Yuli the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Yuli live! sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

19 thoughts on “Yuli the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. My bf dated a girl that’s still in our large friend group and she tried some shit like this at breakfast (we were all at a wedding and having breakfast at Dennys). When it was his turn to order this bish reminds the waitress to make sure it’s not REGULAR bacon because he only eats TURKEY bacon (trying for some kind of connection flex? I dunno). Everyone got a weird look and I just said “wow, you have a great memory and seem so smart! Wonder why X stopped fucking you? Should that be the breakfast topic or can we all just put our dicks away and enjoy a nice time?” She stopped that shit real fucking quick. You gotta nip that nonsense right in the bud.

  2. He hit you out of anger, on purpose so it doesn't matter it was with a pillow. He called you a bitch.

    You could have accidentally just absolutely clobbered his balls and it wouldn't justify this kind of behavior. I hate to say it, but the man snapped and showed you his true colors. He has anger issues he isn't willing to deal with.

    You need to take care of yourself.

  3. Your best bet is to back off and play it cool especially if you have initiated conversations without much return. Trust me the more you pursue the more it will push her away. If you play it cool then she may reach out but don’t expect it. Focus on you and maybe go on some new dates with new girls

  4. I am currently teaching my daughter that every day we put on a fresh new pair of underwear. Bras I don't have an issues with because they are not right on a spot that can get yeast infections and such.

    I had a friend in high school who showered everyday but kept using the same clothes, including underwear. She stunk.

    It's a difficult conversation but it needs mentioned.

  5. All these comments are so harsh. We all make mistakes. If you love her, if you love what you have, why throw all of that away for a one time mistake 3 years ago? I would forgive her

  6. This is creepy af and predatory. He manipulated life to make sure you two met. He wanted to SEXUALLY ASSUALT YOU but didn't. Not because he realized it was wrong, but because he LACKED OPPORTUNITY and you carried pepperspray, thank God. He is waving red flags in your face!

    Creepy as fuck dude. Do not stay with him, I would not be surprised if he because abusive at some point.

  7. Ask him. I wear cologne every day, even if I am not leaving the house. Just because I like it and it smells good.

  8. Eh? I think you have to judge how important it is to each of you. Virginity is a social construct and doesn’t have many meaning apart from what people choose to assign to it.

  9. Two things can be true simultaneously— men are entitled to their own emotional reactions, while also acknowledging some parts of their reaction might not be totally healthy. Like the idea that your wife’s physical body belongs to you, that an involuntary physical reaction to stimulation is any sort of transgression against her male keeper

  10. Don't dismiss his concerns, that will just make your situation worse. Not all trainers are stacked or threatening. Maybe bring him to the gym to meet a trainer with you, one he would be comfortable with.

  11. It’s take 11 years and I do believe you’ve know on some level during this time but there are two golden children and one scapegoat. It only gets better with low or no contact. Invest in therapy and hobbies. Once you surround yourself with found family, I believe you’ll be happier

  12. So what you're really asking for advice on is how to convince him to be okay with it? Which I feel like if you know he's gonna say no unless you convince him, that's your answer. If he's not 100% down for it, pushing for it anyway is just gonna make both of you resent each other. You can ask, but if his answer is no, accept the no. If he's unsure, that's also a no.

  13. That is honestly one of the greatest things I’ve heard. Thank you for highlighting this for me. I never thought about it that way, and I have to find a way to understand what this is. I have no clue where to start but maybe time will help me see it. bless you too and thank you so much for being part of my journey in discovering this part of my life. I’m really grateful

  14. Tbh this would be a deal breaker for me. She betrayed you and wasted six years of your life. There’s no forgiving that.

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