Zaratorres live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 12, 2022

78 thoughts on “Zaratorres live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. The only thing that’s sticking out to me as being weird here is that when you consider she’s a lying liar and if she would have had the threesome totally independent of her husband (which is what she said she could do after he shut it down)…… then why even bring it up at all if she was going to do it? I feel like an accomplished liar is probably not being eaten alive by guilt from having done it already and if the husband isn’t participating I doubt she would even tell him at sll

  2. This is incorrect. Half of all new genital herpes cases are caused by HSV1. HSV2 sheds more, people tend to have more frequent outbreaks (but not by much)… but it's the same cold sore in appearance.

    If you're negative for either strain, about 60-70% of the US population is capable of giving you genital herpes.

  3. I think you should give some context for the argument. That's important to know. For all we know you really were in the wrong.

    I do think it can be really toxic when someone throws up their friend's opinion against you. Their friends are biased, only know what they're told (which can be extremely skewed if someone vents about their relationship), and aren't part of the conversation. Turning to a friend for advice can be fine, telling someone “My friend says your wrong” is very unhelpful.

    Talking about hotel costs I'm actually inclined to ignore that given she was actually going to a hotel and you knew about it.

    The “inappropriate” thing bothers me. Fine that she said that, but it does mean that “inappropriate” things have been said between them. It makes me suspect she's at least having an emotional affair with him. I think you need to have a real conversation about that. Shooting him down and saying “inappropriate” isn't enough if they then continue to go on being friends without actually changing anything. For all you know she only said that to get him to shut up because she knew you'd see it.

  4. I wouldn't consider that cheating. She kissed you on the cheek in an emotional moment, you didn't reciprocate. She apologized to you for getting carried away, so clearly she realized she crossed a boundary that she shouldn't have and it won't happen again. You could share with your wife if you wanted to in case it gets mentioned down the road, but I would be inclined to just forget it.

  5. I am a little unsure. Its definitely that she is worried about the cost of doing so, even £4 for the bus there and back can seem like a lot, but Ive never spoken with her about this, this is the first time I've heard that she hasn't been going anywhere due to the cost, or that she feels I wouldn't let her.

  6. Sounds like it's a subtle form of punishment for miscarrying. He's essentially saying you don't deserve his time or attention when you are physically and emotionally distressed.

    Is this guy really amazing or are you compensating for his emotional deficiencies on a daily basis?

  7. My reaction was to cringe and feel profound sadness for this girl. My opinion is to let less selfish people without ulterior motives support her.

  8. Well, he can go back to his parents then. He is a guest at your parents house who chose to provide a roof over his head, buy his food, pay the bills which is 100 % not fair to them. Besides, you lived abroad but have no savings?? You are allowing your bf to use & abuse your parents. That's not ok.

  9. I don’t think you’re a hypocrite. I think you’re being a bit very hot on yourself here. If you know you can be a little insecure and jealous just check yourself when it’s happening rather than voicing it, or getting upset, like process it internally. Also, think about how pure and innocent you hugging your friend was. That shouldn’t make anyone feel uncomfortable and conversely, you know you hug people platonically and that hugs are normal displays of affection between people. ❤️

  10. Hello /u/ReachingEuphoria,

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  11. If he's saying it smells bad and it's hurting you, there's a very real chance you have something like BV. After I had my son I had a HORRIBLE case of it though I had no visible change in smell or anything but when we tried to have sex at 12 weeks pp it hurt so bad I cried. So I went to the Dr to make sure everything was OK. Ahe got me on antibiotics and haven't had a problem since.

  12. It’s called “having his cake and eating it , too”. Or “best of both worlds”. He wants a wife and a mistress. It’s so common it’s cliche.

  13. We don’t know she’s been single for six years. Maybe she had someone else playing baby daddy until recently? It’s weird after so much time though regardless.

  14. Don't get married.

    It's an antiquated institution that leads to a dead bedroom or a divorce.

    Have a party to celebrate being together without the legal paperwork instead.

  15. I wanted clarification. I'm just confused on how someone can be lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and plus all at the same time.

  16. When I was scared to leave my ex I read a phrase in a book that shook me to my core and was exactly what I needed to hear. In staying with her, you are accepting the CERTAINTY OF MISERY.

    Read that again, you know you're miserable, but you're willing to accept it because it's what you know. That is absolutely zero way to on-line and I promise it feels better once you leave. The freedom is incredible.

  17. You must be stupid if you don’t know the difference between following someone on-line and asking them a question lmao

  18. If you’re at the point in the relationship where you feel the need to reach out to your partner’s ex, that’s saying a lot. She certainly does not deserve this situation at all and I feel for her. But contacting your partner’s past flames does not result in good most of the time. That’s all that I’m saying. It’s important to see both sides here.

  19. I mean I would reconsider marrying someone has so little care for your comfort and opinion on your own wedding-day. Take this as a wakeup call to all the other stuff you been ignoring. Tell her your position and if she doesn't see it then I would walk away as very hot it might feel at that moment, you would probably be thankful to yourself later in wife when you didn't marry her

  20. Thanks for the insightful response! I’m completely aware of what you said but I will say in my case it’s a bit of an outlier since I’ve always gotten along way better with people older than me and I come from a background where I’m lucky enough to have solid emotional and financial support. Just like how there are plenty of immature 50 year olds there could be responsible 20 year olds. Shitty people are just shitty. I’m with someone 8 years older than me now and we work exceptionally well together.:)

  21. What other interpretation of “he started dating this much younger woman right after the divorce went through” is there

  22. You arent to blame. You just had a baby. You’ve provided him with the family he presumably wanted and are giving your all into providing them all with a great home life.

