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Room for online video chats ZeroTwoUwu666

ZeroTwoUwu666live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for on-line sex video chat ZeroTwoUwu666

Model from: de

Languages: de

Birth Date: 2001-05-17

Body Type: bodyTypeAverage

Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite

Hair color: hairColorOther

Eyes color: eyeColorBlue

Subculture: subcultureGamers

Date: November 28, 2022

48 thoughts on “ZeroTwoUwu666live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Appreciate your kind thoughts for me, especially considering your circumstances. Actually, I cherish the knowledge that I could willingly provide comfort & support.

    From him, I learned how to handle adversity with grace & even humor. He made me a better person & for that, I’m eternally grateful.

  2. That's a stupid line of thought. My partner and I are both introverts and honestly prefer hanging out alone at such parties even with partners because we would like to just chill and relax and not have to introduce each other and keep conversations to strictly what everyone can understand

  3. It's been not even two months and she's talking about how her spirit guides are telling her to not be with you.


    Either it's a really weird excuse to back out or, well, she believes it.

    Obviously you should move on, but does she have any friends you know who you could ask to check on her? Though after this short of a time, perhaps not.

  4. You have this “desire” to have a child, but you don’t want father the child, have contact with the kid, contribute financially etc.

    that’s potentially so devastating for this human being you are selfishly wanting to bring into the world. I don’t have the right words to tell you what I think (well, I might get banned).

    Even with strong support from her family/friends, this baby might still grow up wanting to know his/her origins. Consider that.

  5. Probably, not only it might fk my day and if she would moves out soon because of this, i would suffer more emotionally and financially.

  6. Lol? Did you honestly just say .. “lol” ??? There is abso-fucking-lutely nothing lol about this entire situation, I don’t even know wtf to say but on the other hand I have a lot to say… first of all I am the type of guy who always says don’t judge people for their past, and the past is the past and people have no control over what’s done and gone and what not, but THIS IS THE ONE CASE that no, the past is definitely not the fucking past when it’s going to keep popping children out on you from strippers! And you most definitely should’ve judged based on this mans past history what kind of man he is now and will always be.. I mean what kind of trash irresponsible adult man brings this many children into the world and not have a clue, or not have a clue “till suddenly now” what was he starting to reminisce? And don’t tell me anything about oh he didn’t know or they didn’t tell him, you think he’s the only man who has sex? Even if unprotected..? Responsible adults who are decent men do not bring children left and right irresponsibly with irresponsible people, let alone the unprotected sex with strippers part.. and it’s “frustrating” to him? Do you understand that anyone in your situation if for magical reason they somehow end up skipped past probably the hundreds of red flags this man was probably waving around when you met him, the first thing they would do is DIVORCE.. your at kid number what now? 3? Or is it 4? That he’s just randomly started to magically remember and call up and find left and right.. unfortunately any decent advice that’s worth anything in this case is find your self a out and find a decent divorce lawyer and divorce him. And if you came on here asking if you are “too much” or “wrong” for being angry or mad then no, your not even close to being wrong, your not even in the same planet or even the solar system of wrong, you should be losing your mind livid but you should also be livid enough to call a divorce lawyer and divorce him, there is nothing decent about being with this man.

  7. I don’t understand why people can’t grasp the idea that just because you might think about someone doesn’t mean anything. You can’t police someone’s thoughts. I think about every single one of my exes and why our relationships ended on purpose. If I didn’t then I would make those mistakes all over again. Heck I even cried when one of my exes died by suicide. And my current bf held me while I did so. Just because they’re an ex doesn’t mean they didn’t mean something at some point, but you can’t assume that they mean something now.

    3 seconds isn’t even long enough to talk to someone. It’s a ring and a hang up.

    And obviously if you looked through the records you can see that it never happened again. And you can see they didn’t text. So instead of trusting her, which you obviously didn’t, you clearly assumed the worst.

    I would recommend working with a therapist or counselor about your insecurities in this matter. Because this will continue to be an issue with other people you date if you don’t get a handle on it.

  8. u/umbracattus, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. Dont sit on your laurels girl .. start snooping. This doesnt feel good at all. He and Kevin have something going on.


  10. One of you will have to compromise eventually and it’s not going to work out in the long term. One of you would definitely struggle with dissatisfaction that will eventually lead to resentment

  11. Hello /u/Throwaway_090909090,

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  12. My bad here's the advice. If you cheated. Let him go. Plain and simple. Theres no getting him back. he doesn't really deserve that.

  13. I'm with you here. I feel like the comments thus far are not even trying to think about this from Kate's perspective – they just see a controversial topic and defenses are raised immediately.

    I also feel sad for Kate (though it's not clear if she is actually the only black person in the group, unless I missed something), who just found out her friends true thoughts on a pretty big racial issue. Like, I don't necessarily think the gf can't do this cosplay but I am getting the sense that she and OP haven't really thought through the optics and are more concerned with saving face.

  14. It doesn't sound like anything nefarious is going on, but it doesn't exactly scream professional the way they are working together with boundaries and such.

    Does he have the same kind of relationship with other workers that report to him? Going for walks, video calls, etc? Seems odd that after this length of employment that she'd still need training wheels.

