Yun and Lili the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Yun and Lili, y.o.


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Yun and Lili live! sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

24 thoughts on “Yun and Lili the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This was my first thought as well, and it would potentially explain the secrecy. But honestly it also feels kind of like a twist from a TV show.

  2. Respectfully, I'd amend that to say “Bottom line: It's likely your bf CHEATED ON YOU. Time to let go.” His being bi is not the problem. His cheating is.

  3. Just saying if I had a boyfriend and I found out he fucked his roommate and girl and didn’t tell me that’s a massive red flag. Like why would you hide that when you see these people all the time and live! with them?? Like no, tell her

  4. I don’t mean to shame you and I apologize if I came off this way, I totally understand what you mean especially at such a young age, I’m a very optimistic person and there’s a lot going on in me and my partners lives right now so of course sex isn’t a priority for us and our relationship is completely different from yours so that’s my reasoning for saying that our sex life will “come back” but it’s more towards when we have more time cause we both want it and in return we are keeping that spark between us alive with other activities since we aren’t always on the same schedule. And even through our 2 years there’s been months where it dies down and than we are on the go daily the next months, I find it normal and I’m totally okay with and comfortable but that’s just me.

    Besides that, if she’s not making an effort to accommodate than that’s a big issue too especially cause it means so much to you. You also mentioned she’s keen and cold about it? Which isn’t good either. I really hope you two can work it out and only being together 8 months I’m not going to lie I really think you’re just transitioning out the honey moon phase and the two of you are bringing out the real you’s as you’re settling down. Like you said you are still young and you two simply might not have compatible sex drives and that’s okay. I know you said you really like her and perhaps you can talk to her about trying out things to speak up the mood or bring excitement into the relationship to satisfy both of you. Again I apologize for making you feel that way but I hope you can make it through this with your partner.

  5. lol this is 100% bait. It cannot be real, you sound fucking awful. Everything you said about yourself was absolutely horrible with not a single redeeming quality.

  6. Hello /u/Ok-Speech-8547,

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  7. I am bi and don't have the axe, but I offer to be support personal on the battlefield. Perhaps I can treat the injured! ((I know it's a meme)

  8. That’s the problem, she gave me a second chance in hopes of me relighting that dying fire of love. It doesn’t matter where we go, it’s about how I connect on her through simple gestures that I need help on. But thank you for those recommendations.

  9. I would not be pulling punches anymore.

    Sit him down, tell him how often and how far he crossed boundaries you BOTH agreed on, and tell him you either talk this out in couples therapy or you're leaving.

    He is not respecting your trauma (I heard the “get over it” often enough myself. But you don't just “get over” being so depressed you want to end your life), not respecting your rules/agreements regarding whereabouts or spending, and has gotten you into financial troubles.

    He will not change on his own.

  10. I think this is tricky. You both have different perspectives on holidays and boundaries.

    On one hand Beth believes you shouldn't go on a one on one trip with someone of the gender you are attracted to. Fairly common. And she also doesn't know Amy that well so she doesn't really know how she acts around you and how she is like. She may trust you but it's hard to be comfortable with your partner going away on a holiday alone with someone from the gender they are attracted to and that you don't know well or trust. And you may see her as a friend and nothing more but we're on reddit, we've seen enough cases of clueless friends whose best friend is interested in them and they think their SO is insane for thinking that.

    On the other hand you know you wouldn't cheat even given the off chance that she is interested. She is your friend and nothing more and you trust her because you know her. Beth can't control you and she agreed with that. You want to spend time with your friend alone and enjoy a holiday. You say you would feel comfortable with Beth doing the same but she clearly thinks this is crossing a line. However, you have the right to enjoy a holiday.

    I think you should have mentioned this alone trip with Amy long before. This is something that would be uncomfortable for a lot of people. But I get that you didn't think like that. Maybe try to reach a compromise, one weekend with Amy and you talk at night and communicate during the day, and another weekend completely alone with Beth (even if it's just at home, date and doing fun activities together). Is it possible to wait until you both have money and then have a weekend with Amy and another with Beth? But being clear, I don't think Beth is “trying to control you”, she is communicating what is making her uncomfortable and what she considers is crossing a line, this is common and communication is key.

    Just from experience, I am also bi (like Beth) as is a lot of my friend group. We go on several one on one trips. However, we've discussed this with partners before and asked how they would feel more comfortable with the situation, we talked about boundaries and how to improve their comfort level (if they are uncomfortable). If they truly are uncomfortable in every situation some people don't begin dating (they talk before) or they stay home and go the next time it's a group situation or their partner is involved.

    I think the key is communication and having your priorities straight in your head. Is your holiday worth crossing a line with your gf? Is this relationship more important than the holiday? Do you think not going this time would ruin your friendship? Do you feel trapped because she is stating her boundaries? Is it because you don't feel the same? Does she have problems with your relationship with Amy in general or just this trip? Have you tried reaching a compromise without you both making it into an argument?

    At the end of the day everyone has different boundaries and things they think isn't acceptable when in a relationship, but you have to talk it out and try to reach a compromise.

  11. You need to get out of your bubble too, you escalated in a way to make the marriage insecure. Women have periods and mood swings that men don’t have. You both play a part but you need to work on your part for the next relationship or this will happen again. It’s not always about other people take some time to think about the things you did or said that didn’t help the situation.

  12. He has you where he wants you because you haven’t made him face any real consequences. Life is too short girl, divorce him and go back to your happiness.

  13. Then the kids shouldn’t be an issue because you won’t have to co-parent with her. Find a new place and move on with your life. Have your kids stay with their mom when your soon to be ex gets back home so they don’t have to witness her lying cheating gaslighting ass try and convince you not to leave her. She seems like the type to use your kids against you, trying to get you to stay.

  14. It sounds like she had the honest opportunity last night to move on from her boyfriend if she wanted to— and she didn’t.

  15. I’m married to an attorney. It’s not always the case. If he wants to be partner, that’s a lucrative goal, but did he really sit down and discuss taking this job with his wife?

  16. For that reason the STDs and the abortions are like eating breakfast in your country right? Especially when the cheating, and you learning after the cheating that he cheated, is also ssssoooo high!!! People use condoms for crying out loud!!!! And she is not in a long committed relationship she is with him 6 months!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Take a deep breath, you are getting way ahead of yourself. Its just dinner. Maybe she wants to ask you about where you work?

    Have dinner and enjoy your time with your friend

  18. You dealt with him at his worst and now at his best he thinks he deserves better than you. Let him try that.

    YOU deserve better. You are beautiful and he sees you as someone who can't do better because you haven't left even though he's a miserable fuck.

    Leave. It will be painful but I promise one day you'll wake up and it won't hurt like it used to and then another day you'll wake up next to a man you wished you'd met sooner in your life and not want tow waste another minute on the selfish piece of shit lucky enough to call himself your husband.

  19. She's into you. Call it a crush or whatever. She wants to engage in sexual contact with you. Make sure you speak to her girlfriend and ask if this is with her consent if you are wanting to try it out. If you don't, tell your friend that you appreciate her interest but want it to stop. If she stops, great. If not, cut her out of your life.

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