    He’s an asshole who cheated on you, humiliated you and disrespected you. He put your health at risk by having sex with strangers. If you stay with him, he knows that you’re going to tolerate it and he’ll continue to do this.

    A cheating partner isn’t a loss. If you leave, you aren’t the one losing here.

    If the other woman has such low standards that she want to be with a known cheater who would most likely do the exact same thing to her then that’s her problem.

    You don’t need him hun. Multiple young kids? Child support has your back here.

  23. There are people making deeply sexist assumptions based on an extremely limited post.

    People like u/jmb148 are reinforcing a sexist trope – you had a bad experience with your partner, but it's a massive disservice to yourself to say that because you had this negative experience so you can never open up or be vulnerable to women. Her reaction wasn't healthy, but it sounds like you've been with someone for over 2 years who doesn't know you or your life story in any significant way.

    It sounds like you have a lot going on personally as well as in your romantic relationship. She said something very strange and potentially very cruel. But there also seems to be a lot missing from your story. Even for people who don't want you to be open and vulnerable with them, saying that you took advantage of her being nice is a strange reaction on her part. Is she normally distant with other people when they share difficult news with her?

    In any case, it sounds like you two may be fundamentally incompatible. You need to do what's right for yourself, therapy and support where you can find it. If you aren't getting what you need from a romantic relationship, it usually means it's time to leave.

  24. So sorry, OP. I think you should leave her because it will only get worse from here. She's your best friend but it sounds like he is hers :/

    Mental illness is not a free pass for cheating, I don't have BPD but I do have depression/anxiety/PTSD and just the thought of being with somebody other than my husband is just nauseating to me. She has no respect for your marriage if she admitted she loves him and is not trying to do everything she can to cut contact with him and wants to keep him in her life. Your wife is a JOKE, you deserve so much better.

  25. So sorry, OP. I think you should leave her because it will only get worse from here. She's your best friend but it sounds like he is hers :/

    Mental illness is not a free pass for cheating, I don't have BPD but I do have depression/anxiety/PTSD and just the thought of being with somebody other than my husband is just nauseating to me. She has no respect for your marriage if she admitted she loves him and is not trying to do everything she can to cut contact with him and wants to keep him in her life. Your wife is a JOKE, you deserve so much better.

  26. The couples counsellor has to believe theres hope, not just because its her job to keep you together, but because therapists/counsellors arent supposed to recommend major changes like that. She cant suggest you break up unless one of you is in direct (physical) harm, or she’s at risk of being sued if you take the advice and then regret it.

    Unfortunately, you have to figure this one out based off what you want. Do you want to spend the rest of your life like this? Being treated like dirt by your partner? Having it be made clear he thinks youre lesser and that your relationship is inherently tarnished because of your skin colour? Taking on the bulk of the financial burden, the mental work load, presumably the housework/physical jobs too when you’re living together?

    Wouldnt you rather be in a relationship with someone who wanted to be with you?

  27. It feels like it’s one of two possibilities. 1) he’s the massive flirt to everyone he’s listed not the other way around (he has a tendency to cheat) so it’s manipulative telling you this or 2) he thinks any girl that smiles at him wants him. Both of which are huge red flags to me.

  28. Although I can handle by myself, I would expect my partner would care if someone insult me no matter through what kind of platform. It’s same as someone come to me face to face and insult me. I understand why you expect your mature partner would know how to handle that guy and also your feelings.

  29. Her whole life is schedule based, it’s kinda insane but I’ve found the cheat code. She wasn’t very receptive to spontaneous sex when we first started dating, like had to do a ton of foreplay to get her ready, but now with the schedule sometimes we don’t need any foreplay if you get my meaning. It’s like mentally she get really excited if she knows she’s gonna have sex that night and she can see it during the whole day.

  30. That is a nice way of putting it thank you! I’ll try as I don’t want him to feel attacked or anything I hope that he already feels better after his 2 days off

  31. Bruh I skimmed your response. My first thought was what the hell did I just read..? So yeah you actually might be correct for once bcos I obviously don't have the cognitive capacity to decipher… your comment. But you know what they about broken clocks. lol. You obviously believe in what you're saying… and you also believe you don't hate women because you don't explicitly say it but don't worry I can read between the lines.

    Thanks for answering the q I asked you (not) 🙂

  32. I would just leave it as it was her dream she had.

    Giving reassurance to a child only makes them feel justified in the stupid shit they come up with. I’d only reassure someone if any of my real life actions would cause confusion.

  33. You loved a manipulative, abusive person. Congrats on getting out of that situation. That is very difficult to do.

    Now that you are out, you really should talk to a therapist and start doing the work to unlearn all of the unhealthy things you accepted as a part of yourself and were surrounded with and also to deal with this trauma from him and your losses. It will never work with this person so stop going back to him. You deserve better.

    It’s normal to feel connected to him still, you went through a lot with him. It’s normal to not be seeking other people, why would you when you have such a bad experience and have also been trained not to open up to people by him. It’s normal to blame yourself for a lot of this. Work on you and how you can rebuild yourself and then moving on will be a lot easier. When you reach your own success and the fog clears you’ll look back with a lot more clarity and won’t have the same feelings you do about him now

  34. This is like looking at your friends girlfriends nudes while he scrolls and shows you, then saying “well, I was just hanging out with my friend while he was scrolling through her nudes, it's not like I could just walk away when we're hanging out”.

    I read that you ended things. Hopefully it stays that way.

  35. An older man of 12 years making a younger women feel like shit about her body. Name a more iconic duo

  36. He is intimidated and immature and worried you are going to leave him behind. Which if he doesn’t do an about face attitude wise you just might. The irony is he’ll think it was because of the changes you’ve made, but it will actually be because of his reaction to the changes. He should be proud and cheering you on and thrilled for the extra income.

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