  15. I think a lot of folks hit a point where the fantasy becomes truly tantalizing. Cheating is… Very commonplace, even amongst old generations.

    It's just like, being with one person for twenty+ years as your only sexual/romantic outlet isn't exactly fulfilling for some folks, and they start to wonder… What if.

    It's not always something you know or expect going in.

  16. Re: fourthly Oh I’m aware – my point was more why make up scenarios in his head. If she’s sleeping with him and enjoying it why create a scenario of all the things that have or haven’t been said.

    My girlfriends and I aren’t big sex talkers though. I think that’s something that people assume we do a lot but my group of friends don’t often. Just because some girls do, not all do. So even if her friends want to it doesn’t mean she does.

  17. “”his body his choice” is the most useless advice on this sub. In a relationship, the mindset “I do what I want regardless of my partner” is a recipe for loss of trust. He had to communicate it before doing it. That doesn't mean blocking him from doing it but that's the least he should do in a healthy relationship: communicate, especially on such altering procedures.

  18. Kind of, I asked him to call me more, etc (he said he would) but nothing has really changed. I don’t want to be confrontational or anything but I just don’t know what to say or do

  19. I suggest you read: Not Just Friends by Dr Shirley Glass

    Its based on research (not some strangers opinion) of couples that unintentionally experienced infidelity from “just a friend “.

    The book will enable you to talk constructively and intelligently about how to appropriately manage friendships.

    Currently she's failing. She's an

  20. I loled.

    But really, some couples do fine with an 'out of sight, out of mind' policy. That's my wife's rule. Granted, my consumption is sporadic and mostly tied to how active we've been in the bedroom recently. If homeboy is getting his rocks off every day or more, that's a different can of worms.

  21. You WERE tricked, you had the writing on the wall when he and the ex literally bragged about cheating on you while you babysat their kids. Staying after that? Damn, just makes you seem very gullible and foolish.

    Him, his ex, his kids, his life- NONE of that is your problem. none of it. He is literally weaponizing his children to manipulate you into staying in a dead relationship. If and when you disappear, you'll quickly become nothing but a past memory in their life. One of many other girls their dad is going to screw around with and abuse.

    Girl, get the fuck out already. Like, yesterday. You know this is what you should've done. What you need to do. So now, make that choice before today becomes yet another “i didn't leave him again.” If you wanted permission, here ya go. You got it!

  22. What do you expect to happen when you completely ignore your partner’s concerns when making a major life decision? It’s good you have a counselor, but you need to stop acting like it’s somehow unreasonable that she resents you for acting like she doesn’t get a say in your family.

  23. Look, cheating isn’t great. You know that so I’m not going to harp on at you. There is absolutely no excuse for your partner to get ‘physical’ with you. None. He has obviously not forgiven you (have either of you been through therapy? Especially for your childhood trauma?)

    This isn’t a good place for either of you now. You both have a lot of healing to do and it seems unlikely that will happen together. Don’t beat yourself up for the rest of your life (or let your partner do it for you as you feel like you deserve it). You don’t.

  24. YTA. You don’t have to spend money to dress up. You can make a costume for things that you have. You’re just being a downer

  25. Yeah… an abuser testing the waters to see how quickly he can escalate to more 'obvious'/additional levels/methods of abuse :/

  26. This is messed up. What if you get a bad haircut or color one day? Wear clothing he doesn’t like? Gain or lose weight that causes him to be not attracted to you? Will he be in a bad mood for days, months, until the issues resolve? This seems like it could be the gateway to controlling and abusive behavior. You don’t need this crap!

  27. If you would stay with a barbarian like that after he admitted he would murder you I'm not sure what to say.

  28. I have had someone that wouldn't let me leave them either. What helped me keeping him stay away was having all my friends around me where I expected him to appear. He didn't dear to approach me and drag me back with so many people around.

  29. Two people have a disagreement and ask for advice concerning how to handle it in an adult manner

    This sub…“DiVoRcE iS tHe OnLy WaY tHeRe Is nO aLtErNaTiVe!!!”

  30. Same! If this is a true story, this is absolutely terrifying. Literally stalking him, forcing him to cut his hair, etc. It's the perfect setup to one of those stories on ID. Holy shit.

  31. I just don’t understand her motives or why she is doing this

    Amy married a man with no kids (assuming you had no other children when you met Amy). Now she’s finding out you have another son from before she met you. That’s not what she signed up for. That’s her motivation.

    I understand you didn’t cheat or do anything. That’s why she’s making the divorce easy for you. And ofcource the child is innocent in all this which is why Amy is being nice to him. But again, she didn’t sign up for this. Some people just have those kind of boundaries that they won’t have a step kid or a partner who had kid’s previously. Sounds like Amy had it too, and she never told you that because again neither of you knew you had a kid (maybe she wouldn’t have married you if she knew).

    You say you’re losing your family for someone you don’t know. Well that’s pretty irrelevant because no matter what your son will always be in your life, not just for 18 years.

    You need to consult a lawyer asap if you haven’t already. Otherwise you won’t even see your kids whatever Amy is offering. You can’t stop someone from leaving you, same way you can’t go back in time and not have a kid. All you can do right now is make it easy for the kids. Good luck to you.

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