partner is avoidant.

  8. Does she message him alot during off-work hours? Or message in general a lot, but cut it short/guard her screen when you come in the room/have her phone locked down like it has nuclear secrets on it?

    Does she seem to be working longer hours and/or go to take a shower as soon as she gets home? Or suddenly have a lot more excuses for going out on errands?

  9. Is a 27M living at home with mom a cultural thing which is common where you're both from? Because here in California it means the man is a failure at life and an utter embarrassment.

  10. I did mention it several times to my fiancé but he doesn’t feel the need to do anything because she’s chalking it up as “she’s joking”. ?

  11. Fetus don’t give a shit if they live or not. They’re not capable of thought or feeling.

    If you love babies so much have a hundred. I don’t give a fuck. But a clump of cells isn’t a baby and it isn’t more important than a thinking, feeling human woman.

    Abortions are much safer than childbirth. They’re morally defensible. And they’re none of your business unless you’re the one having the abortion.

  12. Hey love just want to say people commonly choose to have children around early 30s to late 30s as their internal timer usually fades by then

    You’re quite a few years younger than him, he’s around the age where kids is a consideration so although he might not have realized until now, it’s around the point

    However do keep in mind YOURE not that age. In fact I’d argue you definitely shouldn’t keep it if you don’t think you’re ready. I’m 23 and I can’t even imagine having a kid right now.

    There will be a better time to have children, you’re not ready right now so you shouldn’t keep it if it’s not something you want

  13. You need to get yourself into therapy asap. Your triggers are not his responsibility. And take yourself on dates. Go to a nursery, buy a plant. Look after the plant

  14. They are not temporary. You can do 2-3 cycles over a year or two and out on 40-50 lbs of muscle and then stop. You'll lose some of the pump but the muscle stays behind after you stop. I went from 165 to 225 and have maintained a solid 215 for a very long time. It's called muscle memory.

    The road rage is a secondary effect due to the androgenic activity. But, it goes away once you stop using them.

  15. He sounds unstable and dangerous. I’m not sure confronting him is safe, but I would be quietly planning my escape.

  16. I agree it sounds like retroactive jealousy, but the chances that she is willing to work on it and fix it are very slim. Sounds like a decision she would have to come to on her own, and in my experience, people won't change unless they are forced to do so. She won't be motivated to change if OP stays with her and allows her to continue judging him. That is called enabling. OP should find someone else who can accept him, and let her handle her own baggage. It's not his job to fix her.

  17. after reading your second Edit

    Having dipped into the photography world before as a photographer, every single bit of that is standard. The contract, the rights, the outfits and posing. Frequently, if the tog isn't getting paid for it, it's called “TFP” or “Time For Pictures” which is just basically saying “Hey, I'll do some cool-ass photos of you for free but I get photos out of it” and this is also standard practice. Some will even ask for permission to touch every single time a pose adjustment is required though clever togs will come up with alternative ways to avoid physical contact precisely of the concerns OP expresses here along with the perception you express. Some will also insist on having a 3rd party to ensure nothing “untoward” happens.

    Now. That. Said…

    OP should take some time to sit with it and calm down a bit before approaching his friend. It's likely OP's friend felt comfortable asking this because he felt they had a solid friendship and believed it could survive something like this. After all, this was supposed to be a gift so OP's wife couldn't exactly ask if OP was comfortable with this without spilling anything.

    What's done is done however and OP can, once he's calmer, approach his friend and ask for a revision of the contract so that his friend retains no rights at all. If the friend is a friend, he will agree.

    That having been said, I've done hot photography before and after a while I decided that the potential controversy of dealing with jealousy, potential allegations and accusations wasn't worth it. I enjoyed it while I did it because, honestly, once you've done art with the human body enough, the body is just a body and eroticism for the photographer just doesn't exist any more (unless their goal is to find hookups and those are entirely too easy to spot) and the art form is what you're concerned with. I've worked with enough nudes that it's just not a thing to me. This may have been what happened with OP's friend and since it was “just an art thing” with a “human body” that it didn't even occur to him that OP might take issue.

    So OP does indeed need to calm a little while and then talk to his friend, get those photo rights, and just let it go.

  18. It sounds like he’s cheating. You need to gird your loins and have a real series of discussions. Ask who she is. Don’t let him off the hook. Then decide if you want to stay.

    Better yet, couples therapy/ counseling

  19. Blind trust, pure love and complete respect.

    Those 3 things are forever gone and you will never have them back, you can talk to all the people that reconciled and they will all tell you the same, they live with it, they live! knowing their relationship will never have those anymore.

    You might have 90% trust but you will never fully know if she won't do it again, you might feel really in love with her but it will be tainted because she was with someone else while she was supposed to “love” you back, and you might respect her but you will never forget what she did to you by betraying you, lying, taking your right to choose, exposing you to potential STD.

    I'm telling you these so you don't try reconciliation without knowing what it is, it's your life you need to think about it. If you can live! with it, want to reconcile and if she is willing to work on it then maybe reconciliation is worth a shot but if not just leave.

    Don’t let a child “keep you together” she didn’t let a child keep her from fuking another guy. Your child can pick up on the insecurities and resentment between the two of you, and that’s not fair to him. He needs parents that love and parent him wisely. Even if that means divorce and you do it apart.

    Sorry this is happening to you,


  20. Toys. Toys toys toys. There’s no shame in this and I hate the male toxicity around it. It’s awesome and fun and helpful.

  21. What more do you need than that to consider your marriage dead?

    It's not the court of law, you don't need beyond a reasonable doubt to convict.

    You just need enough to satisfy you. I would look right at her and say you can lie to me if you want, just don't expect me to believe it, and don't expect it to go without consequences. I'll start making calls tomorrow so that we can go our separate ways unless you can prove to me otherwise right now that I shouldn't.

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